মঙ্গলবার, ৩১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Insight: Borrowing spree pushes Canadians to edge of debt cliff (Reuters)

TORONTO (Reuters) ? The two giant jars on Randolph Taylor's windowsill are filled with shards of credit cards, chopped up by the clients whose staggering indebtedness drove them to the front line of Canada's household debt crisis.

"I used to cut them up myself, but then I saw that having them do it themselves was a huge symbolic act," Taylor said, pulling out a pair of scissors from his desk drawer in the Toronto headquarters of debt counseling agency Credit Canada.

"I tell them this card is the reason they are here. This card is the reason they haven't been able to sleep."

The growth of household debt in Canada to levels approaching those seen in the United States before the 2008-2009 crash seems to be keeping a lot of people awake - from central bankers to economists, lenders, real estate agents and the indebted consumers.

Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney has warned that the ratio of debt to income will rise from the already alarming 153 percent record reached last year, and many think it will approach the landmark 160 percent hit by the United States before the U.S. tipped into crisis more than three years ago.

While Canada has spent the last few years boasting of its escape from the global credit crisis and its quick recovery from recession, both Carney and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty are sounding the alarm on household debt, warning it has become the biggest home-grown risk to the financial system.

"Obviously the biggest concern is taking extreme levels of debt for those who are most vulnerable," Carney said in mid-January, pointing to a "potentially overvalued" housing market that has roared higher for years, barely pausing when the U.S. market collapsed.

Carney, like central bankers the world over, has dropped official interest rates to historic lows to bolster growth, and suggested borrowing costs will remain low. The fact that his own policy made borrowing so attractive has not lessened his warning that sharp pain may come when rates do rise.


The constant cry about household debt from Carney and Flaherty has sparked a debate about just how bad the problem is, with most concluding that it is quite worrisome and will end badly - but not as badly as in the United States.

"I am concerned about household debt. I do think ultimately this is going to end in tears, because inevitably rates are going to rise. And when they do rise, I think it is going to be a real shock to people," said Craig Alexander, chief economist at Toronto-Dominion Bank, Canada's second-largest lender.

In December, TD estimated the average Canadian home was overvalued by about 10 percent, while others have predicted a 25 percent drop in house prices. That would leave many homeowners underwater, unable to service their debts and risking default.

Still, Alexander said Canada's more conservative lending culture may spare it from a U.S.-magnitude crisis.

"I don't think we'll have a U.S.-style problem ... (because) financial institutions have been very prudent lenders, so we don't have the same systemic risk the United States had."

The Canadian Bankers Association, which lobbies on behalf of lenders, points out that 68 percent of household debt is residential mortgages - loans that are backed by an asset and increase an individual's net worth. Twenty percent comes from lines of credit and only 5 percent is credit card debt.

Mortgages are more conservative as well, with next to nothing of a subprime market.

The news on mortgages would be downright rosy except nearly everyone thinks home prices are unsustainably high, particularly in the two largest markets, Toronto and Vancouver.

Eerily reminiscent of the U.S. housing market five years ago, houses are listed mid-week, packed with buyers over a weekend open house, and sold, often with multiple unconditional offers well above the asking price, two days later.

"If a house goes on the market in a good area, it is insane. Anything under C$1 million, the activity at the public open house is nutty," said Toronto real estate agent Valerie Cowie.

Cowie, who has been in the business for 10 years, estimates that more than 80 percent of homes in the "active market" - priced under about C$1.2 million - get multiple offers these days.

And while it sounds like a good time to be a real estate agent, Cowie said it is hard on both buyers - who must bid wildly higher to win a house - and on sellers, who risk a deal falling through when the bid fails to be appraised at the higher price.

"The day will come when the seller can't just ask for more, when the buyer won't pay it. I look forward to that day. I look forward to the day the buyers just say no. No more," Cowie said.


The strength of the housing market is at the crux of the debt story in Canada, where home ownership is above 67 percent.

Prices in major markets have marched higher for a decade, at an often double-digit pace. Housing prices rose 7.2 percent last year while home sales increased 9.5 percent to C$166 billion, according to the Canadian Real Estate Association.

While price increases appear to be cooling, competition to get into the market has spurred new homebuyers to stretch hard before they are priced out altogether.

Debt counselor Taylor - the one with the scissors - has heard horror stories about unmanageable mortgage debt.

"I've seen people whose mortgage and property tax payments, together, eat up more than 70 percent of their net pay. It should never be more than 35 percent," he said.

With housing eating up income, borrowers turn to credit cards or home-equity line of credit - the Canadian version of the U.S. refinance game - to pay for food and living expenses.

"They are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul," Taylor said.

Credit cards are not hard to get. Just ask Michael Dynes, a seasonal concrete worker who found himself with C$140,000 in debt spread across 15 credit cards, plus a mortgage on his home in the resort town of Collingwood, 160 km (100 miles) north of Toronto.

"I always had a decent job, and credit was always easy, a little too easy, to get. And it compounds and compounds until you find you are paying more interest than you're actually earning," Dynes, 63, recalls of his debt crisis, which came to a head about seven years ago after he bought a boat, upgraded his house and added furniture.

"I think greed takes over, the want to be like everyone else, to have toys and bells and whistles," he said. "I'm not a drinking man either, nothing like that. I'm just an average person who got way over their head."


Laurie Campbell, executive director at Credit Canada, a nonprofit credit counseling agency that is funded by banks, retailers and other lenders, blames consumers, not lenders, for the credit mess she sees on a daily basis.

"What's changed in the last 20 years is a 'buy now, pay later' mentality - savings have all but disappeared," said Campbell, a 21-year veteran of the credit counseling business.

"A correction will hurt. There is no doubt in my mind, a correction will end up a landslide. It's a domino effect," said Campbell, whose north Toronto counseling office offers advice pamphlets in Spanish, Farsi, Russian, Tagalog and Chinese, as well as a crate of stuffed toys for children to play with while their parents are counseled about the family's future.

While Canadian unemployment - at 7.5 percent still well below the U.S. rate of 8.5 percent - seems to be holding steady, Campbell believes Canadians are not as well employed as they used to be, with fewer benefits and lower pay.

Real disposable income fell by 0.1 percent during the first three quarters of 2011, as inflation snapped back from the recession more quickly than average wages.

So far, Canadians appear to be managing their growing debt load. Just 0.39 percent of mortgages were in arrears as of late 2011, in line with historic averages. The credit card delinquency rate was 1.05 percent in mid-2011, down from a 2010 peak of 1.34 percent, the Canadian Bankers Association said.

But the risk of higher rates looms - a boogeyman so long delayed that consumers may have stopped believing easy credit will ever end.

The U.S. Federal Reserve recently extended its vow to keep rates low through late 2014, a move expected to keep Canada's official interest rates low for longer as well.

The prospect of easy money for years to come doesn't ease Alexander's concern about Canadian debt levels - it heightens it. Sure, it's cheap to service debt, but more and more gets piled on as consumers see a 3 percent mortgage as normal.

"Every time I say 'Be careful, interest rates are going to go up this year,' we get to the end of the year and they haven't gone up. And then the next year I say the same thing," Alexander said.

"I feel an awful lot like the little boy that cried wolf. But I always remind people that the wolf does show up at the end of the story."

($1=$1.00 Canadian)

(Editing by Janet Guttsman and Rob Wilson)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/economy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120131/bs_nm/us_canada_economy_debt

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সোমবার, ৩০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Study Shows That The Location Of The Itch Matters

By Christie Nicholson
(Click here for the original article and podcast)

Itch. Past studies have shown that whatever the cause?perhaps just hearing me talk about itch?something triggers nerve fibers that send a signal lighting up three areas of the brain: the emotional regions; the limbic system that sparks the urge to scratch; and the cortex that tells you where to scratch.

And recently researchers discovered that where the itch begins can predict how bad it is?and how much pleasure you?ll get by scratching it. The study is in the British Journal of Dermatology. ?

The researchers induced an itch on the ankles, forearms and backs of 18 subjects. And the research team also relieved the itch in a uniform way with a scratching device, rather than let each subject go to town in different and unmeasureable ways.

The results: The experimentally induced itch was particularly bad on the back and ankle. And scratching the back got rid of the itch most effectively. But scratching the ankle provided the most pleasurable relief.

So not all itches are created equal, even if they?re induced equally. The next steps are to find out why, and whether there is a treatment that can match the pleasure of the scratch.

Also on HuffPost:

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/29/location-itch-scratch_n_1240459.html

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Police clash with Oakland protesters, 100 held (Reuters)

OAKLAND (Reuters) ? Riot police fought running clashes with anti-Wall street protesters in Oakland on Saturday, firing tear gas and arresting 120 people in scuffles that injured three officers and at least one demonstrator.

The confrontations erupted in the mid-afternoon as Occupy protesters sought to take over a shuttered convention center, trying to regain momentum in their movement against economic inequality after authorities cleared protest camps across the country late last year.

Hundreds of people filled the downtown Oakland streets well into the evening, turning their anger toward authorities in a city that has seen simmering tensions between police and protesters boil over repeatedly.

"Occupy Oakland has got to stop using Oakland as its playground," Mayor Jean Quan said at a late evening press conference as officers in riot gear were still lined up against demonstrators in parts of downtown.

Quan blamed a core group of agitators for the violence, saying they had damaged City Hall and a children's art exhibit on recycling, among other things.

City officials said three police officers and one protester were injured during repeated altercations throughout downtown. There was no immediate word on their condition. Streaming Internet broadcasts by activists showed several demonstrators being treated by paramedics or loaded into ambulances.

Occupy Oakland organizers had earlier vowed to take over the apparently empty convention center to establish a new headquarters for their movement and draw attention to homelessness in a move seen as a challenge to authorities who have blocked similar efforts before.

Police and protesters first scuffled after activists tried to tear down a chain-link fence surrounding the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center in downtown Oakland.

"The one percent have all these empty buildings, and meanwhile there are all these homeless people," protester Omar Yassin told Reuters at the scene.

Police in riot gear moved in, firing smoke grenades and tear gas to drive the crowd back, ultimately arresting 20 people.

"Officers were pelted with bottles, metal pipe, rocks, spray cans, improvised explosive devices and burning flares," the Oakland Police Department said in a statement. "Oakland Police Department deployed smoke and tear gas."


Some activists, carrying shields made of plastic garbage cans and corrugated metal, tried to circumvent the police line, and surged toward police on another side of the building as more smoke canisters were fired.

"The City of Oakland welcomes peaceful forms of assembly and freedom of speech, but acts of violence, property destruction and overnight lodging will not be tolerated," police said in a statement.

Another 100 people were arrested in late afternoon after they were corralled by officers outside a YMCA in downtown Oakland. Oakland police said two journalists were detained near the YMCA but released at the scene.

Later, hundreds of demonstrators regrouped and marched through downtown Oakland, where they were repeatedly confronted by police in riot gear. Police at several points fired flash-bang grenades into the crowd and swung batons at protesters.

A group of demonstrators ultimately made their way to City Hall, where they brought out a U.S. flag and set it on fire before scattering ahead of advancing officers.

Several hundred people remained in the streets well after dark, facing off against lines of riot police holding batons who demonstrators sometimes taunted as "pigs".

Protesters in Oakland loosely affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement that began in New York last year have repeatedly clashed with police during a series of marches and demonstrations.

In October, former U.S. Marine Scott Olsen was left in critical condition with a head injury following a confrontation with police on the streets of Oakland in which tear gas was deployed.

Organizers said Olsen was struck in the head by a tear gas canister. Authorities opened an investigation into that incident but have not said how they believe he was hurt.

Elsewhere, the National Park Service said on Friday it would bar Occupy protesters in the nation's capital, one of the few big cities where Occupy encampments survive, from camping in two parks where they have been living since October.

That order, which takes effect on Monday, was seen as a blow to one of the highest-profile chapters of the movement.

(Additional reporting by Dan Whitcomb and Mary Slosson; Writing by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Cynthia Johnston)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/us/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120129/us_nm/us_oakland_protests

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রবিবার, ২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

The Complexities of Investing in Real Estate

Article Directory :: Finance & Investment Articles

A financial services course can cover subject matters anywhere from fixed annuities to interest rates to home mortgages. Any type of investment requires detailed knowledge and planning partnered with monitoring. For many people, home ownership is the single largest investment that they will ever make. Whether it is a single family home, a multi-family home, a commercial property or vacant land, real estate investment is one of the most important parts of your financial portfolio. Owning a real estate property is usually held as part of a larger portfolio, and is generally considered an alternative investment class. However, it provides diversification value, yield enhancement, and the ability to influence performance.

The real estate market can be tricky and unpredictable, but if you enter it at the right time, it can prove to be a smart investment. An investment management specialist will help guide you through your real estate choices. Three key indicators as to whether or not a real estate market has started to rebound are: local unemployment rates, rents, and foreclosures. These indicators can easily be overlooked. It used to be that the three biggest determinants of a property's value were location, location and location; in a slow economy, however, it could be jobs, jobs and jobs.

A financial services course will inform investors on the latest updates in the real estate sector. In the case of rental rates, the general rule is if real estate prices are more than 15 times annual rents, the market favors renters?under 15 and the market favors buyers. Finally, healthy communities have fewer foreclosed properties. Key indicators in housing include housing as a share of GDP, home ownership rates, monthly payments, percentage of household income spent on home payment, and sale price for a new single-family home. Housing as a share of GDP came to an average of 17% in 2010 as compared to 21% in 2005. Home ownership rates were 67% in 2010 as compared to 69% in 2004. The average monthly mortgage payment was $900 in 2010 compared to $1,360 in 2007. In 2010, only 18% of household income was spent on home payment, as compared to 32% back in 2005. Lastly, the average sales price of a new single-family home in 2010 was $222,000 as compared to $240,000 in 1980!

An investment management specialist will inform you that one of the main differences between investing in real estate versus in other assets is that real estate is highly tangible. Unlike stocks or bonds, you can actually see and touch your real estate property. Although it may seem like a good deal on paper, you have to be aware that owning real estate involves much more than collecting rent and paying bills. This often creates substantial pride of ownership, but also has its negatives because the property requires hands-on management. You don't need to paint the walls of a bond or mow the lawn of a stock! Real estate can produce an income, like a bond, as well as appreciate, like equity. If you are considering investing in multiple real estate properties, you should consult with an investment management specialist beforehand to decide how they will work in your current portfolio.

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96% The Muppets

All Critics (170) | Top Critics (40) | Fresh (163) | Rotten (6)

It may not entirely work as a movie, but The Muppets shines as a piece of touching pop nostalgia.

The purity of the nostalgia turns this franchise film into a love letter to childhood.

You can rest easy - if you have previously loved the Muppets, you will likely currently love The Muppets.

The chorus of one of the songs declares, 'I've got everything that I need, right in front of me.' For 120 minutes, that's precisely how I felt.

[Filmmakers] hew close to the essential innocence informing the Muppets' silliness.

The Muppets is a triumph of simplicity, innocence and goofy jokes. It's a triumph of felt.

So genial, so joyous, and suffused with such a lip-smacking sweetness, that the occasional pacing issues and subplot hiccups simply don't seem to matter.

It's never cloying or too knowing. Cynicism and wariness are real world concerns that have no place among the foam and felt.

Brushing aside decades of nostalgia, this is a whip-smart postmodern romp with a warm heart to boot, and as such, it should please both life-long fans and new initiates to the Muppet universe.

invites viewers to become a bit like the dreamer Walter and, in (re)discovering and embracing their inner child (not to mention their inner muppet), to join a fantastic, funny family that never grows old, no matter how times may have changed.

The innocence is slightly twisted, the harmonious camaraderie is slightly corrosive and the characters are slightly eccentric

I smiled throughout this madcap joyous adventure in which the Muppets are funny, silly, colourful and totally endearing in what must be the happiest film of the New Year

MY inner child - the one who loved The Muppet Show, The Muppet Movie and The Great Muppet Caper - really wants to give this film five stars.

By focusing on the Muppets of The Muppet Show (1976-1981) rather than the independent Muppets of prior films, the writers open up an unexplored aspect of Muppet lore ripe for revival.

A nice throwback to the good old days of the Muppets.

Under James Bobin's direction, however, the outing feels cheap and strangely small-screen.

An altogether charming, smart and strangely moving little movie.

The Muppets may be one of the best films of the year, not judged as a children's film, or a family film, but instead, simply as a film.

The Muppets is really two movies. And one of those movies is quite good, albeit awfully similar to previous films.

Even balcony critics Waldorf and Statler would have a hard time faulting this Wonkaful delight.

I am a fan of The Muppets and I'm glad to see them making a comeback. Maybe if this movie is a hit, they'll make a sequel where they'll actually get to be the stars of their own film.

A good imitation of the Muppet style.

The Muppets is a celebration of all things Muppets -- filled with fun, laughter and moments of pure joy.

The Muppets heralds the return of Jim Henson's beloved furry creations, resurrected from pop-culture irrelevance and lovingly restored to their former greatness in a vibrant comedy-musical.

More Critic Reviews

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_muppets/

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শনিবার, ২৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Magnitude 5.5 quake shakes Japan (AP)

TOKYO ? A magnitude-5.5 earthquake rattled Yamanashi prefecture in central Japan on Saturday morning, the Japan Meteorological Agency reported. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, and no tsunami warning was issued.

The temblor was some 20 kilometers (12 1/2 miles) deep and hit at 7:43 a.m. local time (2243 GMT Friday), the Japanese earthquake-reporting agency said.

Last year, a magnitude-9 quake on March 11 and subsequent tsunami about 140 miles (230 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo left nearly 20,000 people dead or missing.

Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/japan/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120127/ap_on_re_as/as_japan_earthquake

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শুক্রবার, ২৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Board Post, January 26 2012 (slacktivist)

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NM immigrant driver's license debate intensifies

In this Jan. 24, 2012 photo, immigrant advocates use an image of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez on a mock state driver's license during a rally in Santa Fe to protest her proposal to repeal a state law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.?An Associated Press investigation has found that found that a handful of addresses are being used over and over again by immigrants to get licenses in a pattern that suggests potential fraud.?(AP Photo/Russell Contreras)

In this Jan. 24, 2012 photo, immigrant advocates use an image of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez on a mock state driver's license during a rally in Santa Fe to protest her proposal to repeal a state law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.?An Associated Press investigation has found that found that a handful of addresses are being used over and over again by immigrants to get licenses in a pattern that suggests potential fraud.?(AP Photo/Russell Contreras)

(AP) ? Republican Gov. Susana Martinez and her allies face a tough first test in the Legislature over their proposal to stop New Mexico from granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

The House Labor and Human Resources Committee is to consider the governor's proposal Thursday and it's expected to encounter strong opposition at the first hearing on the issue during this year's legislative session.

The panel's five Democrats, who account for a majority of the votes, opposed a similar bill last year that passed the House but failed later in the Senate.

The legislation will prohibit the state from granting licenses to illegal immigrants. However, it continues to allow licenses for foreign nationals in the country legally, such as students with visa.

New Mexico and Washington are the only states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain the same driver's license as a U.S. citizen. Utah grants immigrants a driving permit that can't be used for identification, unlike a driver's license that helps people open bank accounts and make financial transactions or board a commercial airliner.

Martinez contends that New Mexico's license system is subject to widespread fraud. The state has brought charges against several fraud rings, in which brokers were paid to supplement fraudulent documents for foreign nationals from Poland, China, Mexico and other countries.

A review of license data by The Associated Press found that dozens of addresses ? including some for businesses such as a smoke shop ? have been used over and over again by immigrants to get a driver's license. The pattern suggests people are abusing the state's licensing system.

"The governor stands with New Mexicans in saying that this is a dangerous law that threatens public safety in New Mexico, and just as more than a dozen other states have done, it needs to be repealed," Scott Darnell, a spokesman for the governor, said before the hearing.

"Only two states in the country offer a driver's license to illegal immigrants, and this has generated an industry of fraud, trafficking, and organized crime in New Mexico, as people from all throughout the world have come to our state for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining our government-issued ID and leaving the state ? to places, and for purposes, that are unknown."

Supporters of the current policy contend the state doesn't need to repeal its law to deal with potential fraud and they say a driver's license is vital to the immigrant community living and working in New Mexico, some of whom have been here for years and have U.S.-born children.

"It's disingenuous to suggest that fraud will go away if New Mexico repeals the current driver's license law. Fraud exists in many of the states that don't provide driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants," Marcela Diaz, executive director of an immigrant rights group, Somos un Pueblo Unido, said in a recent interview.

Diaz contends fraud is limited to a small portion of immigrant licenses. Democrats in the Senate took a similar position after the AP's report on Wednesday.

"This issue has drawn national attention and it has made one thing very clear: The current law must be strengthened to include provisions that clearly address the flaws. Repealing the law and forcing a fraction of the driving population to go without proper licensing, registration or insurance puts New Mexican families at risk," the Senate Democratic caucus said in a written statement.

The AP identified 170 addresses in New Mexico at which 10 or more licenses have been issued to different foreign nationals from 2003 through August 2011. Those account for 2,662 licenses ? representing nearly 3 percent of the total issued to foreign nationals during that period. The AP limited its analysis to addresses with a high number of licenses to try to get an indication of the extent of possible fraud. Large families or frequent tenant turnover at rental property are among the legitimate reasons why there are addresses with fewer than 10 licenses over a period of time.

Democrats who oppose the governor's proposal are pushing alternatives. The Senate approved a Democratic-backed measure last year that would have increased penalties on license fraud, required fingerprinting of immigrants seeking a license and canceled current licenses of foreign nationals that weren't renewed within two years ? allowing the state to verify whether a foreign national remained a New Mexico resident.

New Mexico changed its law in 2003 to grant driver's licenses to anyone without a Social Security number, which are unavailable to people living illegally in the country. More than 90,000 licenses have been issued to immigrants, and state officials speculate that most of those have gone to illegal immigrants. However, it's impossible to know for certain because license applicants aren't asked about their immigration status.


Follow Barry Massey on Twitter at http://twitter.com/bmasseyAP

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-01-26-Immigrant%20Licenses/id-c4e99c5304ed4db79b88f7a189d302cb

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Shooting Challenge: The Oscars [Shooting Challenge]

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State: 'Serious' questions on GOP pipeline bill (AP)

WASHINGTON ? A Republican bill that would strip President Barack Obama of his authority to decide on a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline raises "serious" legal questions, the State Department said Wednesday in objecting to the bill.

Assistant Secretary of State Kerri-Ann Jones told Congress that the bill "imposes narrow time constraints and creates automatic mandates that prevent an informed decision" on the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb., would transfer authority over the 1,700-mile pipeline to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Obama blocked the $7 billion pipeline last week, saying officials did not have enough time to review an alternate route that avoided environmentally sensitive areas of Nebraska.

The plan by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. would carry tar sands oil from western Canada across Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma en route to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Jones said Obama's Jan. 18 decision to reject the pipeline was not based on the merits of the project, but on the fact that officials did not have enough time to review the project before a deadline imposed by Congress.

"We fought in World War II in less time than it has taken to decide on this project," shot back Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas. "In all due respect, it is an insult to the American people to say you need more time."

TransCanada first applied to build the pipeline in 2008, under the Bush administration.

Obama had delayed a decision on the pipeline in November, saying his administration needed time to review an alternate route that avoided environmentally sensitive areas of Nebraska ? a route that still has not been proposed. But in an unrelated tax deal he cut with congressional Republicans, Obama had been boxed into making a decision by Feb. 21.

The deal required that the project would go forward unless Obama declared by that date that it was not in the national interest. The president did just that last week.

Project supporters say U.S. rejection of the pipeline will not stop one from being built. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said Canada is serious about building a pipeline to its West Coast, where oil could be shipped to China and other Asian markets.

TransCanada has said it will submit a new application once an alternative route for the pipeline is established. Company chief Russ Girling said a proposed route could be made public in a few weeks.

TransCanada says the pipeline could create as many as 20,000 jobs, a figure opponents say is inflated. A State Department report last summer said the pipeline would create up to 6,000 jobs during construction

The pipeline is a dicey proposition for Obama, who enjoyed strong support from both organized labor and environmentalists in his 2008 campaign for the White House.

Environmental advocates have made it clear that approval of the pipeline would dampen their enthusiasm for Obama in November. Some liberal donors even threatened to cut off funds to Obama's re-election campaign to protest the project, which opponents say would transport "dirty oil" that requires huge amounts of energy to extract and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.

By rejecting the pipeline, Obama also risks losing support from organized labor, a key part of the Democratic base, for thwarting thousands of jobs.


Matthew Daly can be followed on Twitter: (at)MatthewDalyWDC

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_re_us/us_oil_pipeline

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US military raid in Somalia frees American, Dane (AP)

MOGADISHU, Somalia ? U.S. military forces helicoptered into Somalia in a nighttime raid Wednesday and freed two hostages, an American and a Dane, while killing nine pirates, officials and a pirate source said.

The Danish Refugee Council confirmed the two aid workers, American Jessica Buchanan and Dane Poul Hagan Thisted, were freed "during an operation in Somalia." Buchanan, 32, and Thisted, 60, had been working with a de-mining unit of the Danish Refugee Council when they were kidnapped.

President Barack Obama appeared to refer to the mission before his State of the Union address in Washington Tuesday night. As he entered the House chamber in the U.S. Capitol, he pointed at Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in the crowd and said, "Good job tonight."

A Western official told The Associated Press that the raid was carried out by U.S. military forces. A second official said the helicopters and the hostages flew to a U.S. military base called Camp Lemonier in the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not been released publicly.

Panetta visited Camp Lemonier just over a month ago, A key U.S. ally in this region, Djibouti has the only U.S. base in sub-Saharan Africa. It hosts the military's Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa.

The Danish Refugee Council said both freed hostages are unharmed "and at a safe location." The group said in a separate statement that the two "are on their way to be reunited with their families."

The two aid workers appear to have been kidnapped by criminals ? sometimes referred to as pirates ? and not by Somalia's al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. As large ships at sea have increased their defenses against pirate attacks, gangs have looked for other money making opportunities like land-based kidnappings.

A pirate who gave his name as Bile Hussein said he had spoken to pirates at the scene of the raid and they reported that nine pirates had been killed. A second pirate who gave his name as Ahmed Hashi said two helicopters attacked at about 2 a.m. at the site where the hostages were being held about 20 kilometers (12 miles) north of the Somali town of Adado.

Maj. Kelly Cahalan, a military spokeswoman at U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany, said she had no information on the raid. A spokeswoman at the Pentagon had no immediate comment. U.S. military rescue operations are typically carried out by highly trained special forces.

The Danish Refugee Council had earlier enlisted traditional Somali elders and members of civil society to seek the release of the two hostages. The two were seized in October from the portion of Galkayo town under the control of a government-allied clan militia. The aid agency has said that Somalis held demonstrations demanding the pair's quick release.

Their Somali colleague was detained by police on suspicion of being involved in their kidnapping.

The two hostages were working in northern Somalia for the Danish Demining Group, whose experts have been clearing mines and unexploded ordnance in conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East.

Several hostages are still being held in Somalia, including a British tourist and two Spanish doctors seized from neighboring Kenya, and an American journalist kidnapped on Saturday.


Associated Press reporter Jason Straziuso in Nairobi, Kenya, contributed to this report. Houreld reported from Nairobi.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_re_af/af_somalia_helicopter_raid

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Confrontation grows between Italy captain and ship group (Reuters)

GIGLIO, Italy (Reuters) ? The captain of the cruise liner that capsized off Italy's coast has told prosecutors the vessel's operators, Costa Cruises, instructed him to perform a maneuver that brought it too close to shore, according to leaked transcripts of his questioning.

Captain Francesco Schettino has been blamed for the January 13 accident, in which at least 12 people died. He is under house arrest, accused of multiple manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship before all passengers were evacuated.

Prosecutors say Schettino steered the vessel, which carried more than 4,200 passengers and crew, within 150 meters of the Tuscan island of Giglio to perform a maneuver known as a "salute" - a greeting to the islanders.

The vessel struck a rock and tipped over. It is now precariously lying on its side on an undersea ledge, half-submerged and threatening to slide into deeper waters.

Costa Cruises have said they were not aware of the dangerous practice of bringing the ship so close to the shore and have suspended the captain, saying he was responsible for the disaster.

But in a sign of the growing confrontation between Schettino and the ship owners, the captain told investigating magistrates Costa had instructed him to do the salute, according to transcripts of his hearing published by Italian media.

"It was planned, we should have done it a week earlier but it was not possible because of bad weather," Schettino said.

"They insisted. They said: 'We do tourist navigation, we have to be seen, get publicity and greet the island'."

He also said that the black box on board had been broken for two weeks, and that he had asked for it to be repaired, in vain.

In the hearing, Schettino insisted he had informed Costa's headquarters of the accident straight away, and his line of conduct had been approved by the company's marine operations director throughout a series of phone conversations.

He acknowledged, however, not raising the alarm with the coast guard promptly and delaying the evacuation order.

"You can't evacuate people on lifeboats and then, if the ship doesn't sink, say it was a joke. I don't want to create panic and have people die for nothing," he said.

Costa, a unit of Carnival Corp, says Schettino lied to the company and his own crew about the scale of the emergency.

Documents from his hearing with a judge say he had shown "incredible carelessness" and a "total inability to manage the successive phases of the emergency."

Taped conversations have revealed the ship's bridge told coast guards who were alerted by passengers that the vessel had only suffered a black-out even after those on board donned life vests.


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Adding to the growing debate about the ship's safety standards, Franco Gabrielli - head of Italy's Civil Protection authority which is coordinating the rescue operations - said a number of unregistered passengers might have been on board.

Relatives of a missing Hungarian woman told authorities she was on the Costa Concordia with a member of the crew, but her name was not on the list of passengers, he said.

"In theory, there could be an unknown number of people who were on the ship and have not been reported missing because they were not registered," Gabrielli said.

Of the 12 bodies recovered, only 8 had been identified - four French nationals, an Italian, a Hungarian, a German and a Spaniard. At least 20 people are still unaccounted for.


Minor pollution from detergents and disinfectants aboard the shipwreck had been detected in the waters around the vessel but there was no sign that the heavy fuel in its tanks is leaking, Gabrielli said.

He said tests were being carried out daily on the waters around the ship and a nearby desalinization plant that provides drinking water for the island's residents.

"The tests for toxic substances are negative so far," Gabrielli said. "The only significant elements detected, which luckily are not worrying yet, relate to ... detergents and disinfectants used on the ship, for the swimming pool or to clean the bathrooms for example."

Environment experts have warned contamination of the pristine waters around Giglio, which is the middle of a national marine park, is already under way and it is imperative to start recovering the fuel oil as soon as possible.

(Writing by Silvia Aloisi; Editing by Sophie Hares)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/europe/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120122/wl_nm/us_italy_ship

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Fans force entry to stadium complex


updated 11:22 a.m. ET Jan. 21, 2012

BATA, Equatorial Guinea - Police used tear gas to try and slow a crush of fans forcing their way into the Bata Stadium complex for Saturday's opening match of the African Cup of Nations.

Police tried to check fans' tickets one-by-one at the main gate to the complex ahead of Equatorial Guinea's match against Libya. But several times the crowd proved too much and Israeli security advisers ordered the gates opened to allow scores of people through without being checked.

On at least one occasion, tear gas was used on the crowd.

The gate opens onto a road leading to the stadium. Fans will still need a ticket to get inside.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Kevin Federline: Hospitalized For Exhaustion Again!

We can respect Kevin Federline for working out so hard to lose weight that he passes out, but he may want to scale back, having been hospitalized twice now.

The ex-Mr. Britney Spears was rushed to the hospital a SECOND TIME since filming Excess Baggage, an amusingly-named Australian Celebrity Fit Club spinoff.

Apparently he was in the midst of an AFL training session with the Greater Western Sydney Giants on Monday afternoon when he complained of chest pains.


A spokesperson for the network airing the show said:

"Kevin was at Doonside with the [Giants], completing an AFL-related challenge. He did his challenge, which was running and catching the ball, then while his [in-series weight-loss partner] was taking the same challenge, he reported chest pains and a racing heart."

"We have a lot of paramedics on standby and they treated him for the first signs of a minor cardiac arrest, called an ambulance and had him taken to hospital."

Fortunately, tests revealed he did not have a heart attack.

Still, don't fight the good fight too hard, Kev.

[Photo: WENN.com]

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/01/kevin-federline-hospitalized-for-exhaustion-again/

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Intel does the executive shuffle

Time to update your Intel executive playing cards. The chipmaker is doing some serious reshuffling high up in its ranks. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that SVP Brian Krzanich and EVP Dadi Perlmutter will be taking on the roles of chief operating officer and chief product officer, respectively. The big moves come on the heels of some positive looking financial results. The Journal suggests that the decision may be part of the company's attempt to line up a successor for current Intel CEO, Paul Otellini.

Intel does the executive shuffle originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 20 Jan 2012 14:49:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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GE revenue lower than expected (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? General Electric Co's (GE.N) fourth-quarter revenue fell short of Wall Street expectations because of slower-than-expected growth in Europe, sending its shares down 2.5 percent in premarket trading.

The largest U.S. conglomerate expects a volatile year but it plans to build up its emerging-market presence and restructure its European operations.

Its profit came in 1 cent per share above Wall Street's forecasts.

"We're concerned about the revenue miss," said Oliver Pursche, president of Gary Goldberg Financial Services in Suffern, New York. "That's really what we're focused on this earnings season. We're not so concerned about being a penny above or below expectations, because that can be handled with accounting."

The world's biggest maker of jet engines and electric turbines said net income from continuing operations rose 0.6 percent to $3.93 billion, or 37 cents per share, compared with $3.90 billion, or 36 cents per share, a year ago.

Factoring out one-time items, profit came to 39 cents per share, above the 38 cents analysts had forecast, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Total revenue came to $37.97 billion, down from $41.23 billion and below the $40.03 billion analysts had expected. Factoring out the effects of last year's sale of a majority stake in NBC Universal revenue would have been up 4 percent.

"We expect continued volatility in 2012 and have prepared for it by investing in new products and technology, expanding our growth-market footprint and taking important steps to strengthen risk management," said Chief Executive Jeff Immelt, in a statement. "We are restructuring our business in Europe to reflect market conditions."

Investors said Europe's financial crisis was taking a toll on the company.

"In December, GE indicated that it was managing Europe well. Now that's what is pointed to for the light revenue. I think that's kind of a weak excuse," said Jack De Gan, chief investment officer at Harbor Advisory Corp in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. "I was hoping the reason for the light revenue was because of the capital business.

GE is less dependent on Europe than rivals Siemens AG (SIEGn.DE) and Philips Electronics NV (PHG.AS), which earlier this month warned that the Eurozone debt crisis would hurt their results this year.

GE kicked off a wave of earnings reports from big U.S. manufacturers, with blue-chip peers United Technologies Corp (UTX.N), Caterpillar Inc (CAT.N) and 3M Co (MMM.N) all due to follow suit over the next week.

As of Thursday's closed, GE shares had risen about 2 percent over the past year, lagging the 6 percent rise of the Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI).

GE shares were down 47 cents at $18.68 in premarket trading from Thursday's close at $19.15.

(Reporting By Scott Malone in Boston, additional reporting by Ryan Vlastelica in New York; Editing by Tim Dobbyn and Derek Caney)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120120/bs_nm/us_ge

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JB Smoove, comic and torturer (Reuters)

New York (TheWrap.com) ? JB Smoove, whose standup special "That's How I Dooz It" debuts this weekend on Comedy Central, says comedians are like torturers.

"We always have bad intentions for our audience," says the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star. "We want you to laugh, but we also want you to piss in your pants, we want you to shit on yourself, we want you to have a good-bad experience. You paid 10 dollars for that drink but we want you to spit it out. We want you to spill it on the table. We want you to leave with soiled pants and hurt cheeks. We want to hurt you with laughter.

"It's like I'm a torturer in medieval times," he adds. "I want to torture you until I get out of you what I want to get out of you."

Even Larry David isn't safe in his scenes with Smoove. The 47-year-old, born Jerry Brooks, has played Larry's houseguest and consigliere, Leon Black, for the last three seasons of "Curb."

"If you ever notice, sometimes Larry smirks a little bit?" he says. "That's because I'm trying to kill him. I'm trying to verbally kill you."

Improvisation is the key to Smoove's comedy, not just on "Curb," but also in standup sets he tries to personalize for every audience. "Curb" famously gives actors only an outline of each episode, so they have to fill in the dialogue themselves. But even an outline can be too much preparation for Smoove, who thrives on not knowing what he'll do next.

That means coming up with lines like "That's how I dooz it, Larry" -- which inspired the title of his special -- off the top of his head.

Smoove, who also appears in the movie "We Bought a Zoo" and the upcoming NBC sitcom "Bent," talked to TheWrap about improvising with David, audiences, and just two guys standing on a corner.

TheWrap: Larry David was asked last week what makes him laugh, and he said, "JB Smoove... He got the part just by looking at me." Is that true? And who makes you laugh?

Smoove: "That's very true. Because when I walked into the room to audition ... I gave him exactly who I thought Leon was. I gave him the look I thought a guy like that would give him. A guy that's jumping in feet first to a different world. I'm a brother who's staying with an older Jewish guy. I just gave him this funny look and we both started smiling a little bit. I think we felt something. ... Larry told me after our first day it felt like we'd been working together for years. Sometimes you get that. You get lucky sometimes.

"What makes me laugh? Larry makes me laugh. I was a big fan of the show before I was on it. ... I used to laugh my ass off at Larry David's TV show."

The Wrap: Do you find that the things that make you laugh in your everyday life are the same things that make your audiences laugh?

Smoove: "I do. I think what I do in my acting world and what I do in my standup world is bring up a brand that I want to bring across. Once you figure out your brand and what you do, it's kind of easy at that. You end up getting your audience.

"Which is what happened with Larry ... I just gave Larry a look. Which is funny to me. I'm big on facial expressions and I'm big on mannerisms, which I find to be hilarious. I'll drive down the street and I'll practice improv. I will sit there at a red light and see two guys talking to each other, and I will just start playing both characters. I can't hear them, but I can see their mouths moving, so I'll just put words in their mouths. I'll see two white guys and I'll give them both brother voices, like, "Hey man, what's goin' on with you, playboy?" It's just a way to keep you on your toes."

TheWrap: How do you come up with the great Leon lines, like "I bring the ruckus to the ladies" and "That's how I dooz it"?

Smoove: "Everything you hear me say on the show, unless Larry needs some specifics as far the direction of the episode, everything you hear as far as Leonisms are straight off my head. Those are me just channeling Leon.

"When I get to the set and I put my Leon outfit on, I become Leon. Everything you hear from "get in that ass," "I dooz it," "I bring the ruckus" -- those are all things that I feel are things Leon would say. When I'm in Leon mode I'm in full Leon mode.

"All these are powerful statements that motivate. A guy like Leon has very little. But he has a lot of pride. He can inspire you. ... When he tells you something, you get it, but you don't get it. You get him in a way because you understand where he's coming from. He's trying to help you in the only way he knows how to help you. A Leonism that fits the situation.

"I don't like to telegraph anything with Leon. I like to come into the set kind of fresh. I don't want my outline emailed to me the night before. Because I'll start thinking about it too much. It's a high I get from just jumping into something without knowing what I'm going to do yet. I get the best, most spontaneous reaction I can give you Larry because I'm trying to make myself laugh also. I don't like to come onstage so prepared that I'm unprepared."

TheWrap: Where does your drive come from? You started in comedy clubs - is there a sense of, 'You're not going to beat me'? Or is it just that that's who you are?

Smoove: "That's just who I am. But I also feel like, you're not going to beat me at anything. It's not that you can't beat me -- it's just that what I do is so unique that I do what I do well. I tell people all the time: Do you. Do you (know yourself) so well that no one else can do you like you do you.

"I've had jokes stolen a thousand times. But if you can do it better than me, you can have it. I've had jokes stolen from me in the club when I'm next on stage. And my brain will start to turn and the gears will start turning and I'll go onstage and create a whole new bit.

"You will never see the exact same show. Because I work off what I hear from the audience, I work off the energy from the audience, instead of working off my memory and my jokes.

"It's kind of like a race car driver. They never run the same race twice. You have to change lanes. You have to cut somebody off once in a while. You don't want to. But you have to cut somebody's ass off. 'Cause you either drive through their ass or go around them. And sometimes you have to drive through people.

"That's How I Dooz It" premieres Saturday at 10/9c on Comedy Central.

(Editing by Chris Michaud)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/tv/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120120/tv_nm/us_jbsmoove

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Cuban document details charges versus jailed American (Reuters)

HAVANA (Reuters) ? An American convicted of subversive acts in Cuba last year tried to keep his work undercover and was aware of its political aims, Cuban officials said in a leaked court document published this week.

Alan Gross, 62, has been jailed in Cuba since December 3, 2009, and is serving a 15-year sentence for providing Internet gear to Cubans under a U.S. program that Cuba views as subversive. Gross' attorney said he went to Cuba only to help the island's Jewish community, not for political purposes.

A leaked copy of an 18-page Cuban sentencing document came to light this week, providing details about Cuba's allegations and Gross' trial for the first time.

Neither Cuban officials nor Gross' attorney denied the authenticity of the document, which was published this week by Cafe Fuerte, a Miami-based news blog heavily focused on Cuba.

The court document said Gross tried to avoid detection by using American tourists to transport sophisticated satellite Internet gear to Cuba and showed residents how to use the Internet without the Cuban government's knowledge. Information is tightly controlled on the Caribbean island, Internet use is limited and visitors are not allowed to carry satellite technology.

Gross worked in Cuba in 2009 for a U.S.-funded program to promote political change by increasing Internet access and the flow of communications. Cuba views such programs as part of longstanding U.S. attempts to topple the island's Communist government.

Gross, a veteran development worker, went to Cuba five times as a subcontractor for Maryland-based DAI, which had a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development.

USAID said in a statement on Friday that Gross's job was "simply facilitating Internet connectivity to the Cuban people so they could communicate with the rest of the world."

"Alan Gross has been unjustly imprisoned for more than two years," USAID said in an emailed statement.

According to the sentencing report, Gross set up the Internet in Jewish centers in Havana, Santiago de Cuba and Camaguey as part of what was planned to be a network of undercover Internet outlets around the country.

It said he was to meet with a member of the fraternal organization known as the Masons to discuss setting up Internet networks in Masonic lodges on December 3, 2009, the day Cuban authorities seized him.

The court said it found evidence, including on the flash drives and computer confiscated during his arrest, that Gross knew more than he admitted and took action to avoid detection, including using American tourists to bring Internet equipment to Cuba without telling them what it was for.


The gear included three satellite Internet terminals, or BGANs, along with Blackberry phones, iPods and an assortment of other electronics.

The court said he could have been paid up to $258,274 for his work, which showed "the lucrative, conspiratorial and concealed character of his actions."

The court said Gross got involved in Cuba as early as 2004 when he accepted $400 from another U.S.-backed program to take a video camera to Jose Manuel Collera Vento, a member of the Masons in Cuba.

Collera was an agent for the Cuban government, the court said, implying that Gross was on the radar of Cuban intelligence services well before his current problems.

Gross' lawyer, Peter Kahn, said the court document proved nothing about the allegedly subversive acts for which his client was convicted in March 2011.

It "is further confirmation of what we have said all along. The Cuban authorities cannot point to any action that Alan P. Gross intended to subvert their government," he said in a statement. "The Cuban government knows that Alan never intended to, or in fact ever was, a threat to them."

"The trial evidence cited in the document confirms that Alan's actions were intended to improve the Internet and Intranet connectivity of Cuba's small, peaceful, non-dissident, Jewish community," Kahn said. "All this document evidences is that it was the USAID program that was on trial in Cuba."

Not mentioned, he said, was testimony from Cuban Jews "who unequivocally testified that Alan never uttered a single word nor took any action which could be considered subversive."

When Gross himself brought in one of the BGANs, he declared it at the Havana airport and was not told by Cuban customs officers it was illegal. The court said he told them that it was a modem.

During his trial, Gross said, "I did nothing in Cuba that is not done on a daily basis in millions of home and offices around the world ... I am deeply sorry for being a trusting fool. I was duped, I was used."


The new document, if authentic, fuels some critics' long-held view that the clandestine nature of the program and U.S.-government funding was destined to backfire.

"The programs did not involve our intelligence community, but the secrecy surrounding them, the clandestine tradecraft (including the use of advanced encryption technologies) and the deliberate concealment of the U.S. hand, had all the markings of an intelligence covert operation," said Fulton Armstrong, who until recently was a lead investigator with the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff.

"We confirmed that State and USAID had no policy in place to brief individuals conducting these secret operations or that they are not legal in Cuba," said Armstrong, writing in a recent opinion column in The Miami Herald.

"Nor did State and USAID brief them that U.S. law similarly does not allow unregistered foreign agents to travel around the United States providing satellite gear, wide-area WiFi hotspots, encryption and telephony equipment and other cash-value assistance."

The Gross case has put a hold on U.S.-Cuba relations that warmed slightly after U.S. President Barack Obama took office in January 2009.

The U.S. government has said Gross should not be jailed for providing Internet access to Jews and has repeatedly demanded his release.

His wife, Judy Gross, has pleaded for his freedom because their daughter and his mother have cancer.

(Additional reporting by Andrew Quinn)

(Reporting by Jeff Franks; Editing by David Adams and Stacey Joyce)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/latam/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120121/wl_nm/us_cuba_usa_contractor

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