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Help Me with My East Coast family vacation? - Early Retirement ...

Help Me with My East Coast family vacation?

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Old Yesterday, 09:00 PM ? #2

Recycles dryer sheets


Join Date: Jul 2008

Posts: 135

OK.... where you starting from, how you travelling... such things.

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Old Yesterday, 09:05 PM ? #3

Recycles dryer sheets


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Flying or driving?

Many years ago, we spent three days in Washington, D. C. en route to Boston and Maine (family in both of last two places). This was in the good old days when in-laws had a lake cottage in Maine. Our vacations would last 5-6 weeks total. Miss those days.

ANYway, from central Arkansas, we made that trip in probably 8 days up (including D.C.) and 4 days back, just counting the driving days.

Another year we incorporated a trip through a little part of Canada, as well as Niagara Falls.

Great trips, both of them. I hope you can make it happen.

btw, our eldest lives in Portland, ME. Quite often, he and his gf take the train to Boston, spend a couple days, and head back to ME. They think that is fun.


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Old Yesterday, 09:08 PM ? #4

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Depends on how much time you want to spend in each place, I guess. For all that is in it, Boston proper is a fairly small place. You could walk it in an afternoon. "Maine" is pretty vague. Without a more focused idea of what you have in mind, it is hard to comment. DC is huge, painfully urban, IMO well described by JFK's famous line ("a city of northern charm and southern efficiency"), and has a truly enormous amount of stuff to see. You could easily spend half or more of your time there and not really see everything.

"To be a man means that you are brave, loyal and true. When you are in the wrong, you own up and take your punishment. You don't take advantage of women. As a husband, you support and protect your wife and children. You are gracious in victory and a good sport in defeat. Your word is your bond. Your handshake is as good as your word... When the ship goes down, you put the women and children into the lifeboats and wave good-bye with a smile." C Murray

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Old Yesterday, 09:39 PM ? #5

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I just did a quick look at the mileage. Wash DC > Boston > Bar Harbor > Niagra Falls is almost 1500 miles so you'll have about 30 hours of driving just getting from place to place. Here is a rough itinerary that might work. Not sure where you are coming from but here it goes.

1 day getting to DC
3 days total driving time between major stops
3 days in DC
1 day in Boston
2 days in Maine
1 day at Niagra Falls
1 day getting home from Niagra Falls

That's 12 days of pretty intense sight-seeing and traveling. It's doable and you'll have lots of highlights and memories but you'll still miss a lot. Look at it this way...you'll have lots to see on your next trip to these areas.


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Old Yesterday, 10:17 PM ? #7



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No, don't do both (especially starting from the Milwaukee area). My suggestions are to first do the Capitol government (is there still an FBI tour? Your son might love that) and museums, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Williamsburg stuff for one trip, before high school.

Then the next summer or so, do the New England American Revolution sites (Boston, Concord) and American literature (Hawthorne, Thoreau, Dickinson, and Maine's Steven King) and seashores of the Cape and Maine beaches, and swing home through Niagara Falls. And see Fenway Park of course.

Better yet, separately take your DW alone to the Falls and then Montreal for some smoochie smoochie romance.

Everything will be Santa in the end. If it's not Santa, it's not the end.

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Old Today, 08:00 AM ? #10

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I agree that New England, Washington DC, and Western NY (Niagra Falls) are three different vacations. By the same token, you can accomplish the equivalent of two vacations in 12 days. But not three vacations.

While you can walk around Boston in a day, that's all you'll be able to do in that day, i.e., walk around Boston. In essence, you can visit the Freedom Trail in a day, enjoying stops along the way such as Faneuil Hall, and perhaps do a duck tour... maybe. But you'll need a lot more time to "visit Boston". If you tried to do it all in a day, you won't be able to fit in a game at Fenway (which might be a very attractive part of a vacation in Boston for some), and you surely won't be able to visit Salem (3/4 day, between the maritime museum and all the Witch trial historical stuff, not to mention the Peabody-Essex Museum if your son is inclined toward historical art and culture in any way).

You can spend most of a full day in either Old Sturbridge Village or Plymouth Plantation (though I would recommending doing both in the same trip, since they "cover the same bases"). You may also want to consider fitting in a whale watching tour while you're here.

Then there's Minuteman National Historical Park, which actually meanders in sections from the Lexington Common ("the shot heard 'round the world"), through the Old Battle Road that winds through Lincoln MA ("The redcoats are Coming!"), complete with restored colonial homes with scheduled and self-guided tours, to Concord and the Old North Bridge. And despite living here for so many years, I only just realized that beyond the Old North Bridge is The Old Manse! (Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne both called the Manse home for a time.)

And then there's Maine. There are lots of options for spending a day in Maine, though I don't really associate Maine with someplace I'd take a 13 year old to, necessarily. I think there's more than enough to full a full week just within Eastern Massachusetts itself.

And if you think it is difficult to fit "Visiting Boston" into just one week (and after reading what I wrote above, if I did a good job, then you should think it would be difficult to do so), "Visiting Washington DC" in just one week would be even more difficult. The Capitol; the White House; the Washington Memorial; the Jefferson Memorial; the Viet Nam War Memorial; the Roosevelt Memorial; the King Memorial; Arlington National; the Smithsonian itself, and its associated museums - History and Technology (name has changed, but I don't remember what they're calling it now); Air and Space; Frick (art). Then: The National Archives; the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; the Holocaust Museum; Ford's Theater; Kennedy Center. And that's just right off the very top of my head. As I sit typing this sentence a dozen others just popped into my head. And I've never lived there ... that just from my own personal visits to the place, over the years. I'd type some more in, but I've got to get ready for church.


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Source: http://www.early-retirement.org/forums/f46/help-me-with-my-east-coast-family-vacation-64321.html

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