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Whither Snowden? NSA whistleblower skips Moscow-Havana flight

Fleeing National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden pulled a vanishing act in Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport Monday by failing to show up for an Aeroflot flight to Havana that he was booked on ? sending a planeload of frustrated Moscow-based journalists off for an unplanned vacation in Cuba.

Russia's national airline Aeroflot had confirmed Monday that Mr. Snowden was booked to fly to Cuba on a regular flight leaving Monday afternoon. But as the plane's doors closed and he was still a no-show, reporters for major news outlets who'd scrambled to buy tickets for the flight in hopes of talking with the elusive whistleblower tweeted photos of his empty seat and resigned themselves to an unwanted twelve-and-a-half hour flight.

Russian news services had reported that Snowden arrived in Moscow Sunday aboard an Aeroflot flight from Hong Kong. An unidentified Aeroflot source told journalists that he and his companion, WikiLeaks official Sarah Harrison, spent the night in the "capsule" hotel Vozdushni Express inside Sheremetyevo's transit area. Reporters saw the ambassador of Ecuador, the country to which Snowden has applied for asylum, arrive and go inside the transit zone. But there have been no independently confirmed sightings of Snowden himself.

RECOMMENDED: Do you know anything about Russia? A quiz.

Though Snowden himself remains invisible, Ecuador's foreign minister, Ricardo Patino Arocam, read out a statement from him ? reported by the Guardian ? in which he compares himself with Bradley Manning, the former US army private currently on trial for handing hundreds of thousands of classified US documents to WikiLeaks.

"Manning has been subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment. The trial of Bradley Manning is taking place now and secret witnesses have been summoned to court and secret documents have been submitted," Snowden is quoted as saying in defense of his decision to seek asylum in Ecuador.

"I think that because of the circumstances it is unlikely that I will have a fair trial or humane treatment before trial, and also I have the risk of life imprisonment or death," he added.

The apparent news that Snowden might still be in Russia could energize efforts by Washington to convince Russia to give him over, despite the fact that Russia and the US have no mutual extradition treaty.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in several statements to the Russian media, has insisted that President Vladimir Putin has no knowledge of Snowden's whereabouts or interest in his itinerary. "Overall, we have no information about [Snowden]," he told the independent Interfax agency Monday.

Overnight, the US appealed urgently to Russia to see Snowden as an acid test of partnership and the security cooperation Moscow has been hoping to get from the US in advance of the upcoming Sochi Winter Games.

"Given our intensified cooperation after the Boston marathon bombings and our history of working with Russia on law enforcement matters ? including returning numerous high-level criminals back to Russia at the request of the Russian government ? we expect the Russian government to look at all options available to expel Mr. Snowden back to the U.S. to face justice for the crimes with which he is charged," US National Security Council Spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.

Speaking to journalists during a visit to New Delhi Monday, US Secretary of State John Kerry suggested that the episode is likely to damage US relations with both Russia and China if they should prove to have been officially involved in his flight.

"It would be deeply troubling, obviously, if they [Russia and China] had adequate notice, and notwithstanding that, they make the decision willfully to ignore that and not live by the standards of the law," news agencies quoted Mr. Kerry as saying.

"As a result there would be without any question some effect and impact on the relationship and consequences," he said.

Russian experts say it's highly unlikely that Snowden boarded an Aeroflot plane, without a valid US passport, and flew to Moscow without at least the acquiescence of the Kremlin.

"I'm pretty sure this could not have taken place without some level of involvement on the part of Russian and Chinese authorities," says Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs, a leading Moscow-based foreign policy journal.

"Russia can resist pressure, and that's why he's here in safety. But I don't think Russia wants to keep him, even if [the Kremlin] has suggested that it would be open to that. It's one thing to show that we can't be pushed around, and quite another to have this as a permanent headache in our relations with the US," he says.

Alexei Pushkov, the chair of the State Duma's international affairs committee, told journalists Monday that the US should stop posing as the offended party, in light of the recent "red-handed" capture of an alleged CIA agent in downtown Moscow and disclosures by Snowden that the NSA and its British counterpart tried to listen to former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's phone calls during a G-20 summit in London in 2009.

"I think we should be guided by our own understanding of what we should do. We do not see any special restraint on the part of U.S. special services with regards to Russia," Mr. Pushkov told Interfax.

"If Snowden were the only problem upsetting perfect relations between Russia and the US, that would be one thing," says Alexei Makarkin, director of the independent Center for Political Technologies in Moscow.

"But as things stand now, we have different positions on all the key issues of world politics. Russia is extremely disenchanted with the US and given up all hopes of building normal relations with it. So, why would Russia trouble itself over threats that this Snowden case might worsen our ties with Washington?" he adds.

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/whither-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-skips-moscow-havana-flight-154441251.html

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Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/barbara_2012/

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Parents: Children's Primary Sexual (Violence) Educators ...

coverI recently wrote an article for Partners in Social Change, the publication from the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs that addresses how parents can most effectively talk with their youth about sexual violence. Here is a clip from my article:

?Parents have a unique position in their teenagers? lives. They have daily access to the dating relationships and associated emotions that young people live through. This provides parents with a front row seat to be aware of issues in relationships and potential warning signs of violence. Nevertheless, without a strong conversational relationship - one that includes topics of sex, sexuality, and violence - parents are likely to miss important signs that would allow them to support their teenager.

It is never too late to start conversations about sexual (and relationship-based) violence. Opening up a new area of conversation between two people is often awkward, regardless of what the relationship is. However, these initially awkward topics can evolve into the most important and relationship strengthening lines of communication.?

I include an elaboration on my ten tips for parents to talk with their kids about sex that addresses how the tips apply in the situation of sexual violence.

You can download the magazine, including my article, in PDF form.

Source: http://karenrayne.com/2013/01/15/parents-childrens-primary-sexual-violence-educators/

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Ohio teacher sues, claims firing over her phobia: fear of young ...

CINCINNATI ? A former high school teacher is accusing school district administrators of discriminating against her because of a rare phobia she says she has: a fear of young children.

Maria Waltherr-Willard, 61, had been teaching Spanish and French at Mariemont High School in Cincinnati since 1976.

Waltherr-Willard, who does not have children of her own, said that when she was transferred to the district's middle school in 2009, the seventh- and eighth-graders triggered her phobia, causing her blood pressure to soar and forcing her to retire in the middle of the 2010-2011 school year.

In her lawsuit against the district, filed in federal court in Cincinnati, Waltherr-Willard said that her fear of young children falls under the federal American with Disabilities Act and that the district violated it by transferring her in the first place and then refusing to allow her to return to the high school.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.

Gary Winters, the school district's attorney, said Jan. 15 that Waltherr-Willard was transferred because the French program at the high school was being turned into an online one and that the middle school needed a Spanish teacher.

"She wants money," Winters said of Walter-Willard's motivation to sue. "Let's keep in mind that our goal here is to provide the best teachers for students and the best academic experience for students, which certainly wasn't accomplished by her walking out on them in the middle of the year."

Waltherr-Willard and her attorney, Brad Weber, did not return calls for comment Tuesday.

Winters also denied Walter-Willard's claim that the district transferred her out of retaliation for her unauthorized comments to parents about the French program ending ? "the beginning of a deliberate, systematic and calculated effort to squeeze her out of a job altogether," Weber wrote in a July 2011 letter to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The lawsuit said that Waltherr-Willard has been treated for her phobia since 1991 and also suffers from general anxiety disorder, high blood pressure and a gastrointestinal illness. She was managing her conditions well until the transfer, according to the lawsuit.

Working with the younger students adversely affected health, the lawsuit said.

She was "unable to control her blood pressure, which was so high at times that it posed a stroke risk," according to the lawsuit, which includes a statement from her doctor about her high blood pressure. "The mental anguish suffered by (Waltherr-Willard) is serious and of a nature that no reasonable person could be expected to endure the same."

The lawsuit was filed in June and is set to go to trial in February 2014. A judge last week dismissed three of the ex-teacher's claims, but left discrimination claims standing.

The lawsuit says that Waltherr-Willard has lost out on at least $100,000 of potential income as a result of her retirement.

Winters said that doesn't make sense, considering that Waltherr-Willard's take from retirement is 89 percent of what her annual salary was, which was around $80,000.

Patrick McGrath, a clinical psychologist and director of the Center for Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders near Chicago, said that he has treated patients who have fears involving children and that anyone can be afraid of anything.

"A lot of people will look at something someone's afraid of and say, 'There is no rational reason to be afraid of that,'" he said. "But anxiety disorders are emotion-based. ... We've had mothers who wouldn't touch their children after they're born."

He said most phobias begin with people asking themselves, "What if?" and then imagining the worst-case scenario.

"You can make an association to something and be afraid of it," McGrath said. "If you get a phone call that your mom was just in a horrible accident as you're locking the door, you can make an association that bad news comes if you don't lock the door right. It's a basic case of conditioning."

Source: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/01/ohio_teacher_sues_claims_firin.html

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Self Improvement Made Easy With These Simple Tips | Bob Spiro's ...

Self improvement, such as positive thinking, is a way for you to improve your own self that can hugely impact your lifestyle for the better. These tips can help you personally develop yourself, change your own character, change the way you think, and most of all, improve your life.

It is normal to find unhealthy foods tempting. Stress is not good for you. Because of this fact, you shouldn?t worry too much about little things.

TIP! When you are angered by something, take the time to take a breath and count up to ten before you react. Take a long, slow breath while thinking of peaceful things.

Good leaders possess strength and power, but are also compassionate. Be rebuking yet gentle, and always remember in order to lead, you must know how to serve. Leaders must have integrity and virtues if they want to be successful.

Remember to practice your core principles. People have their beliefs that act as the center of themselves. If you have this rooted in a good foundation, your self-esteem will benefit greatly due to this. This also helps to make you a consistent person. This is an essential character trait.

Without taking care of yourself, you will be unable to care for others. It doesn?t matter where you are in life; you need to take the time for rest and relaxation.

TIP! Discipline is one of the cornerstones of a successful personal development plan. Gain mental control over your physical cravings.

A good, positive attitude goes a long way in your development as a person. Having a negative attitude will only hold you back and keep you from success. Instead, let go of negative thinking. Make a choice everyday to look on the positive side of things and watch your goal progression improve.

Are you a heavy drinker? Are you a smoker? What activities do you engage in that have negative effects on your body? Our body is a temple, and therefore it should be treated like one. Cutting bad habits out of your life is a way to improve it. Look at your life, what you are doing that may be harmful, and work on omitting things that need to be removed from your life.

If you suffer from anxiety, try going to see a movie with a friend. This is a good way to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You can be social with your friend before and after the movie and will have to be around strangers, but you won?t have to be overly social and can recharge during the movie. This will also help you to become comfortable in settings that involve crowds.

TIP! Be prepared to write down ideas as they come to you, no matter where that may happen. Carrying a small notepad with you everywhere can be a great idea.

Research the methods other people have applied to be successful. You can avoid both personal and business mistakes by knowing the trials that others have faced. If you read about what they know, it will impact your life in a positive way.

Sexual capital is a new trait that?s extremely important to develop. This is basically another term for charisma. It involves using charm to get people to like you. Social skills do not come naturally to everybody, but developing them can certainly give you an edge in many situations.

Your goals for personal development should be precise enough so that you are able to enjoy success. Having goals will allow you to better problem solve on how to get there. You?ll more easily handle difficult things that come your way, and help you successfully reach your goals faster.

TIP! You deserve to have only the best in life, and until you realize this, you can?t really move forward. You should understand that you owe yourself your best effort.

This article offers information on how you can better you personality, mental outlook and character to live a happier life. Using these tips will help you to create your own self improvement goals, improve yourself and live a better life.

Bob Spiro

For MLM Pros Team Founder

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Source: http://www.empowernetwork.com/formlmpros/blog/self-improvement-made-easy-with-these-simple-tips/

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Home & Garden Show a 15-year success | Williamson County ...

AUSTIN (KXAN) ? The 15th annual Austin Home Garden Show kicked off Friday with over 150 vendors at the Palmer Events Center.

The event boasts fresh ideas for home decorating, improvement, building, technology, green living and landscaping.

DIY?s Desert Landscapes and Man Caves celebrity host Jason Cameron was also at this years show holding seminars and QA sessions.

The Austin Home Garden Show was also an opportunity for homeowners and builders to check out the latest trends in kitchen and bath.

Among the excitement, show-goers saw displays featuring pools, spas, sunrooms, windows and doors, interior design, outdoor living, and furniture and bedding. The hottest of topics, green living, was popular this year too.

You can read the rest of this article at: http://www.kxan.com/dpp/community/home-and-garden-shows-15th-year

Short URL: http://www.txwclp.org/?p=22095

Source: http://www.txwclp.org/2013/01/home-garden-show-a-15-year-success/

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সোমবার, ১৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Palestinian killed in Gaza, Israel denies involvement

GAZA | Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:51pm GMT

GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian medical officials accused Israeli soldiers of killing a farmer in the Gaza Strip on Monday, but a military spokeswoman denied any Israeli involvement.

Mustafa Abu Jarad was shot in the head in the town of Beit Lahiya on the border with Israel, said Gaza's health ministry, run by the territory's Islamist Hamas rulers.

The 21-year-old was taken to Shifa hospital but died later, said doctors.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said officials had checked "and apparently the incident is not related to the Israeli army".

A source speaking on condition of anonymity said Israel suspected the man was shot by a fellow Palestinian.

The Israel-Gaza frontier has been mostly calm since November when eight days of Palestinian rocket fire and Israeli air strikes killed 170 Palestinians and six Israelis.

Since then, three Palestinians have been shot dead along the border shot by Israeli troops in an area Israel has deemed off-limits for several years, citing the risk of attacks on its soldiers.

Palestinians say the restrictions stop many farmers getting to their fields.

(Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi; Writing by Allyn Fisher-Ilan; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/UKTopNews/~3/-ApTgQq3DmY/uk-israel-palestinians-shooting-idUKBRE90D11X20130114

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Ex-president George H.W. Bush may leave hospital soon

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Former President George H.W. Bush, who has been hospitalized in Houston since November, may be released from the facility in the coming days, a family spokesman said on Sunday.

"We are hopeful that the president can be discharged this coming week, but we're still taking everything one day at a time," spokesman Jim McGrath said in an email.

Bush's son, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, said on Saturday that his father was expected to be released from the hospital on Monday, according to TCPalm.com.

The former president, 88, who led a coalition that pushed Iraqi forces out of Kuwait in 1991, was admitted to Methodist Hospital on November 23 for bronchitis and then transferred to intensive care in December after coming down with a persistent fever and other complications. He was moved to a regular patient room after his condition improved last month.

Bush has lower-body parkinsonism, which causes a loss of balance, and he has used a wheelchair for more than a year.

The 41st president, who is also the father of former President George W. Bush, served as a congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, envoy to China, CIA director and as vice president for two terms under President Ronald Reagan.

(Reporting By Corrie MacLaggan; Editing by Paul Simao)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ex-president-george-h-w-bush-may-leave-163702307.html

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Cyber Security ALERT ? Serious Java Vulnerability ? Thunderpaw ...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thunderpaw Cyber Security ALERT Serious Java Vulnerability

11 January 2013

Thunderpaw recommends all Internet users immediately disable all Java on their web browsers.

Contact: David Lyle ? david@thunderpaw.com

Recent attacks have been significant and provide critical vulnerabilities to all Internet users.

These vulnerabilities (Java) allow attackers to infect all systems with code which could destroy or steal information without detection. Running anti-virus software does NOT protect against these attacks.

Sun/Oracle has not released a patch yet (1/12/2013), and this vulnerability may effect other versions of Sun/Oracle Java (run by most every system).

Thunderpaw recommends all users IMMEDIATELY disable ALL Java versions on web browsers indefinitely.

We realize this is harsh, but the attacks are indeed that serious.

David Lyle

Senior Cyber Security Analyst


For further information:

How to disable java in most browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2414191,00.asp

How to test to see if Java is disabled in your browser: http://java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp

Information Week article on this java vulnerability: http://www.informationweek.com/security/attacks/java-under-attack-again-disable-now/240146082

CERT Vulnerability Notice: Java 7 fails to restrict access to privileged code


Source: http://www.thunderpaw.com/2013/cyber-security-alert-serious-java-vulnerability

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Venezuela's Hugo Chavez not in coma, brother says

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's cancer-stricken president, Hugo Chavez, is recovering in Cuba and is not in a coma as some have rumored a month after surgery, his brother, Adan Chavez, said after a visit to Havana.

The 58-year-old socialist leader has not been seen or heard from since his December 11 cancer surgery - his fourth such operation after the disease was detected in his pelvic area in mid-2011 - leaving Venezuela in a state of suspense.

But older brother Adan Chavez, who is governor of the family's home state of Barinas, said the president was improving daily, according to a news release on Saturday from his office.

"The head of state continues to assimilate treatment well and his recovery is advancing daily," the statement read.

"Information on social networks and in other places, saying the president is in a coma and his family are discussing the supposed disconnection of life support equipment, are totally false," it added.

Chavez missed his own inauguration for a new, six-year term last week, although Venezuela's top court ruled that he remained in power and Vice President Nicolas Maduro could deputize until there was clarity over the president's condition.

The rumors were stoked when Chavez did not send a message to Thursday's pro-government rally, the day he was supposed to be sworn in. Unlike past trips to Cuba for medical treatment, no images have been released of him.

The saga has enormous stakes for Venezuela, a nation of 29 million people with the world's largest oil reserves, as well as for the wider region. Cuba and a handful of other leftist-ruled nations depend on Chavez's economic aid.

Peruvian and Argentine Presidents Ollanta Humala and Cristina Fernandez, both friends of Chavez, visited Cuba this week. There was no sign either of them saw him.

Finishing her visit on Saturday, Fernandez said it was "inappropriate" for her to talk about Chavez's condition, which was a matter for his family. "I ask you to show a lot of respect and solidarity," she told reporters in Havana.


Adan Chavez, a physicist by profession who has been a political mentor to his brother and is viewed by Venezuelans as a hard-liner, said foreign media were in league with local opposition activists to promote lies about the president.

"We know this is part of a dirty war by the necrophilic opposition," he was quoted as saying in the news release. "We are sure that with the support of God, science and the people, our president will triumph in this new battle."

Venezuela's opposition leaders are furious at what they see as a Cuban-inspired manipulation of the constitution by Maduro and other top "Chavista" figures aimed at preventing the naming of a caretaker president due to Chavez's absence.

Should Chavez die or have to step down, a new election would be called and would likely pit Maduro against opposition leader Henrique Capriles, the 40-year-old governor of Miranda state, who lost to Chavez in last year's presidential election.

He and other mainstream opposition leaders have criticized secrecy over Chavez's condition, but have taken a wait-and-see attitude, preferring to prepare behind the scenes for a possible new vote.

There have been small protests by students, none numbering more than several hundred people. A handful of people were injured in Tachira state on Friday, local media said, when protesting students clashed with police.

"Who knows if Chavez is alive or dead? They don't say clearly if he is breathing, if he can talk or not," 22-year-old university student Daniella Contreras said at a protest meeting in Caracas on Saturday.

"They should send a medical committee to Havana to confirm if the president is still capable of governing."

The government has been giving regular but terse updates on Chavez's condition, the latest being that he is struggling with a severe lung infection after the operation.

The silence from the normally garrulous leader famous for his lengthy speeches has led many Venezuelans to conclude his 14-year rule is ending.

Venezuela's most prominent female opposition activist, right-wing legislator Maria Corina Machado, told Saturday's gathering of about 400 protesters that the government was now illegitimate.

"We are in the terrible situation of having to acknowledge there is today no government in Venezuela. Government is in Cuba, led by the Cubans, deciding what we do and what happens with our country," Machado said.

Information Minister Ernesto Villegas urged Venezuelans to avoid being drawn into trouble. "An irresponsible minority are causing provocations to create a macabre show," he said.

The Chavez years have been turbulent ones, particularly during a short coup against him and a national oil strike in 2002 and 2003, and many Venezuelans are praying that whatever happens next, it will be non-violent.

(Additional reporting by Girish Gupta in Caracas, Rosa Tania Valdes in Havana; Editing by Jackie Frank and Peter Cooney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hugo-chavez-not-coma-brother-194641263.html

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Plans Of Asbestos And Cancer ? Where To Go | How To Handle ...

Staff Writer Monte A. N. Overton-Weeks ? Asbestos fiber, a significantly employed development content for their heat and fire resistant homes is actually researched having humiliation since it is the actual cause pertaining to cancer called as mesothelioma cancer. Experience of asbestos fibers dust along with staple fibers has caused most cancers around millions of people in earlier times hundred years. asbestos and cancer will be exclusively induced as a consequence of contact mesothelioma. For the reason that of your reasons why asbestos fibers is actually stopped with regard to utilization in design as well as mining field in different nations.

This has been discovered that asbestos brings about mesothelioma cancer and that is an aggressive style of most cancers this has an effect on mesothelial skin cells in your body. Most of these mesothelial tissues distribute round the shape being created a new protective stratum intended for system and the entire body oral cavaties. Asbestos components, airborne debris together with allergens rupture these mesothelial tissue in which worsens that will cancer. The exact means asbestos fibers has an effect on mesothelial cells resulting in mesothelioma cancer still is unidentified, though the research currently have exposed potential risks brought on by mesothelioma.

Discomfort in addition to irritation involving mesothelial cells ends in irreparable harm in addition to scar tissue formation. It eventually will cause asbestos cancer. Asbestos staple fibers have an affect on regular mobile split creating mobile alterations. Moreover, these materials really encourage progress of very toxic toxins within your body. These free radicals have an affect on Geonomics resulting in abnormal mobile mutation. Asbestos fiber moreover brings about over production from oncoproteins which in turn overrule typical cellular team restrains.

Forms of Mesothelioma
Mainly because mesothelial tissue are distributed throughout all of body body organs, most cancers will be grouped influenced by the place most cancers cellular material can be found. Pleural mesothelioma cancer is among the most popular asbestos fibers cancer affecting pleura part within the lung area. In relation to 75% regarding mesothelioma cancer clients suffer the pain of pleural asbestos. Mesothelioma cancer is likewise found in the abdominal region and is also called mainly because peritoneal asbestos. Stomach cavity plus abdominal body organs are affected by these asbestos most cancers.

Coronary heart is in addition tormented by mesothelioma dust but it contributes to pericardial mesothelioma which unfortunately impacts tissue layer around the heart. A hard-to-find way of mesothelioma is found filling protecting balls. Method . mainly because testicular mesothelioma.

Existence of mesothelioma fibres within the body make a difference to any appendage. Intestinal most cancers along with colorectal cancer is also seen to be prompted because of exposure to asbestos. This kind of cancer can be located in many clients during renal system, esophagus, the neck and throat and even gall bladder. Cancers of the breast, prostrate cancer and also leukemia also are as a result of asbestos exposure. It?s been discovered that asbestos influences ovarian cellular lining leading to ovarian most cancers.

Source: http://bluestarpartynyc.com/plans-of-asbestos-and-cancer-where-to-go/

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Personal computer sales slip during holiday season

File picture. Personal computer sales slipped at the end of last year, despite the holiday shopping season and the release of new Windows operating software for machines, a leading industry tracker reported. It was said to be the first time in more than five years that there was a year-on-year decline in PC shipments during the holiday season.

Personal computer sales slipped at the end of last year, despite the holiday shopping season and the release of new Windows operating software for machines, a leading industry tracker reported.

Worldwide PC shipments totalled 89.8 million units in the fourth quarter of 2012, finishing 6.4 percent lower than the same period the prior year, according to International Data Corporation.

It was said to be the first time in more than five years that there was a year-on-year decline in PC shipments during the holiday season.

"Consumers as well as PC vendors and distribution channels continued to be diverted from PC sales by ongoing demand for tablets and smartphones," IDC said in a release.

"The PC market continued to take a back seat to competing devices and sustained economic woes."

Microsoft released the new Windows 8 operating system worldwide on October 26 as a way to help the dominant PC software maker get a bigger share of the market for mobile devices such as tablets.

Windows 8 was designed with touch-screen capabilities in mind and to make it easier to synchronize computer content across the array of Internet-linked gadgets used in modern life.

"Consumers expected all sorts of cool PCs with tablet and touch capabilities," said IDC research director David Daoud.

"Instead, they mostly saw traditional PCs that feature a new OS (Windows 8) optimized for touch and tablet with applications and hardware that are not yet able to fully utilize these capabilities."

PC shipments in the US market dropped 4.5 percent in the quarter and ended with a seven percent decline for the year, according to IDC.

(c) 2013 AFP

Source: http://phys.org/news/2013-01-personal-sales.html

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শনিবার, ১২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

New proposed budget would reorganize California transportation

Six state transportation departments will be grouped together under one central agency this July, "streamlining" future projects and ending wasteful spending, if Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed 2013-14 budget is approved.

The governor's budget proposal, released Thursday, includes a government reorganization plan that creates a new Transportation Agency, that will centralize Caltrans, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the High-Speed Rail Authority, the Highway Patrol, the California Transportation Commission and the Board of Pilot Commissioners under one roof.

Previously, Caltrans was under the umbrella of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency. The reorganization also creates the Government Operations Agency and the Business and Consumer Services Agency.

"Upon implementation, this plan will improve the management and coordination of government activities, which will facilitate further consolidations and cost savings," Brown said in a March letter to the Little Hoover Commission, an independent state oversight agency that approved the plan this spring.

Brown first proposed the reorganization last January as part of the 2012-13 budget and it was approved by the legislature last year. If the budget is implemented, the reorganization would go into effect on July 1.

Robert Oakes, a spokesman for state Sen. Carol Liu, D-La Canada Flintridge, said the reorganization has been a long time coming.

"There have been discussions

for many years about a more efficient and centralized system ... so the governor's proposal makes a lot of sense," Oakes said. "It's been a long time since the government did a reorganization plan at all and it was good to see the governor stepped forward on this."

But Liu's chief of staff, Suzanne Reed, said she still has many questions about what this reorganization will mean for projects such as the 710 Freeway extension, which is in the first phase of a three- year environmental study.

"I have absolutely no clarity whatsoever," Reed said. "We're just going to keep doing what we are doing ... We assume all the people we are dealing with to date will have a continued role in what we are going to be dealing with in the future when the 710 (Environmental Impact Report) plays out."

Metropolitan Transportation Authority spokesman Marc Littman said Thursday the agency's funding for local projects will be "stabilized" in the new budget, but declined to comment on how the new Transportation Agency might influence Metro's local decision-making process.

"Metro is reviewing the governor's budget but our initial analysis is there shouldn't be much change in terms of transportation funding for Los Angeles County," Littman said.

Caltrans officials did not return multiple calls for comment.

Assemblyman Edwin Chau, D-Alhambra, said he thinks the new agency will centralize the discussion about transportation.

Although he said it "remains to be seen" how the new agency will affect such local projects as the Gold Line or the 710 Freeway extension, Chau said he thinks the agency will be more accessible to those who are most affected by the transportation projects.

"I think the reorganization itself is a good thing because it does allow the stakeholders to really come together to exchange ideas to what is best for the state of California, including the 710 Freeway," Chau said. "It's very unique in the sense that we now have a separate department of transportation and a secretary of transportation and the agency itself has several entities under this umbrella."

Assemblyman Chris Holden, D-Pasadena, said the reorganization will also be a chance for multiple transportation groups to come together and plan for future projects.

"I am excited about the governor's plan to convene a working group that focuses on the state's transportation and infrastructure needs and explores long-term funding options for transportation projects," Holden said in a statement.


Source: http://www.dailynews.com/news/ci_22352479/new-proposed-budget-would-reorganize-california-transportation?source=rss_viewed

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Insurance company robbed in south Wichita | Wichita Eagle

Two armed men robbed an insurance business at closing time Thursday in south Wichita, police said.

They entered Auto Acceptance Insurance at 1644 S. Oliver at about 5 p.m. and ordered the three people inside to the floor, Lt. Doug Nolte said. The first suspect had a long-barreled handgun, while the second had a black handgun, witnesses told police.

One of the robbers kept an eye on the people on the floor and the other went to the back of the business and retrieved a locked box containing several thousand dollars in cash, Nolte said.

They left in a champagne-colored Honda Accord with no hubcaps and the partial license plate 555, driving west on Harry from Oliver, Nolte said.

Both suspected robbers are black men, he said. The first is between 25 and 30 years old, about 5-foot-6-6 and 130 pounds.

The second is about 20 years old, 5-foot-3 and 150 pounds.

Reach Stan Finger at 316-268-6437 or sfinger@wichitaeagle.com.

Source: http://www.kansas.com/2013/01/11/2632577/insurance-company-robbed-in-south.html

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শুক্রবার, ১১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The Lt. Governor of Texas Wants to Arm Teachers

LOS ANGELES (TheWrap.com) - Ready to see even more Howie Mandel on the small screen? Yeah, we didn't think so, but it's coming your way, thanks to TBS. The cable network said Friday that it has greenlit a new series, tentatively titled "Deal With It," which will be executive-produced by Mandel. The network doesn't say whether Mandel will appear on camera; if so, it will follow on the heels of three other Mandel-hosted series, "Deal or No Deal," "Take It All" and "Mobbed." (Not to mention "America's Got Talent. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/lt-governor-texas-wants-arm-teachers-214410730.html

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Surveillance video captures possible tornado in Iberville Parish

Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, became the latest governor to call for more gun regulations as he reflected on last year's deadly movie theater shooting in his state and said Coloradans "have an obligation to prevent similar tragedies."

Read More ?

Source: http://www.wdsu.com/news/local-news/new-orleans/Surveillance-video-captures-possible-tornado-in-Iberville-Parish/-/9853400/18084058/-/i8erpq/-/index.html?absolute=true

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Excessive Use of the Computer can Increase Risk of Cancer and Obesity in Children

Experts caution that even with regular exercise, extended hours in front of the television can be detrimental to childrens health and can increase their risk of getting cancer in their adult life.

It is for this reason that parents are asked to restrict the amount of time kids watch television or play computer games and ideally it should be less than two hours a day.

People often assume sedentary behavior is the same as physical inactivity. But someone can do the recommended amount of daily physical activity and still be sedentary. Children may well get plenty of physical activity at school through sports or playing but if they spend a lot of time sitting down at home they might develop habits which could increase their risk of diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes in the future.

Professor Mitch Blair of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said: Whether its mobile phones, games consoles, TVs or laptops, advances in technology mean children are exposed to screens for longer amounts of time than ever before. We are becoming increasingly concerned that this encourages a more sedentary lifestyle. We would also advise restricting prolonged periods of screen time and recommend less than two hours a day in total.


Source: http://feeds.medindia.net/~r/allhealthnews/~3/mUjSauK6ZnE/excessive-use-of-the-computer-can-increase-risk-of-cancer-and-obesity-in-children-112696-1.htm

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ১০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Jefferson Parish sees some street flooding, but no damage from wet ...

Hopefully, the worst is over. But we're not going to lower our guard now." -- Jefferson Parish President John Young.

Street flooding affected pats of Elmwood and other areas in Jefferson Parish Thursday, but officials said there were no reports of damage from more than two inches of rain that fell by early afternoon. A respite in the rain across much of the parish was giving pump stations time to lower water levels in drainage canals, in preparation for more rough weather expected tonight.

Parish President John Young said public work crews remained on alert and officials would continue to monitor potential flooding through the weekend, as a slow-moving storm system over Texas and Oklahoma will continue to affect the area. Jefferson Parish and most of Southeast Louisiana remained in a flash flood watch through Thursday, and the National Weather Service said rain would remain for the rest of the day and tonight, with heavy thunderstorms possible.

Young said emergency personnel temporarily alerted low vehicles to avoid standing water in the area near Jefferson Highway and Plantation Road in Elmwood, and that other areas across the parish also had temporary street flooding as a strong band of thunderstorms passed over the area earlier in the day. But parish pumps had drained canals ahead of the storm, and were running at full capacity to get the system ready for more rain.

"Hopefully, the worst is over. But we're not going to lower our guard now," Young said. "We're going to continue to be proactive."

The parish's drainage system is designed to be able to drain 1 inch of rain during the first hour, and ? inch every hour thereafter.

Young said the parish had a dozen vacuum trucks and Public Works crews ready to trouble-shoot areas where clogged basins may cause flooding or to barricade flooded streets. So far the parish had not needed to use the vacuum trucks, he said.

But he asked residents to take advantage of a slowdown in the rain this afternoon to clean up catch basins near their homes.

Officials also asked residents to report flooding to the Public Works department, at 504.736.6753, or after hours at 504.736.6006. Residents can also sign up to receive the parish's emergency alerts via e-mail or cell phone, by visiting the system's web page, JPAlert.com.

Stay on Nola.com for the latest on this story.?

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said some vehicles had taken water in Elmwood. Parish officials said they alerted motorists to avoid the area and no vehicles flooded.?

Source: http://www.nola.com/weather/index.ssf/2013/01/jefferson_parish_motorists_flo.html

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Engadget Mobile Podcast 164 - CES special - 01.09.13 show 1

Engadget Mobile Podcast 164

It's hear, it's happening -- CES 2013. Brad and Myriam (plus a little bit of Tim) took to the stage for the first day of the conference proper. So, if you want to know what's going down with mobile in Vegas this week, here's a good place to start.

Hosts: Myriam Joire (tnkgrl), Brad Molen

Producer: James Trew
Music: Tycho - Coastal Brake (Ghostly International)

Hear the podcast

Continue reading Engadget Mobile Podcast 164 - CES special - 01.09.13 show 1

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/4Nsy3LqRwpo/

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DirecTV HR44 whole-home Genie HD DVR hands-on

DirecTV HR44 wholehome Genie HD DVR handson

The HR34 hasn't been around that long, but DirecTV is showing the replacement at CES, the HR44. The new box does just about everything the HR34 does, including record five HD shows at once to a 1TB hard drive, but in a smaller package. The small package also happens to be almost fan less -- there is an emergency fan that is designed to only turn on in extreme cases -- and has a faster chip. This speed improvement is noticeable on both the main TV in your house, as well as on the various clients. Speaking of which, in addition to the DirecTV C31 set-top box and 2012 Samsung HDTVs, the new 2013 Samsung and Sony HDTVs -- as well as the PS3 -- can also connect directly to the HR44 (and older HR34) and deliver the entire DirecTV Genie experience. Inside you'll find integrated WiFi, but no internal power supply. We're told that an external power supply helps keep the heat down inside, and you can see in the images below, there are large heat sinks either side and a heat pump to cool the processor. No word on price, but we'd suspect it'll be the same as the HR34 -- free for new customers, up to $300 for existing -- and we could only nail them down to "this year" in regards to availability.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/08/directv-hr44-whole-home-genie-hd-dvr-hands-on/

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বুধবার, ৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Insight: Aleppo misery eats at Syrian rebel support

ALEPPO, Syria (Reuters) - At a crowded market stall in Syria, a middle-aged couple, well dressed, shuffle over to press a folded note, furtively, into the hand of a foreign reporter.

It is the kind of silent cry for help against a reign of fear that has been familiar to journalists visiting Syria over the past two years. Only this is not the Damascus of President Bashar al-Assad but rebel-held Aleppo; the note laments misrule under the revolution and hopes Assad can defeat its "terrorism".

"We used to live in peace and security until this malicious revolution reached us and the Free Syrian Army started taking bread by force," the unidentified couple wrote. "We ask God to help the regime fight the Free Syrian Army and terrorism - we are with the sovereignty of President Bashar al-Assad forever."

While they might not be all they seemed - agents of Assad's beleaguered security apparatus want to blacken the rebels' name - their sentiments are far from rare in Aleppo, Syria's biggest city and once vibrant hub of trade and industry, whose diverse urban communities now face hardship and chaos at the hands of motley bands of fighters recruited from surrounding rural areas.

As government forces fight on in parts of Aleppo, in large areas that have been under rebel control for six months or more complaints are getting louder about indiscipline among the fighters, looting and a general lack of security and necessities like running water, bread and electricity in districts that have been pounded by tanks and hit by Assad's air force.

Recognizing that mistrust, rebel units have set up command and policing structures they see forming a basis of institutions which might one day run the whole country and which, meanwhile, they hope can show Arab and Western supporters that they have the organization to handle aid in the form of money and weapons.

For those who fear the worst for Syria now that the revolt has unleashed long suppressed ethnic and sectarian rivalries, however, evidence in Aleppo that these new institutions have had little practical impact on often rival rebel groups is ominous.

And all the while relations grow testier between the rebels and Aleppines, for whom many fighters harbor some disdain after the urbanites' failed to rise up on their own against Assad.


Rebel commanders interviewed in and around Aleppo in the past two weeks acknowledged problems within the FSA - an army in name only, made up of brigades competing for recognition and resources. But they laid much of the blame on "bad apples" and opportunists and said steps are being taken to put things right.

"There has been a lot of corruption in the Free Syrian Army's battalions - stealing, oppressing the people - because there are parasites that have entered the Free Syrian Army," said Abu Ahmed, an engineer who heads a 35-man unit of the Tawheed Brigade, reckoned to be the largest in Aleppo province.

Abu Ahmed, who comes from a small town on the Turkish border and like many in Syria would be identified only by the familiar form of his name, estimated that most people in Aleppo, a city of over two million, were lukewarm at best to a 21-month-old uprising that is dominated by the Sunni Muslim rural poor.

"They don't have a revolutionary mindset," he said, putting support for Assad at 70 percent among an urban population that includes many ethnic Kurds, Christians and members of Assad's Alawite minority. But he also acknowledged that looting and other abuses had cost the incoming rebels much initial goodwill.

"The Free Syrian Army has lost its popular support," said Abu Ahmed, who said the Tawheed Brigade was now diversifying from fighting to talking on civic roles, including efforts to restore electricity supplies and deal with bread shortages. His own wife was setting up a school after months without classes.

Hunger and insecurity are key themes wherever Aleppines gather this winter. Outside a busy bakery in one rebel-held neighborhood men complained of having to stand in line for hours in the hope of bread, and of feeling the need to arm themselves for their own protection on the streets of the city.

Schools are being stripped of desks and chairs for firewood.


Lieutenant Mohammed Tlas, like many FSA officers, defected from Assad's army. He now commands the 500 men of the Suqoor al-Shahbaa Brigade and put civilian complaints down to "bad seeds" who can label themselves as FSA fighters without any vetting.

"There are some brigades that loot from the people, and they are fundamentally bad seeds," he said, chain-smoking in a green army sweater as he sat at his desk in a spartan office. "Anyone can carry a rifle and do whatever he wants."

But concern about fighting other anti-Assad units holds Abu Golan back from trying to contain abuses, for now: "Are we going to be fighting Bashar and them?" Tlas asked of untrustworthy new fighters. "There's a lot of that in Aleppo ... We cannot reject them. It's not the time for that. Those are the bad seeds."

Many rebel commanders have a low opinion of their fellows. Abu Marwan, a uniformed young air force pilot leading a long siege of a government air base, described another rebel leader as running his brigade as a personal fiefdom, ignoring any semblance of military hierarchy by promoting his favorites.

"It was like the regime all over again, wanting only their own family or sect to rule," he told Reuters as a walkie-talkie cackled nearby. "After the regime falls, we still have a long battle just to clean up the revolutionaries.

"There are a lot of parasites."


Some rebels in Aleppo have formed what they call a military police force to try to stop abuses. Headed by another defector, Brigadier-General Zaki Ali Louli, it is funded by the Tawheed and Mohamed Sultan Fateh brigades, Louli said, and aims to coordinate with others. He declined to say how many men he had.

"We're in the final stage of the revolution and the tyrant Assad regime is fading," he said in a sprawling police building where rebels in army fatigues worked in offices. "We have set up institutions that in the future will become the administration," he added of his hopes for a post-Assad role for his unit.

"In each regiment, there's a police officer whose responsibility is to observe the revolutionaries and tell us about all their observations within that regiment," he said, as he stamped paperwork. They pay particularly close attention to those who join up "on the pretence that they are fighters".

Sometimes, Louli said, "through observing them it becomes obvious to us that they are anomalous". On the alert for agents of Assad, the rebels' military police is quick to remove those it does not trust, and also vets new defectors from the army.

A sister institution deals with complaints from Aleppo civilians, said Louli, adding that he was in talks to spread that organizational model nationwide.

Such hopes for national structures reflect similar moves in the overall command of the opposition movement. After a National Coalition was formed abroad in November with Arab and Western backing, an Islamist-dominated military command was set up last month to oversee operations against Assad's forces inside Syria.

Accounts differ on how effective the new structure is but rebel leaders say there is a clearer chain of command than before, and rebel groups are more aware of who is in charge of which sectors within Aleppo and the surrounding countryside.

Lieutenant Tlas, whose Suqoor, or Falcons, brigade has been in the thick of fighting in the city, says the rebel forces now have a combined operations room and hold weekly meetings for all brigades, as well as daily gatherings of frontline commanders.


"Basically a ministry of defense has been created. A force for Syria," he said. "But this force needs weapons and money."

That is a common refrain among those fighting Assad, and reflects frustration at hesitation among Western powers in particular to aid rebel groups whose wider goals are unclear.

The United States has branded one rebel force a "terrorist" organization, accusing it of links to al Qaeda. Most Islamist fighters - including Tlas, who sits beside a black flag bearing a religious slogan - have declared loyalty to the Western-backed National Coalition. But allies in the West remain suspicious.

While there are arms coming in from abroad, most rebels complain of a lack of weapons and a chronic shortage of ammunition, which has hampered their advance on several fronts.

Tlas said he been told that only a few thousand bullets had reached rebel forces in Aleppo province in one month and sources of revenue were drying up. In desperation, some leaders have sought out wealthy Gulf Arabs to fund their revolt.

One Kuwaiti businessman met Tlas: "He came on a tour, we showed him the different fronts, immersed him in the atmosphere of a war zone and even let him fire a rifle," he said. "He left here really happy. I thought ... he would solve everything.

"And we never heard back from him. Maybe he got scared of the rifle. That was about a month and a half ago."

As the war grinds on, and despite efforts by some commanders to create a semblance of order, some Aleppines are growing impatient with the Free Syrian Army: "We don't care about the regime," said 48-year-old Abu Majid, who worked in one of Aleppo's many textile factories. "We need peace and security."

Sitting on a plastic chair in the middle of a busy market on Thirtieth Street, Abu Majid held the rebels responsible for desperate conditions in the city: "We've gone back to the Stone Age. The Free Syrian Army must get an organized leadership.

"At the beginning people rallied behind them; now they're alienated from the rebels."

Tlas, who comes from central Syria, and other rebel commanders in the northern city bristle at such complaints, saying their men, too, are short of bread and power.

Of Aleppo's civilians, Tlas said: "They think the Free Syrian Army owns everything or that it can substitute a state."

While many people in Aleppo still say they, too, want rid of Assad, the rebels' inability to bring order or to improve the miserable conditions of the city, an ancient jewel of the Arab world now ravaged by 21st-century war, is losing them support.

"The Free Syrian Army's brand has mostly been tarnished," said Abu Marwan, the pilot.

"After it gained an international reputation for being an army that is fighting for the Syrian people, for Syria, all this stuff, these people, has diminished the value of the Free Army."

(Editing by Dominic Evans and Alastair Macdonald)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/insight-aleppo-misery-eats-syrian-rebel-support-191310600.html

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Retooling Pap test to spot more kinds of cancer

Graphic shows pap smear method of detecting a variety of gynecological cancers

Graphic shows pap smear method of detecting a variety of gynecological cancers

(AP) ? For years, doctors have lamented that there's no Pap test for deadly ovarian cancer. Wednesday, scientists reported encouraging signs that one day, there might be.

Researchers are trying to retool the Pap, a test for cervical cancer that millions of women get, so that it could spot early signs of other gynecologic cancers, too.

How? It turns out that cells can flake off of tumors in the ovaries or the lining of the uterus, and float down to rest in the cervix, where Pap tests are performed. These cells are too rare to recognize under the microscope. But researchers from Johns Hopkins University used some sophisticated DNA testing on the Pap samples to uncover the evidence ? gene mutations that show cancer is present.

In a pilot study, they analyzed Pap smears from 46 women who already were diagnosed with either ovarian or endometrial cancer. The new technique found all the endometrial cancers and 41 percent of the ovarian tumors, the team reported Wednesday in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

This is very early-stage research, and women shouldn't expect any change in their routine Paps. It will take years of additional testing to prove if the so-called PapGene technique really could work as a screening tool, used to spot cancer in women who thought they were healthy.

"Now the hard work begins," said Hopkins oncologist Dr. Luis Diaz, whose team is collecting hundreds of additional Pap samples for more study and is exploring ways to enhance the detection of ovarian cancer.

But if it ultimately pans out, "the neat part about this is, the patient won't feel anything different," and the Pap wouldn't be performed differently, Diaz added. The extra work would come in a lab.

The gene-based technique marks a new approach toward cancer screening, and specialists are watching closely.

"This is very encouraging, and it shows great potential," said American Cancer Society genetics expert Michael Melner.

"We are a long way from being able to see any impact on our patients," cautioned Dr. Shannon Westin of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. She reviewed the research in an accompanying editorial, and said the ovarian cancer detection would need improvement if the test is to work.

But she noted that ovarian cancer has poor survival rates because it's rarely caught early. "If this screening test could identify ovarian cancer at an early stage, there would be a profound impact on patient outcomes and mortality," Westin said.

More than 22,000 U.S. women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year, and more than 15,000 die. Symptoms such as pain and bloating seldom are obvious until the cancer is more advanced, and numerous attempts at screening tests have failed.

Endometrial cancer affects about 47,000 women a year, and kills about 8,000. There is no screening test for it either, but most women are diagnosed early because of postmenopausal bleeding.

The Hopkins research piggybacks on one of the most successful cancer screening tools, the Pap, and a newer technology used along with it. With a standard Pap, a little brush scrapes off cells from the cervix, which are stored in a vial to examine for signs of cervical cancer. Today, many women's Paps undergo an additional DNA-based test to see if they harbor the HPV virus, which can spur cervical cancer.

So the Hopkins team, funded largely by cancer advocacy groups, decided to look for DNA evidence of other gynecologic tumors. It developed a method to rapidly screen the Pap samples for those mutations using standard genetics equipment that Diaz said wouldn't add much to the cost of a Pap-plus-HPV test. He said the technique could detect both early-stage and more advanced tumors. Importantly, tests of Paps from 14 healthy women turned up no false alarms.

The endometrial cancers may have been easier to find because cells from those tumors don't have as far to travel as ovarian cancer cells, Diaz said. Researchers will study whether inserting the Pap brush deeper, testing during different times of the menstrual cycle, or other factors might improve detection of ovarian cancer.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/bbd825583c8542898e6fa7d440b9febc/Article_2013-01-09-Pap%20Tests-Other%20Cancers/id-03d4fbe31b0f4b3a8883a03d5c0f8614

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Kim Kardashian Outsells Kate Middleton - Business Insider

While Kate Middleton is notorious for putting brands on the map, Kim Kardashian is an even more powerful sales tool.

?You don?t see hundreds of women running around looking like [Kate Middleton],? French designer Roland Mouret told Fashionista.com. ?To be honest, we?re more likely to get orders on a dress that Kim Kardashian?s worn.?

Mouret has dressed both Kardashian and the Duchess.

Middleton is a fashion magazine darling, and it's been reported that every product she's photographed wearing sells out.?

But Kardashian has received a chilly reception from the fashion world.

"Kim Kardashian?a sexpot with curves and a prodigious behind, a sybarite as well as a full-on capitalist?is an affront to everything (the fashion world) holds dear," New York Magazine wrote a couple months ago.

Kardashian's popularity shows a disconnect between the fashion industry and the public.

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Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/kim-kardashian-outsells-kate-middleton-2013-1

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মঙ্গলবার, ৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Are Wedding Bloggers Shitty Writers? ? Green Room ? Rock n Roll ...

Postsecret is one of my favourite reads. For those of you that might not have heard of it, it?s a weekly collection of secrets that people have?anonymously?posted (usually on postcards) to Frank, the website?s founder, through the mail.

Anyway, yesterday I saw this secret crop up?

shittywirterwedding blog postsecret

It took me by surprise to see something I?m so closely associated with up there. Of course my?immediate?reaction was ?OMG I wonder who it was and which blog they write for??. But then I started to feel quite sad. Is that really what?wedding?journalism can do to you? Or to any wedding creative for that matter? Is it an uncreative, uninspirational?and?unfulfilling field to be in?

Now, clearly I couldn?t?disagree?more. I?absolutely?love my job and find new challenges and opportunities?because of it every day. But I just wanted to lay this out there and ask you ? as a creative (writer, photographer, designer ? whatever) in the wedding industry, do you ever feel like you?re ?dumbing down? your art to satisfy your clients? Not because our clients or readers are dumb of course, but because they expect a certain thing from you? they?re paying for your services after all. Maybe this is not the time to be experimental, creative or to push ourselves artistically?

It?s true,?I have read some pretty badly written wedding?editorial?in my time, just as I?ve seen some pretty shocking wedding photography, stationery or fashion designs. But I think the point of difference comes through passion and a love for the industry and the work that we do? as well as actual talent of course! I?m the first to admit that?writing real wedding reports may not be the most intellectually stimulating part of my job, but I am adamant that doing other things, within the genre that I love (workshops, the Green Room, contributions to magazines)?is the way to keep my brain ticking over and to avoid ever feeling like that.

Writing about weddings hardly warrants creating Shakespearean?prose, but always striving to push yourself and to make the very best of what you do ? regardless of what industry you work within ? is paramount. Whether you have a job that?s just to tide you over or you?re working towards your dream career, it?s what you make of it that counts. Any job can be shitty if you don?t make the best of the opportunities?you?re given.

Am I the best writer out there? Definitely not. But I hope I?ll always be able to say that I work hard,?aspire to?improve,?and that I sure as hell still love what I do.

This post doesn?t really have any great and insightful conclusion I?m?afraid. Instead I?d love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Source: http://www.rocknrollbride.com/2013/01/are-wedding-bloggers-shitty-writers/

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