শনিবার, ২৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Green Leaf Finance UK - Consumer Complaint - October 26, 2012 ...

Consumer Statement:

was going over my bank statements on 31/05/2012 and realised this company Green Leaf Finance Ltd had taken ?39.99 from my account which I would like back as I have never heard of this company and certainly did not agree for them to take money from my account. When I tried to contact them through the phone every time it was going to a answer phone saying they were not available so I sent them an several emails and 5 months later I still have no reply.

How is possible to charge me with fee, when I did not apply for loan. This is robbery. I am waiting nearly six months for refund. I don?t even know where they got my bank details from. I?m absolutely feel violated and abused.

Consumer Action Taken:

When I tried to contact them through the phone every time it was going to a answer phone saying they were not available so I sent them an several emails and 5 months later I still have no reply.

Date This Problem Happened: May 31, 2012

State You Live in: Norfolk, England

Race/Ethnicity: White

Age Range: 21-35

Total Amount of Fee Paid: ?39.99

Company Name: Green Leaf Finance Limited

Company Address:

145-157 ST JOHN ST
SUITE 18032

Company Telephone Number: 08448700817

Website of Company:

If you feel you?ve been financially hurt by a debt relief company and deserve a refund, read these step-by-step instructions on how to proceed to attempt to get your money back.

If you do get your money back, come back and leave a comment about it. I?d love to praise companies that step-up and do the right thing for people.

Scam reports are submitted by consumers like you. If you would like to file a scam report, please click here.

If you are the company named in this report and you want to respond, please read How to Handle a Consumer Complaint Like a Pro And Come Out Smelling Like a Rose

Source: http://getoutofdebt.org/47231/green-leaf-finance-uk-consumer-complaint-october-26-2012

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