শুক্রবার, ৩০ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Atheist Ethicist: Moral Hazard: Bail outs, Debt relief, and Immigration

Our last conversation brought up the subject of moral hazard.

This is a term largely used in economics. There, it is typically used to refer to policies that remove the costs of failure - thus giving people an incentive to take risks they would not otherwise take. These risks end up costing society a great deal, because they have to cover the cost of failure.

As an illustrative example, imagine a game of poker. One of the players receives a promise from an observer, "If you win, you keep all of your winnings. But if you lose, I will cover all of your losses."

This creates a situation where the player now a huge and perverse incentive to take all sorts of risks he would not otherwise take. He has an incentive to try for "long shots" - plays that pay off big if they succeed, but almost never succeed.

How many lottery tickets would you buy if somebody said, "You can buy as many as you want. I will cover the cost of every ticket that does not win?"

Now, the person making the promise is the government. The people they make this promise to are investors - your standard "Wall Street Bankers". Propagandists tell us that the government spends too much money helping the poor and middle class. Yet, huge amounts of government money go to helping the wealthy avoid major losses - helping the very people who refuse to any taxes to cover these guarantees.

"Moral Hazard" is tightly linked to "To Big To Fail". The reason the government covers the losses of these risk takers is because of the costs of failure to the economy as a whole. By knowing that the government cannot possibly allow these costs to stand, the government does not even need to explicity cover these costs. Thus those companies take huge risks, they fail, and the bailout begins (bailouts that those who are bailed out are refusing to pay for).

I have described this with respect to multi-billion dollar government bailouts. It applies to regular borrowers as well.

Imagine two households. Household 1 purchases a $100,000 house, refrains from buying expensive gadgets or vacations, saves for retirement, and keeps their debt manageable. The value of their house goes up over the next several years, but they allow the equity to build and maintain their current life style. After 10 years, the value of their house collapses back down to $100,000. However, they now owe $50,000, which they can easily continue to cover.

Household 2 buys a $200,000 house. As housing prices rise they refinance and spend the equity on cruises or other forms of entertainment and gadgets. At the end of 10 years, the value of their house collapses back down to $200,000. However, they have $300,000 worth of mortgages from refinancing. At this point, the government steps in to give them assistance with their loan. This household ends up after 10 years with a $200,000 house, a house full of gadgets, and memories of the places they have seen and the things they have done.

Now, to add injury to insult, the government needs money to cover these costs. It can only get the money from those who managed their finances responsibility and, consequently, have money to spare. The person who gave up all sorts of luxuries and who kept his finances in order finds himself with an additional tax burden precisely because he has to give some of his money to the household that spent wildly.

The moral hazard comes from the fact that such a policy rewards (in the biological sense) those who are financially irresponsible and punishes those who are financially responsible. It teaches a lesson that those who spend wildly and accumulate massive debts enjoy a greater quality of life over the long run than those who manage their finances responsibly. This, in turn, sets the stage for yet another round of fiscal irresponsibility - one in which people have been taught to sense the rewards of being one of those who act irresponsibility and sense the costs of being responsible.

I should add that it is not the case that all people who end up in financial distress have mismanaged their money. They might end up in this situation due to a severe illness (though illnesses brought about by poor life-style choices such as drinking, smoking, and obesity will not count in this regard). Criminals might take a person's ability to pay their debts, or some (unforeseeable) natural disaster (against which proper precautious could not have been taken) might have caused them great harm. However, there are people who end up in financial distress due to their own actions.

In that previous discussion I mentioned at the start of this article, moral hazard came into play regarding immigration reform.

Let us again take a situation that involves two people in another country in identical circumstances. The one difference between these two people is that one has a disregard for the law or the rules. He does as he pleases and tries to get away with what he can. He crosses into the country illegally and gets a job. The other person has a respect for the rules. He learns and tries to follow all of the proper procedures. However, this involves a lot of red tape and waiting with no guarantee of acceptance, so he remains out of the country legally.

Now, an amnesty is declared. In doing so, the person with low respect for the law and regard for the rules ends up getting a significant advantage - he ends up being accepted into this country. On the other hand, the one who respected and followed the rules is kept out. In fact, his chances of getting into the country may be reduced because the "quotas" are taken up by those who came into the country illegally.

Here, we have created a situation where we have rewarded (in the biological sense) disregard for the law and a willingness to do what one wishes, and punished (in the biological sense) those who are inclined to follow the rules and accomplish their ends legitimately. This, in turn, sets the stage for yet another round of illegal immigration - one in which more people see the advantages of breaking the law and hoping for the next amnesty, and fewer people see any reason to respect the rules and procedures that have been put into place regarding immigration.

All of these elements of moral hazard are legitimate.

In practice, we tend to see Republicans who ignore the moral hazard of "too big to fail" government bailouts - or even benefit from the government's implicit promise of future bailouts - by paying any additional taxes and fees to the government. Those practitioners are permitted to keep everything that they get when they win, while having others cover their debts when they lose. While debates go on about funding the massive deficit that, to a substantial degree, was created to bail out these people, we hear them demanding that they should pay nothing. They should only obtain government benefits - and never pay the costs.

At the same time we see Democrats that ignore the moral hazard of rewarding fiscal irresponsibility and a disregard for the rules on the part of the middle class and poor.

In fact, moral hazard is a legitimate concern - a legitimate reason for action - at all levels. What we should be doing is creating institutions that reward responsibility and respect for the rules, while at least forcing people to accept the costs of their own failures and preventing them from obtaining benefits through criminal activity.

Source: http://atheistethicist.blogspot.com/2012/11/moral-hazard-bail-outs-debt-relief-and.html

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How to Master a New Skill - Amy Gallo - Best Practices - Harvard ...

We all want to be better at something. After all, self-improvement is necessary to getting ahead at work. But once you know what you want to be better at ? be it public speaking, using social media, or analyzing data ? how do you start? Of course, learning techniques will vary depending on the skill and the person, but there are some general rules you can follow.

What the Experts Say
Mastering new skills is not optional in today's business environment. "In a fast-moving, competitive world, being able to learn new skills is one of the keys to success. It's not enough to be smart ? you need to always be getting smarter," says Heidi Grant Halvorson, a motivational psychologist and author of the HBR Single Nine Things Successful People Do Differently. Joseph Weintraub, a professor of management and organizational behavior at Babson College and coauthor of the book, The Coaching Manager: Developing Top Talent in Business, agrees: "We need to constantly look for opportunities to stretch ourselves in ways that may not always feel comfortable at first. Continual improvement is necessary to get ahead." Here are some principles to follow in your quest for self-improvement:

Check your readiness
When working on a new skill or competency, you need to ask yourself two things. First, is your goal attainable? "There are certain limits to what you can learn," explains Weintraub. "For example, you may want to be a brain surgeon, but not have the eye-hand coordination required." Second, how much time and energy can you give to the project? "It's not like going to the pharmacy and getting a prescription filled," says Weintraub. Self-improvement is hard work. Halvorson agrees: "Many people implicitly believe that if you have to work hard at something, it means you lack ability. This is rubbish." Instead, recognize that learning a new skill takes extreme commitment. Unless your goal is attainable and you're prepared to work hard, you won't get very far.

Make sure it's needed
Weintraub suggests you also make sure the skill is relevant to your career, your organization, or both. You may be jazzed up about learning how to speak in front of large audiences, but does your manager value that? Unless you absolutely need the skill for your job, or for a future position, it's unlikely you'll get money for training or support from your manager. Gaining a new skill is an investment and you need to know upfront what the return will be.

Know how you learn best
Some learn best by looking at graphics or reading. Others would rather watch demonstrations or listen to things being explained. Still others need a "hands-on" experience. Halvorson says you can figure out your ideal learning style by looking back. "Reflect on some of your past learning experiences, and make a list of good ones and another list of bad ones," she says. "What did the good, effective experiences have in common? How about the bad ones? Identifying common strands can help you determine the learning environment that works best for you."

Get the right help
Eliciting support from others can greatly increase learning. Find someone you trust who has mastered the skill you're trying to attain. And look beyond your immediate manager who has to evaluate you. Weintraub suggests you ask yourself: "Who in my organization, other than my boss, would notice my changes and give me honest feedback?" Then approach that person and say something like, "You are so comfortable with [the skill], something I'm not particularly good at. I'm really trying to work on that and would love to spend some time with you, learn from you, and get your feedback." If you can't find a mentor inside your company, look for people in your industry or from your network. "Ultimately, you want to go with the best teacher. If there is someone in your organization who is able and willing to provide quality mentoring, then great. If not, seek outside help," says Halvorson.

Start small
Self-improvement can feel overwhelming. "You can't take on everything. If you do, you'll never do it," says Weintraub. Instead, choose one or two skills to focus on at a time, and break that skill down into manageable goals. For example, if you're trying to become more assertive, you might focus on speaking up more often in meetings by pushing yourself to talk within the first five minutes.

Reflect along the way
To move from experimentation to mastery, you need to reflect on what you are learning. Otherwise the new skill won't stick. Halvorson and Weintraub both suggest talking to others. "Always share your goals with those individuals who can provide informational or emotional support along the way," says Halvorson. "Even if that person doesn't have the answer, he can help you and keep you honest about how much you're improving," says Weintraub. Talking about your progress helps you get valuable feedback, keeps you accountable, and cements the change.

Challenge yourself to teach it to others
One of the quickest ways to learn something new, and to practice it, is to teach others how to do it. So share what you learn with your team, your manager, or your co-workers. You can force yourself to do it by putting a "teaching" date on your calendar or agreeing to lead a formal training session a few months down the road. With objectives like those, your learning will be much more focused and practical.

Be patient
"Too often, we approach a new skill with the attitude that we should nail it right out of the gate," says Halvorson. The reality is that it takes much longer. "It's not going to happen overnight. It usually takes six months or more to develop a new skill," says Weintraub. And it may take longer for others to see and appreciate it. "People around you will only notice 10% of every 100% change you make," he says.

Principles to Remember


  • Select a skill that is valued by your organization and manager
  • Divide the skill up into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Reflect on what you've learned and what you still want to accomplish


  • Try to learn in a vacuum ? ask others for guidance and feedback
  • Rely solely on your boss for advice ? you may want to involve someone who isn't responsible for evaluating you
  • Assume it's going to happen overnight ? it usually takes at least six months to develop a new skill

Case study #1: Learn by trial and error
Jaime Petkanics was a basic Excel user when she started her first job out of college. As a recruiter for JP Morgan, data analysis wasn't one of the required skills. However, a few months in, she was asked to build an Excel model that would track and report the success rates of campus recruiting efforts. "I was totally out of my element," she admits. "Excel is not a core part of a recruiter's job. I was focused on hiring people ? that's what I was being measured on." But she had an interest in analysis (that's why she chose to do recruiting at an investment bank), and wanted to prove herself as a newcomer.

She started by learning as much as possible on her own. She found tutorials on Google, and watched instructional videos on YouTube. But she still struggled. "When I got stuck, I would ask bankers. They build models every day so I was able to leverage my connections and find people who had the right skills," she says. Over the course of two weeks, Jaime developed the model. "I didn't get it perfect the first time. There were mistakes in the formulas and people found errors," she says. But she continued to refine it, and because of her success, others asked her to take on similar projects. "Once people knew that I could pull data together quickly ? and make sense of it ? I started to get a lot of requests."

She admits this trial- and-error approach wasn't the most effective way to learn Excel but given the immediacy of the need, it was necessary. By the time she left the job almost three years later, Excel and data analytics were strengths that helped her land her next position.

Case study #2: Experiment with different approaches
Safia Syed, a regional finance controller at a global outsourcing company, noticed that any time she suggested an improvement to a financial or IT system, colleagues resisted. Her ideas went through numerous rounds of review and were heavily questioned. She decided that her communication style was hindering her, and needed to be changed. "I was given feedback a few times that I was too opinionated," she says.

Safia started by reading books about how to persuade people effectively and joined Toastmasters, a non-profit educational organization. Through that program, she learned how to connect with stakeholders and present ideas in a more appealing way. Also, coincidentally during the same time, the president of Safia's company started interviewing key employees to better understand what they did or did not like about their jobs. This provided Safia with a perfect opportunity. She explained her desire to see her ideas have more impact and the boss advised her to focus less on why something needed to be changed and more on how it could happen, including what she could do to make sure it did.

Safia realized she had been assuming that her colleagues understood what the problems were and how to fix them. She had been highlighting what needed to be done, and leaving it at that. With her new understanding in hand, she was able to try a different approach: she mapped out a process and pointed to the root causes. This helped her audience understand where they could make changes and how exactly she could help.

Safia has noticed a big difference in how colleagues respond to her suggestions: they are now more open to hearing them, and willing to work with her to implement them.

Source: http://blogs.hbr.org/hmu/2012/11/how-to-master-a-new-skill.html

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Wargame Dork: Game Collection: Hobby Games Gone Computer

Yes. ?My grand project continues! ?As this blog is primarily about hobby gaming, one would think I would have many of the translations of hobby games that were brought over to the various electronic systems out there.

And I do.

But one machine had more hobby games than any other.


I guess computer gamers were a better and more receptive market for these sorts of games, and developers who might like to make such titles are also the sort that would play them more often, especially in the 80s and early 90s where much of the console development was taking place in Japan whose hobby game market is absurdly small and unconnected.

(Earlier consoles couldn't exactly do anything resembling a proper go of a classic hobby game. ?Look at the Intellivision AD&D games. ?Take the name off the box and you really can't tell what it is at all!)

And since my hobby games on console machines and portables will show up during said collection posts, the mighty computer platform gets it as a subgenre all to itself. ?(Which also helps make my massive PC game collection a bit less massive in scope. ?My living room is covered in boxes waiting to be photographed but even with the hobby games translations removed it is DAUNTING.)

Let's start with Battletech! ?Crescent Hawk's Inception was one of the earliest Battletech computer games and one of Infocom's first non text adventure titles. ?Made by Westwood Studios (they of the lazy Order of the Griffon D&D game on the TG 16 infamy) it is sloppy, lazy, and a bit of a failure that could have been good. ?Battletech Powerhits contains this game alongside its RTS sequel (Crescent Hawk's Revenge. ?It.. isn't very good.), and the first Mechwarrior game in glorious 16 color EGA. ?Mechwarrior 2 is where the Battletech universe got made popular and the real birth of the Mech Sim subgenre. ?I also have the cluebook, and the expansion pack. ?Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries was a standalone sequel that didn't involve playing a Clan Mechwarrior. ?Mechwarrior 3 is another VS Clans game and not very good at all in my opinion. ?The Gold Edition also contained the super rare expansion pack.

Activision ended up losing the BT rights to Microsoft who basically owns Battletech's IP now. ?They made Mechwarrior 4 which was good, the Black Knight expansion which had an absolutely terrible story that turned all your party from 4 into cartoonishly evil villains, and their own Mercenary stand alone which was AMAZING and I have replayed it a ton. ?They also made 2 mech packs for multiplayer games and a little use in the solo campaign. ?(Other one in my BT megapost series.) ?Mechcommander (Gold) was a RTS game based around controlling small unit tactics instead of the Command & Conquer/Warcraft style of base building. ?Mechcommander 2 is the sequel. ?I enjoyed both.

The Mech 3 Expansion and Mech 4 cluebooks I got cheap. ?Mage Knight Apocalypse is an action RPG I got cheap just for the collection. ?Magic Battlegrounds was a really interesting action strategy title. ?The Microprose Magic game and expansion was an attempt to mesh an RPG with classic Magic the Gathering and almost succeeded given the tech of the era. ?Heavy Gear 2 is a mech sim based on the hobby game and is the series Activision tried to use when they lost the BT rights. ?It only got two titles so I guess we see how well that worked out.

Alone in the Dark & Prisoner of Ice are adventure games (the former being really the first Survival Horror game as we now know it) based on Call of Cthulhu. ?Starfleet Command & 2: Empires at War are real time translations of the Starfleet Battles game but with a closer connection to normal Star Trek lore. ?(3 is changed enough to not really be SFB at all.) ?Ticket to Ride is the legendary boardgame with multiplayer options. ?Realms of Arkania 1 and Drakensang are based off of the huge in Germany RPG series called The Dark Eye in English. ?King of Dragon Pass is based on the Glorantha setting used in a number of RPGs and board games, Runequest being the most popular. ?The GURPS Character Assistant is a character generator for GURPS. ?That I no longer have as I traded it off for more Battletech stuff.

Now for Games Workshop translations!

Space Crusade is a near perfect to rules conversion of the not released in the UK Warhammer 40K game that was equivalent to Hero Quest. ?Space Hulk however is a real time version of that game and suffers for it. ?(As does the sequel below it.) ?Final Liberation used the Epic scale without using any of the actual Epic rule sets. ?Quite good even if it never got the planned expansions. ?Rites of War was basically Panzer General's engine but you play the Eldar primarily. ?Chaos Gate is sort of like X Com but you play Ultramarines fighting Chaos without the base building stuff. ?Space Marine is a quite fun third person action game. ?Sadly you play an Ultramarine in the solo campaign.

The Dawn of War RTS series! ?1 and expansions are more of a traditional RTS game whereas 2 is more of a real time RPG where you control small units you upgrade and advance. ?I enjoy both of them, though Dark Crusade and Retribution have the best campaigns as I can play Chaos all the way through a campaign.

Shadow of the Horned Rat & Dark Omen were early RTS games where there was no base building involved ala Dawn of War 2, Mechcommander, and Crescent Hawk's Revenge. ?However they were both unfairly hard. ?The basic design would lead into the Total War franchise though. ?Hero Quest was.. Hero Quest but on a computer. ?The original Blood Bowl was a poor translation of the tabletop game, being limited as hell with even a single sprite for every player on your team and no expansion rules content. ?Mark of Chaos and its expansion were more modern and more enjoyable takes on the Horned Rat style of game. ?Warhammer Online is World of Warcraft in the WHFB universe. ?The new Blood Bowl and the Legendary Edition (Purchased at a discount online for owning original Dark Elf version so its just a DL file.) are better but not perfect versions of Blood Bowl as it really should have been the first time around.

Of course one franchise owned the computer game space more than any other:


Eye of the Beholder 1-3 are good overall Dungeon Master clones. ?Dungeon Hack takes the same engine and turns the real time first person dungeon crawl into a single player randomly generated roguelike. ?Shadow Sorcerer is an odd isometric real time game using the Dragonlance original trilogy novel setting. ?The Gold Box series is the legendary turn based AD&D 1st ed rules RPG, with Unlimited Adventures being a Do It Yourself maker. ?That was somewhat limited in comparison to the 9 Gold Box titles...

D&D Stronghold is a weird real time kingdom simulator, the Core Rules is an awesome tool for AD&D 2nd ed campaigns with all sorts of neato stuff. ?Masterpiece Collection contains multiple late DOS era D&D games. ?Ravenloft series/engine, Dark Sun, the Al Quadim action RPG.. ?a good little value. ?So much has been said of the Infinity Engine real time series I don't need to repeat it. ?Daggerdale is a poor action RPG I only got because it was cheap.

And we finish it up with the modern era. ?And the sought after Dragon Magazine Archives with the first 250 issues of that magazine on PDF. ?Plus my original editions of Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale 2, the turn based but flawed Temple of Elemental Evil, the real time Neverwinter Nights series, and the collection of it including the few expansions I missed out on.

I have two more computer games but they can be seen in the Atari 8 bit collection when I do it, or two other collection posts I plan on hitting in the future.

One thing I have noted over the years is many of these translations didn't use the rulesets or for some reason took a turn based ruleset and made them real time. ?I never understood why as it rarely translates properly. ?I understand wanting to get the most people playing but.. the license is supposed to be for that product. ?Why make something turn based real time? ?Is it to get those people who won't play anything that isn't constantly moving? ?Am I just that messed up and slow thoughtful games are just for losers?

I don't know.

Source: http://wargamedork.blogspot.com/2012/11/game-collection-hobby-games-gone.html

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Bizarre Insectlike Creatures Discovered in Spanish Cave

Three bizarre-looking springtails, tiny insectlike creatures, have been discovered in a Spanish cave.

Springtails are amongst the most ancient and widespread animals on the planet. Like insects, they have six legs, but are small, more primitive and lack wings. They usually have a furca, or a tail used to spring away from danger, hence the name "springtails." Many cannot be seen with the naked eye; the largest species is about 0.24 inches long (6 millimeters).

The three species ? dubbed Pygmarrhopalites maestrazgoensis, P. cantavetulae and Oncopodura fadriquei ? are very different from one another. But each of the new species has the requisite springy tails and hairy, tiny bodies, resembling Lilliputian monsters. One of them, O. fadriquei, lacks eyes.

They were found by researchers from Spain's University of Navarra in the isolated Maestrazgo caves in the Teruel region of Spain, at elevations up to 6,560 feet (2,000 meters). Outside the isolated caves, winter temperatures drop to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 40 degrees Celsius). Inside, however, temperatures stay between 41 and 54 F (5 to 11 C).

The scientists plan to study how these creatures adapt to the cold, wet and lightless conditions in the cave, according to a release from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.

"Like other cave-adapted animals, the [springtails] require greater chemical sensitivity as they cannot use their sight in the absence of light," said University of Navarra researcher Enrique Baquero in the statement.

"Studying fauna in the caves allows us to expand on our knowledge of biodiversity," Baquero said. "In the case of the three new species that we have found in Teruel, they are organisms that have survived totally isolated for thousands of years. Having 'relatives' on the surface means they act like relics from the past that have survived the climate change [that has] taken place on the outside of the caves."

The new species are described in a study published in October in the journal Zootaxa.

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Copyright 2012 OurAmazingPlanet, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bizarre-insectlike-creatures-discovered-spanish-cave-182518736.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Remains of the Day: You Can Finally Merge Your Skype and Microsoft Accounts on iOS

Remains of the Day: You Can Finally Merge Your Skype and Microsoft Accounts on iOSSkype's iOS app finally gets Microsoft account integration, you can now preorder books from the Google Play store, Vimeo launches a redesigned iOS app, and Microsoft finally divulges details on the latest Windows Phone 7 update.

  • Skype 4.2 for iOS Released In keeping with its desktop updates, the lastet Skype for iOS update supports Microsoft account merging, in addition to in-app account creation. Also new are a tap and hold feature for editing IMs and the ability to edit saved numbers right from the dial pad. [App Store]
  • Preorder e-books from Google Play You can now preorder books from the Google Play store. Much like preordering on another service like Amazon, you'll need to have your payment information ready, although you won't be charged until your order actually ships. [CNET]
  • The New, New Vimeo App for iPhone Vimeo has relaunched their iOS app. The update comes with a new tab-based design, a new feed view, native Twitter and Facebook sharing, and background uploads so you can watch other videos while uploading your own. [Vimeo Blog]
  • An Update on Windows Phone 7.8 Windows Phone 7 will finally get it's long awaited 7.8 update in early 2013. 7.8 will give Windows Phone 7 users the Windows Phone 8 Start screen, more customization options and an improved lock screen. [Windows Blog]
  • Windows Blue is Microsoft's Future Low-Cost OS with Yearly Updates Rumors say that Microsoft is planning to shift to a yearly update schedule for it's OS releases, similar to Apple. The next Windows OS, codenamed Windows Blue, would release in mid-2013 and will release at a low cost?possibly free?and will work across Windows and Windows Phone. Upon release, it's possible that Blue will retain the Windows 8 name and run the same apps, but with Microsoft no longer accepting apps made exclusively for Windows 8. [The Verge]

Photo by photastic (Shutterstock), a2bb5s (Shutterstock), and Feng Yu (Shutterstock).

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/Xk4cYj_eIrg/remains-of-the-day-you-can-finally-merge-your-skype-and-microsoft-accounts-on-ios

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Could 50 Cent And Eminem Make The Next Watch The Throne?

'An EP maybe,' 50 Cent jokes with MTV News on the possibility of a collaboration album with Eminem from the set of his 'My Life' video.
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Rahman Dukes

50 Cent and Eminem
Photo: MTV News

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1698067/50-cent-eminem-watch-the-throne.jhtml

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Politics ? Japan, N Korea officials to meet again in Beijing


Senior Japanese and North Korean diplomats will meet in Beijing in December following rare talks earlier this month.

The talks will be held on Dec 5-6, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said Wednesday.

Top of the agenda is expected to be North Korea?s kidnapping of Japanese nationals in the Cold War era and its arms program, amid media reports that Pyongyang is preparing for a long-range missile test.

Japan?s top negotiator will be Shinsuke Sugiyama and North Korea will be represented by Song Il-Ho.

They held two-day talks in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator in mid-November in the first senior-level meeting between the two nations in four years.

After the meeting Sugiyama said the atmosphere was ?not acerbic.?

?It was direct, serious and very rich in substance. We discussed a wide range of subjects in depth,? he told reporters at that time.

The countries do not have diplomatic ties and have long been at odds, with Tokyo pressing Pyongyang to come clean over past abductions of Japanese nationals and its nuclear ambitions.

In 2002 Pyongyang admitted its agents had kidnapped Japanese nationals in the 1970s and 1980s to train its spies in Japanese language and customs.

North Korea maintains Japan has not made up for its wartime aggression. It demands compensation and atonement.

? 2012 AFP

Source: http://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/japan-n-korea-officials-to-meet-again-in-beijing

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বুধবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Vista View Condos for Sale in Dalhousie Calgary - The Calgary ...

The Vista View Condo is a high-rise condominium which was constructed in 1981.?? It is located at 5204 Dalton Drive NW, Calgary, just South of the Canadian Tire store, West of Northland Village Mall and Southwest of the Fortress Condo off of Dalhousie Drive and Shaganappi Trail NW.

The Vista View Condo is mostly and 18+ building, and as with most 18+ condominiums caters mostly to seniors.? At the time of this writing, there is a movement in place to get a consensus on a Special Resolution to entrench this into their bylaws, so if you are planning a family you?d be best to look elsewhere.?

Vista View Condo

The Vista View Condo is quiet and well managed.? It is rare that I will go into the Vista View Condo and not run into a maintenance worker, cleaning person or the on-site manager.? This may be because there is a fairly large rental pool in the building and so they monitor everything closely.? There is also an abundance of technology which includes electronic door access and security monitoring devices.?? That being said, the Vista View has a lot more to offer its 190 unit holders in terms of amenities. Incredibly they are able to keep their costs down and the condo fees are quite reasonable considering what you get.

Vista View Condo

Amenities at the Vista View

  • Tennis Court
  • Main Floor Laundry with 14 modern washers and dryers which operate on a prepaid laundry card which is refillable in the lobby by credit card or bank card.
  • Games room with pool table, ping-pong, dart boards, card table, shuffle board, and foosball table.
  • Sizable Social Room with fully equipped kitchen
  • Exercise room with Sauna
  • Super-sized balconies
  • On-Site Manager
  • Garbage Chute

Vista View Condo Calgary

Vista View Parking Facilities

  • RV Parking
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Gone in 13 seconds: $19,000 in watches from Macy's

By Ellen Goldberg, NBCDFW.com

Snatch-and-grab thieves stole about $19,000 worth of watches from a department store in just 13 seconds, police said.

Surveillance video shows the three thieves in action at the Macy's at Firewheel Town Center in Garland, Texas,?on Nov. 5.

Investigators said they believe the thieves had been casing the store. The three watch carousels were chained to a display counter, but the thieves were strong enough to rip them off and take off running, police said.

More news from NBCDFW.com

"These people knew what they were doing," Garland police spokesman Officer Joe Harn said. "They had been in and knew what they were going to do. They were in and out very quickly."

Witnesses said the trio fled in a green sedan that was followed closely by a white pickup truck.

Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/28/15504553-gone-in-13-seconds-19000-worth-of-watches-stolen-from-macys?lite

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Badges Beware: 80% Of Gamification Apps Will End Up Being Losers, Says Gartner

icons for four Foursquare badgesAfter hype cometh the fall. Gamification -- the catch-all term for rewards, incentives and loyalty services -- has become a very popular way to get users engaged in an increasingly noisy world of apps and online life. But Gartner says in a new study that many of the apps using the technique are becoming noise in themselves: by 2014, 80% of all gamified apps will fail to do what they've set out to do, the analyst house predicts.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/2KeeRyrFp20/

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Six Ways I Used To Choose My GPS | Apollo Nights

So allow us to get cracking by spending the time to take into consideration the reason why we desire one and just how we intend to be using this specific Gps unit system? The spot I feel is most beneficial to think about that will help us all find out some information is almost always to have a look at if we are using google maps often, and / or we need to print out guidelines from Google or Yahoo so as to get someplace. Definitely in case you are doing these things you could possibly be in need of the latest Gps unit. So we possess an answer at this point that explains why, but still you will find other items you ought to take into consideration before investing in virtually any system.

Because you might have seen the options on the market today when compared to a three years or so previously seem to be never ending. Seeing as there are numerous choices the price is as well wide-ranging which means that you must invest time to see what his or her budget can pay for well before all of us go out shopping.

Early Global Positioning System
global positioning system

Image by Chris Hunkeler
You can see the coordinates burned into the black and white cathode ray tube screen on this early example of a Global Positioning System (GPS) aboard the USS Midway.

The R-2363/SRN-25 (V) Receiver, Radio Navigation was manufactured for Naval Sea Systems Command by contractor Magnavox in Torrance, California under contract N00024-87-C-4261.

Bauer, Rodger. Early Global Positioning System. 2012. private photo collection of Chris Hunkeler, Carlsbad, CA.


Maybe some thing tiny like the wrist watch type is best for you because it is so convenient as well as simple to take away with you. Would you rather one that you can hold within your palm such as a cellular phone? Ok, it?s possible that mobility is not very important so having something which you can easily mount without the need of removal is a better solution. A great number of possible choices you will find, but reducing them prior to starting out is a good strategy.

The very next query we should answer is the features questions. Which of them do we need to have as well as really want inside our Gps device unit? Screen size could possibly be important to us all or maybe if the developer provides regular road map up-dates. What about clarity together with legibility from the display screen? Think about memory of things such as lap times, or maybe overall travel times and so on.

Commuter traffic detection is one of the best latest features the more recent devices are equipped for and is usually considered if this is necessary. Possessing this option may greatly lesson your travel times and those pesky times when you get trapped on the freeway at a grinding halt.

Considering the new distraction legislation which are coming out or out in many places, we will need to consider a product that has a hands-free option as you wouldn?t like to be pressing any kind of buttons when you are out and about operating your bicycle or simply driving around in the car.

I am hoping these guidelines we have in this article do help out with the really difficult decision concerning selecting a bicycle gps computer for the car or for an individual?s street bike journeys. Complicated isn?t a term we would like to utilize in trying to find just the right Gps device product this is the reason we have produced this article based on our own earlier ordeals in buying units for our family car and also our own bicycles. If you do this you will locate a model that provides you with all the options you?re looking for furthermore at a reasonable cost.

Tips To Chose A Gps Device

Tags: Gps unit, display screen, specific gps unit, gps device, Screen size, recent devices, System Image, grinding halt

Source: http://www.apollonights.com/communications/six-ways-i-used-to-choose-my-gps/

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Source: http://kaatun883.blogspot.com/2012/11/writ-trig-sport-fishing-boats-3-of-best.html

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সোমবার, ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

JFK's last night recalled as key event for Latinos

President John F. Kennedy was supposed to just stop by and wave hello.

Instead a group of eager Latinos persuaded him to come inside and speak to a packed room of Mexican-American civil rights activists. And then he persuaded his wife, first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, to address the crowd in Spanish.

It was Nov. 21, 1963. Hours later, the president was dead, his assassination overshadowing the significance of a speech that can be seen as the birth of the Latino vote, so instrumental in 2012 in helping re-elect the first black president, Barack Obama.

To historians, Kennedy's appearance at the Rice Ballroom in Houston was likely the first time that a president officially acknowledged Latinos as an important voting bloc.

Though there are no plaques marking the historic occasion, the event is a touchstone for activists even if the spot where Kennedy sat and heard a band play Mexican ballads and where the crowd yelled "Viva Kennedy!" is now a refurbished ballroom in a loft apartment complex that often plays host to weddings.

"That evening ... that's where it began," said Ignacio Garcia, author of "Viva Kennedy: Mexican Americans in Search of Camelot" and a history professor at Brigham Young University. "But because very few people know about the meeting, it's like it never happened."

The surprise visit came after Mexican-Americans in Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Illinois and Indiana helped Kennedy win critical swing states in 1960, thanks to an unprecedented voter registration drive in Latino communities. Independent "Viva Kennedy!" clubs sprang up. Sen. Dennis Chavez, D-N.M., and Texas legislator Henry B. Gonzalez of San Antonio, a future congressman, began speaking in Hispanic neighborhoods across the country and positioned themselves as the first recognizable national Latino political figures.

Just as in 2012, Republicans in 1960 did little to woo Latinos to support their presidential candidate, Richard Nixon. Latinos also identified with Kennedy, who was Catholic and Irish-American, a member of an ethnic group that had battled discrimination similar to what Latinos faced in the segregated Southwest.

On Election Day in 1960, Kennedy won 85 percent of the Mexican-American vote.

But during Kennedy's first months in office, Latino leaders expressed dismay that the president had failed to appoint Hispanics in his administration. Chavez even openly criticized Kennedy for his lack of appointments; other leaders embarked on a letter-writing campaign over the slow movement on civil rights.

Sensing another close election in 1964 and hoping to ease tensions, Kennedy visited Texas in November 1963. Advisers suggested that he at least pay a quick visit to Mexican-American activists at a Houston gala sponsored by the League of United Latin American Citizens, then the largest Latino civil rights group in the country.

"The Secret Service told us that he may stop by, but not to advertise it because it wasn't part of his official schedule," said Alexander Arroyos, 76, who was an officer in LULAC at the time. "We could spread it through word of mouth. No one believed us."

Then Kennedy showed up.

The president was greeted at the door by Macario Garcia, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service during World War II. Inside the ballroom, Kennedy and the first lady found an enthusiastic crowd of World War II veterans, civil rights advocates and future elected officials.

Kennedy spoke briefly about foreign policy in Latin America and the importance of LULAC. The first lady told the crowd in Spanish that Texas had a deep history with Latinos. The crowd responded with chants of "Viva Kennedy!" A band played a ballad in Spanish as photographers took photos of the Kennedys and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird Johnson.

Before that moment, historians believe that no president had ever acknowledged Latinos as a voting bloc, said Emilio Zamora, a historian at the University of Texas at Austin.

President William Taft, who served from 1909-1913, may have met with a tiny group of Latino activists in El Paso, Texas, Zamora said. President Dwight D. Eisenhower likely shock hands with some Mexican-American voters in a campaign visit to South Texas in 1952. "But I think no president had ever publically thanked Mexican-Americans in that manner," said Zamora.

Fifteen hours after the historic meeting, Kennedy was dead.

Band members who had played for the president the night before wept as the news unfolded. When Arroyos heard about the assassination, he told his boss at an import company he was too upset to work. Arroyos rushed to collect from friends as many photos as possible of Kennedy's visit at the Rice Hotel as he could for a future edition of a LULAC newspaper.

On Election Day 2012, analysts routinely spoke of Latinos finally awakening as a "sleeping giant" by giving Obama around 70 percent of their vote. But Ignacio Garcia said that assessment ignores how Latinos have influenced presidential elections for more than 50 years.

In 1960, for example, their overwhelming backing helped put Texas and New Mexico in Kennedy's column during the tight race against Nixon. The Republican's campaign did not have a presence in Mexican-American neighborhoods and did not have a Spanish language TV ad, unlike Kennedy, who tapped the first lady for it. Kennedy also made promises to appoint Mexican-Americans to his administration.

Johnson enjoyed support from Hispanics who campaigned for him during his landslide victory in 1964, and Mexican-Americans came out strongly for Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, D-N.Y., during the 1968 Democratic primary in California.

In 2000, then-Texas. Gov. George W. Bush, a Republican, was able to edge Democrat Al Gore, thanks in party to receiving about 40 percent of the Latino vote, according to various estimates.

"The Latino vote did not come of age the night Obama was re-elected," said Garcia. "It came of age Nov. 21, 1963."

The reason the Latino vote is attracting attention in 2012 is that Latinos are now the largest minority group in the U.S. and voter participating rates are up, Garcia said.

Voter participation for eligible Latino voters has gone from 3.7 million in 1988 to an estimated 12.5 million in 2012, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. That number could to double within two decades, the center said.

Arroyos said most of the older activists shrug off the pronouncements that Hispanics are finally influencing national elections even though his generation helped give birth to the Latino vote. Still, he said even those who are still alive and remember that Kennedy speech probably don't even know what role they played that eventually led to the voting numbers in 2012.

"I didn't know that evening was so historic," said Arroyos. "I was just happy that he dropped by and just didn't say hi."


Follow Russell Contreras at http://twitter.com/russcontreras

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/jfks-last-night-recalled-key-event-latinos-130546181--election.html

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Long Distance Relationships

Yeah, there's all the coding that needs to be done, designing for the most ergonomic machine for her (or him, depending) and much more. So yeah, it would probably be cheaper to fly out to wherever than buy one of these things when (and if) it is publicly available.

Well, all the pressure sensitivity wouldn't be too hard to accomplish, it's more so the designing that needs to be done. Still, an interesting thought.

Source: http://www.funnyjunk.com/channel/furry/Long+Distance+Relationships/DebjGQr/

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রবিবার, ২৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Apple asks court to include Galaxy S III with Jelly Bean, Galaxy Note II and four more devices in lawsuit

Apple asks court to include Galaxy S III with Jelly Bean, Galaxy Note II and four more in lawsuit

As usual, Apple thought Friday night on a holiday weekend was the perfect time to push some more paper through in its ongoing patent lawsuit against Samsung. According to Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents, after Samsung asked to add the latest iPads, iPhones and iPod touches to its list of claims and the court approved the addition of the iPhone 5, Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 10.1, Apple is trying to put six more devices on the list. Listed in the motion are the Galaxy S III running Android Jelly Bean (but not Jelly Bean itself), Galaxy Note II, Galaxy Tab 8.9 WiFi, Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Rugby Pro and Galaxy S III mini. As usual, the case will proceed, we'll wait to hear if these requests are approved by the court and in the meantime, iThings and Galaxys alike will continue to fly off the shelves. Given the season, for now it's time to be thankful we're not one of the lawyers spending their day working on this. That leaves us plenty of time for more interesting activities, like hand-to-hand combat against fellow shoppers for the right to purchase slightly discounted items.

Filed under: , , , ,


Source: FOSS Patents, Reuters

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/24/apple-samsung-lawsuit-galaxy-s-iii-jelly-bean/

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Syrian rebels capture air base near Damascus

BEIRUT (AP) ? Syrian rebels captured a helicopter base just outside Damascus Sunday in what an activist called a "blow to the morale of the regime" near President Bashar Assad's seat of power.

The takeover claim showed how rebels are advancing in the area of the capital, though they are badly outgunned, making inroads where Assad's power was once unchallenged. Rebels have also been able to fire mortar rounds into Damascus recently.

The director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdul-Rahman, said rebels seized control of the Marj al-Sultan base on the outskirts of Damascus on Sunday morning. He said at least 15 rebels and eight soldiers were killed in the fighting that started a day earlier. The rebels later withdrew from the base.

Rebels appear to be trying to take over air bases and destroy aircraft in order to prevent the regime from using them in attacks against opposition forces around the country.

The rebels have no protection against the attack helicopters and fighter jets that have been blasting their positions.

Rebels have been attacking air bases in different parts of Syria, mostly in the northern regions of Idlib and Aleppo.

In the battle at the base outside Damascus, Abdul-Rahman and Damascus-based activist Maath al-Shami said rebels destroyed two helicopters with rocket propelled grenades and captured a tank. They say the base, which is on the eastern outskirts of Damascus, houses several radar positions.

"This is a blow to the morale of the regime, because it is close to the heart of the capital," said Abdul-Rahman, referring to the base that is about 15 kilometers (10 miles) from Damascus.

Al-Shami said the rebels withdrew from the base after they captured some ammunition. He said they feared counterstrikes by regime aircraft.

An amateur video posted online showed rebels walking next to two destroyed helicopters. At least three other helicopters appeared undamaged. Black smoke billowed in the distance.

Another video showed several radar posts on hills inside the large compound. Parked military trucks stood inside as rebels roamed freely.

The activist videos appeared genuine and corresponded to other AP reporting about the events depicted. Syria restricts the access of reporters.

The Observatory also reported violence in other parts of Syria, including the country's largest city of Aleppo in the north and the capital itself.

The Local Coordination Committees, another activist group, said residents found 12 bodies in the Damascus suburb of Daraya, scene of heavy clashes between rebels and government troops over the past few days.

State TV said troops clashed with al-Qaida militants in Daraya, killing some of them and confiscating a mortar that they were using in their attacks.

Assad's regime blames the revolt on a foreign conspiracy. It accuses Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with the United States, other Western countries and Turkey, of funding, training and arming the rebels, whom it calls terrorists.

Syria's conflict erupted in March 2011 with an uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime, inspired by other Arab Spring revolts. It quickly morphed into a civil war that has since killed more than 40,000 people, according to activists.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/syrian-rebels-capture-air-near-damascus-140725464.html

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শনিবার, ২৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

7 Tips To Market Your Business On Foursquare

If you have a true local business like a restaurant, hotel or retail store, Foursquare is an ideal social media platform to connect with existing customers, reward loyal customers and attract new ones. Today I will be sharing some best practices &? tips on how to get the most out of Foursquare to help your business grow and get more customers through the door. Interested? Read on.?Never heard of Foursquare? Be sure?to watch the short introductory video first:

So, Foursquare is a great platform to bridge the gap between offline and online audience in an affordable and scalable way. As Brian Honigman explains:

As the leading location-based social network, Foursquare offers a plethora of opportunities for businesses both big and small. There are many alternatives to using Foursquare, but when it comes to location-focused social apps, Foursquare is the king of location with its 20 million users and robust features for users and businesses alike.?Don?t miss this opportunity to connect your online and offline experiences.

People use Foursquare to check into locations they?ve visited by using the app on their?smartphones. Once they?ve checked into a location, it can then be shared with their Foursquare friends, Facebook friends and Twitter followers. This is where?companies on Foursquare can benefit from being on the platform because users? friends see where they?re checking in to eat, shop, work etc, which might influence them to do the same based on the recommendations of their trusted connections.

7?tips & best practices to market your business?on Foursquare

1: Claim Your Company

The first thing to do is claim your business on Foursquare. Maybe people have already added your place so search for it first. Once found, you will have to select the claim/verify option and start the verification process to prove that you are indeed the owner. If you don?t claim it, you can?t market your own business, so this is the first crucial step. Tip: make sure the position of the marker on the map is accurate so people can easily find your company.

2: Use and Promote Local Updates

The ability to send updates from your venue on Foursquare is a?recently launched feature that allows your business to engage with people who?ve previously checked into your location and who are nearby. You can send out specials, coupons, deals, announcements etc, and also include attachements like text or images.

3: Create a?Page

A Foursquare page is your company?s hub on the network where all of your locations can be managed from 1 single place. You can share your location and news with your followers from the viewpoint of your entire company.

Note that when you check-in at a particular location from your page, it will be?listed in the newsfeed of your followers and on your page itself. Be aware these check-ins are different from your local Foursquare updates as discussed above, because they are from a higher level about the entire company, not specific to one of your locations.

4: Add Engaging Tips About Your Company and Others

People who visit your business on Foursquare can leave their opinion of their experience. Users are even prompted to leave tips about places they?ve checked into in the past. This provides an opportunity for both positive and negative feedback.

Many business owners don?t like this thought of negative feedback. That?s understandable, however, it?s only natural to not always get ?excellent? as feedback. People are different and you probably can?t always satisfy 100% of your clients. Negative feedback should rather be seen as an opportunity for improvement: by directly addressing the issues of unhappy customers and responding to them, you can turn a negative experience into a loyal customer.

It?s also important for your company to leave tips on the locations of other businesses to foster community in your area, help grow your authority on a particular subject and brand your company in front of other relevant customers frequenting similar locations.

5: Offer Specials

You can offer specials to attract new customers or reward loyal existing customers. There are many types of specials that you can set up, so which one is best depends on your type of business and personal preference.

You can and should test different specials too. Use other social networks like Facebook to spread the word about your Foursquare specials.

6: Use Events

You can use?Foursquare on location at your events. This is?a helpful way to increase visitors, while syncing interactions with your business online and offline. Using updates from your page and check-ins on behalf of your business, your events can reach new audiences and promote interest in your services, booth, conference or store opening.

Events are useful to both B2B and B2C companies. It enables you to?get in front of your potential customers and build a deeper connection. Make sure to stand out at your next conference or trade show by updating attendees with the location of your company at the event, as well as other helpful information from your Foursquare page.

7: ?Use Signs at Your Business

The unique aspect of Foursquare is that it connects?your actions in the real world to your actions online. Be sure to include?calls to action at your physical locations to encourage, communicate and support your company?s presence on Foursquare.

Be sure to use window clings, stickers or signs in your location?s window or doorway to remind people to check in at your business. Calls to action about Foursquare will help drive your customers to check in, leave tips and become more active with your company on the platform.

Source: http://www.netconnexion.com/blog/foursquare-marketing-tips/

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Hopes for Greece, earnings lift TSX to two-week high

TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian shares hit its highest point in nearly two weeks in thin and choppy trading on Friday, rallying for a sixth straight session on cautious optimism that Greece's lenders were nearing an agreement that will release aid and on earnings expectations for financial stocks.

Financial shares also advanced for a sixth day ahead of the quarterly reporting season for Canadian banks.

Bank results will be released over the next two weeks, with Royal Bank of Canada the first to report, on November 29. Analysts expect a steady year-over-year profit gain for the group, driven by stronger capital markets-related results.

Among the top advancers, Bank of Montreal gained 1.2 percent to C$59.23, Toronto-Dominion Bank rose 0.8 percent to C$81.60, and Royal Bank added 0.5 percent to C$58.07.

"That's in anticipation of the earnings and so I think, hopefully, we'll have reasonable earnings, or meet the earnings expectations," said Sal Masionis, stockbroker at Brant Securities.

At 10:25 a.m. (1525 GMT), the Toronto Stock Exchange's S&P/TSX composite index <.gsptse> was up 72.70 points, or 0.6 percent, at 12,225.80. Eight of its 10 main sectors were up. Earlier, the index touched 12,229.77, its highest level since November 12.

Helping to lift sentiment, Greece said the International Monetary Fund had relaxed its debt-cutting target for the country, suggesting lenders were closer to a deal for a vital aid tranche to be paid. But other sources involved in the talks cautioned the funding gap was far bigger than Greece suggested.

Separately, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said confidence was returning to the euro zone, and governments must implement reforms to secure the bloc's future.

With U.S. trading ending early at 1:00 p.m.(1800 GMT) on Friday, volume on both sides of the border was light. About 59 million shares had changed hands by midmorning on the Toronto Stock Exchange, compared with a daily average of 281.9 million in October.

"I don't think minds are in the market, especially here in Toronto with the Grey Cup (Canadian Football League championship), shopping, Black Friday, you name it ... nobody's around," Masionis said.

"Monday will be getting back to reality."

On the downside, Research In Motion was the biggest drag after a stunning gain the previous session. After surging 17 percent on Thursday on the back of optimism about the prospects for the company's soon-to-be-launched BlackBerry 10 smartphones, RIM shares were down 4 percent at C$11.49.

($1=$0.99 Canadian)

(Reporting by Claire Sibonney; Editing by Peter Galloway)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/tsx-may-open-lower-greek-bailout-eyed-132705821--sector.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Powerball jackpot builds to $325M for Saturday

Michael Arrington, left, buys a Powerball ticket from cashier Lee Heilig, right, on Friday, Nov. 23, 2012, at a DeliMart convenience store in Iowa City, Iowa. The jackpot had reached $325 million as of Friday. (AP Photo/Grant Schulte)

Michael Arrington, left, buys a Powerball ticket from cashier Lee Heilig, right, on Friday, Nov. 23, 2012, at a DeliMart convenience store in Iowa City, Iowa. The jackpot had reached $325 million as of Friday. (AP Photo/Grant Schulte)

A vendor, left, receives money for a lottery purchase on Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 in New York. The jackpot for Powerball's weekend drawing has climbed to $325 million, the fourth-largest in the game's history. Powerball organizers say this is the first run-up to a large jackpot that's fallen over a major holiday. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

File - in this Sept. 27, 2012 file photo, a Powerball promotional check sits on the counter in the Casey's General Store, in Bondurant, Iowa. The jackpot for Powerball?s Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, drawing has climbed to $325 million, the fourth-largest in the game?s history. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall, File)

People wait in line to purchase lottery on Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 in New York. The jackpot for Powerball's weekend drawing has climbed to $325 million, the fourth-largest in the game's history. Powerball organizers say this is the first run-up to a large jackpot that's fallen over a major holiday. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

A vendor, left, receives money for a lottery purchase on Friday, Nov. 23, 2012 in New York. The jackpot for Powerball's weekend drawing has climbed to $325 million, the fourth-largest in the game's history. Powerball organizers say this is the first run-up to a large jackpot that's fallen over a major holiday. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

(AP) ? Black Friday shoppers in many cities briefly detoured into lottery retailers, drawn off task by the prospects of winning a $325 million Powerball jackpot ? the fourth-largest in the game's history.

Chicago resident Clyde Gadlin, 65, emerged from the bustle of holiday shoppers on Chicago's Michigan Avenue, to stop in at a 7-Eleven to buy his daily batch of Lottery tickets, including Powerball.

For him, the game is a chance to dream ? a single winner's cash payout would be nearly $213 million before taxes ? and he tries not to let the long odds burst his bubble.

Lottery officials say they're unsure what effect Thanksgiving and beginning of Christmas shopping season will have on sales, which normally pick up in the days before high-dollar drawings.

If Gadlin wins, he said he'd return to his grandfather's farm in Heidelberg, Miss., where he spent part of his childhood.

"I would go down there again and probably do a little bit of farming," he said, recalling the roaming deer and 380 acres of potatoes, corn, watermelons and sugar cane. Gadlin hasn't been there for more than 20 years.

And if he isn't successful this time, it's likely he'll have another shot at a record-breaking pot of cash.

Since Powerball tickets doubled in price to $2 in January, the number of tickets sold has decreased, but the sales revenue has made up for it, increasing by about 35 percent, said Norm Lingle, chairman of the Powerball board of directors.

And as the price went up, so did the jackpots, enticing thousands across the country to play.

"Christmas is coming and $325 million would come in handy," said Tim Abel, 63, who was buying a Powerball ticket at New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal. The Broadway stagehand said he usually plays whenever the jackpot goes over $100 million.

Recent Powerball winners include an Iowa couple that won a whopping $202 million on Sept. 26. A week later, a Delaware resident picked all six numbers for a $50 million payday.

Cashiers at a DeliMart convenience store in Iowa City said they expect a last-minute rush Saturday. The store sells $200 to $300 worth of Powerball tickets on an average day, but assistant manager Scott Falkenhan said he anticipates that will more than double.

Falkenhan, 32, was planning to buy his own ticket after his shift ended.

"I'd buy a new truck and a new boat," he said. "Then I'd go on my own fishing tour."

Roxie Breece, an assistant manager at a Cenex convenience store in Ogallala, Neb., said clerks have sold far more Powerball tickets than usual over the past week.

"Tomorrow's going to be a nightmare for us," she said. "With everybody out shopping and the drawing on Saturday, we'll be really busy."

Lingle, who is also the executive director of the South Dakota Lottery, says this weekend will be "telling."

"To my knowledge we've never had a large jackpot run like this fall over a major holiday," he said.

Frank Scorvino of Toms River, N.J., is in charge of buying lottery tickets ? including Powerball ? for a group of about a dozen fellow construction workers. If they win, he said, most of them would purchase new houses and cars, and some might go on a cruise.

South Bend, Ind., resident Dameon Smith says he'd retire from his job at the Hummer plant in Mishawaka, Ind. He said he'd share with family, friends and people he doesn't know.

Chad Robinson, 41, a chef at a Cleveland restaurant, had an option during his break Friday: Put down $2 on Powerball game or go next door to Ohio's first casino. He bet on the lottery, saying that much cash would change his life "drastically."

"I figure I'll make a lot of people happy with it, not just myself, spread the love and live my life out ? parents, loved ones, kids, co-workers, charities," he said.

Terry Fowler, 50, of Conneaut, Ohio, was visiting family in Tennessee for the holiday and stopped in a gas station in Brentwood on Friday morning to buy Powerball tickets. He's a regular player.

"I want to see more than one person hit it so they can share the wealth," said Fowler, a sales representative with a food service company. "I don't think any one person needs $325 million. If 7-10 people hit that, they will live like kings."


Associated Press writers Karen Matthews in New York, Grant Schulte in Lincoln, Neb., Jason Keyser in Chicago; Thomas J. Sheeran in Cleveland; Kristin M. Hall, in Brentwood, Tenn., Bruce Shipkowski in Trenton, N.J., and Tom Coyne in South Bend, Ind., contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-11-23-Powerball%20Jackpot/id-b75eb0e25e7d48538bf94f89ac77a8d5

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