মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Susan Sarandon Calls The Pope Benedict XVI A ?Nazi?

Susan Sarandon Calls The Pope Benedict XVI A “Nazi”

Actress Susan Sarandon, who is known for being outspoken in political matters, is being bashed by a catholic group after referring to the Pope as [...]

Susan Sarandon Calls The Pope Benedict XVI A “Nazi” Stupid Celebrities Gossip Stupid Celebrities Gossip News

Source: http://stupidcelebrities.net/2011/10/17/susan-sarandon-calls-the-pope-a-nazi/

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Genomic sequence and comparison of 2 macaques reveal new insights into biomedical research

Genomic sequence and comparison of 2 macaques reveal new insights into biomedical research

Monday, October 17, 2011

The South China Center for Innovative Pharmaceuticals, Sun Yat-Sen University, and BGI, the world's largest genomic organization, announced that they were among the research organizations from China, US and UK comprising an international research group that completed the genome sequence and comparison of two non-human primate animal models - Chinese rhesus macaque and cynomolgus. The study is published today online in the journal Nature Biotechnology.

This study marks an important milestone in macaque genome research and plays an important role in the better understanding of genetic differences among macaque monkeys. It also reveals new insights into the evolutionary history of the macaque genome, human disease research and drug discovery. "We believe these insights will generate great interest among geneticists, medical scientists and clinical researchers worldwide and facilitate the effective use of non-human primate models in medical research." said Prof. Guangmei Yan, the co-leading author of the study and Senior Consultant of The South China Center for Innovative Pharmaceuticals.

Macaques are the most extensively used non-human primates in biomedical research. They have contributed to pre-clinical studies all over the world, including the discovery of vaccines, drug development and behavioral research. Indian rhesus macaque, in particular, has been used for more than half century in pre-clinical research. However, India banned the export of all macaques in 1978, leading to the current shortage of resource for pre-clinical research.

Facing this problem, scientists have been gradually paying more attention on other macaque species/subspecies for a suitable alternative animal model, particularly on the Chinese rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta lasiota) and the cynomolgus/crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis). "In order to select the most relevant non-human primate model in a study, it is important for researchers to understand the genetic variation and inter-species differences among macaque species as well as the genetic diversity between macaques and human." said Dr. Guojie Zhang, the co-leading author of the study and Director of Genomic Evolution and Comparison Centre at BGI..

In this study, the team sequenced the genomes of a female Chinese rhesus macaque (CR) and a female cynomolgus (CE) by the whole-genome shotgun strategy on BGI's next-generations sequencing platform. The genome size of CR and CE is about 2.84 Gb and 2.85 Gb, respectively. Using the genomic data, the researchers also compared the two genomes with the previously sequenced Indian rhesus macaque (IR) and explored the abundant genetic heterogeneity among the three macaques. They found there were over 20 million single-nucleotide differences and 740,827 indel events in the three macaque species, which will provide abundant genetic heterogeneity for use in future biomedical analysis and application. It is important to note that a large number of genetic differences were shared between at least two macaques. The divergence rate of CE/IR (40%) was higher than that of CR/IR (31%) and CR/CE (34%).

In addition, the divergence pattern between CR, CE and IR also suggested the occurrence of ancient introgression from CR to CE over an extended period of evolutionary time. 217 strong selective sweep regions were identified with reduced variability between the three macaque species, implying that some genes in macaques may experience positive selection in evolution. "Genome sequence and comparison of CR and CE confirmed that introgressive hybridization probably played an important role in the formation of the genome of the extant mainland-origin cynomolgus macaque. Thus, the CE could be a useful model for exploring gene interchanges between primate species, and the consequent role of this process in primate evolution and speciation." added Dr. Zhang

Another interesting finding is that some specific genes in macaques display a high degree of sequence similarity with human disease gene orthologues and drug targets. This demonstrated the prominent use of macaques in biomedical research. To study the orthologues of human druggable protein domains in macaques and to create a resource for the therapeutic exploitation of the 'druggable genome'; the team screened the macaque orthologues for currently known drug domains. Almost all of the druggable orthologues can be detected in the three-macaque species/subspecies, indicating that these animal models are likely to be functionally equivalent. However, in very few cases, macaques exhibit differences with respect to human.

"We are excited about all the findings in the study, especially those with great biomedical interests. For instance, macaques have protective immunity against human retrovirus, HIV-1 virus, but are easily infected by SIV virus. TRIM5? protein in macaques can lead to anti-infection of HIV-1, whereas TRIM5? in human does not have the same effect. Variations of TRIM5, a gene encoding TRIM5? were observed at different frequency in the macaque population, and this may be the key hereditary factor for the ability to protect against HIV-1 infection among individual macaques." added Dr. Zhang.

Adding to the efforts in the genomic studies of macaques, earlier this month BGI has released the first monkey exome sequencing platform based on next-generation sequencing technology and the monkey exome capturing array (MECA) (http://en.genomics.cn/navigation/show_news.action?newsContent.id=8929). MECA is a proprietary exome capture array designed by BGI for capturing the entire monkey exome. The combination of this revolutionary array and BGI's high-throughput sequencing technology not only can simplify the workflow of exome sequencing experiments, but also improve cost-effectiveness and turnaround time.


Beijing Genomics Institute: http://www.genomics.org.cn

Thanks to Beijing Genomics Institute for this article.

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This press release has been viewed 44 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/114353/Genomic_sequence_and_comparison_of___macaques_reveal_new_insights_into_biomedical_research

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শনিবার, ৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

FBI searches for missing Mo. baby in Kan. landfill

Essential News from The Associated Press

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Obama says US has enormous stake in Tunisia (AP)

WASHINGTON ? President Barack Obama pledged U.S. support for Tunisia's political and economic development, as he welcomed the North African nation's prime minister to the White House for a meeting steeped in symbolism.

Tunisia sparked the wider democracy movement now known as the Arab Spring when citizens took to the streets in January to protest their authoritarian government. Tunisia was the first Arab Spring country to successfully overthrow its longtime leader, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and will also be the first to hold free elections to emerge from the movement, with voters set to cast ballots on Oct. 23.

Because of those milestones, Obama said he wanted Tunisian Prime Minister Beji Caid Essebsi to be the first of the new generation of Arab Spring leaders to be recognized with an Oval Office meeting.

"Tunisia has been an inspiration to all of us who believe that each individual man and woman has certain inalienable rights, and those rights must be recognized by a government that is responsive and democratic," Obama said.

The president said the U.S. would play a strong, supportive role as Tunisia transitions toward full democracy. Following the meeting, the White House announced plans to work with Congress to provide up to $30 million in loan guarantees to Tunisia and to launch a $20 million Tunisia Enterprise Fund to support private sector growth.

In addition, the Peace Corps will return to Tunisia starting early next year, with volunteers focusing on English language training and youth development programs.

Essebsi thanked the U.S. for its early support of Tunisia's democracy movement, and said he hoped the transformation taking place in his country would be replicated elsewhere in the region.

"Up until now, the Arab Spring is only really the Tunisian Spring. So what I do hope is that this Arab Spring will not limit itself exclusively to Tunisia and that it will spread throughout the region," Essebsi said through a translator.

The prime minister's comments underscored a concern that while democracy protests have taken hold throughout the Arab world, their effectiveness has been uneven.

The protests in Tunisia quickly spread to neighboring Egypt, where massive public protests forced the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. Elections there are scheduled for November.

In Libya, rebels led the charge to end the four decade-long regime of Moammar Gadhafi. But it took a months-long NATO bombing campaign, which continues today, to clear the way for the opposition to take control of most of the country, including the capital of Tripoli. The U.S. and the United Nations now recognize the opposition-led National Transitional Council as Libya's legitimate government, though Gadhafi remains at large.

Elsewhere, protest movements have been stymied, often by harsh crackdowns by government-backed forces.

The violence has been most notable in Syria, where the United Nations human rights office says at least 2,900 people, including security forces, have been killed since mid-March. While the Obama administration has levied sanctions on the government and called for President Bashar Assad to step down, there has been no sign that Syrian leader plans to leave power.

And in Yemen, the U.S. was apparently blindsided by last month's surprise return of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the embattled leader who spent three months abroad for medical care following an assassination attempt. The Obama administration had demanded that Saleh immediately transfer authority and call for new elections later this year in hopes of avoiding a civil war.

The U.S. role in supporting the pro-democracy movement has also been overshadowed in recent weeks by the Obama administration's opposition to a statehood push by the Palestinians. The U.S. threat to veto such a resolution at the United Nations Security Council has threatened to hurt America's image in the Middle East, giving credence to the notion that the U.S. puts its relationship with Israel above other countries.

The White House says the U.S. will be closely watching how Tunisia's upcoming elections unfold. One administration official said Friday that the White House sees Tunisia as a bellwether for the region, and a successful election there could reverberate throughout the Arab world.

The official said the U.S. views roughly 10 of the more than 100 political parties in Tunisia to be series contenders in the election, and expects the well-organized, moderate Islamist Ennahda Party to claim a significant portion of the vote. Polling has also shown the center left Progressive Democratic Party garnering solid support.

The official spokes on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal administration thinking.


Julie Pace can be reached at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111007/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_obama_tunisia

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শুক্রবার, ৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Insight: What a stronger Chinese yuan means for the U.S. (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? A sharp rise in China's yuan currency might cut the U.S. trade deficit by as much as one third and create enough American jobs to put at least a modest dent in the unemployment rate.

Then again, it may also lead to a destabilizing spike in Chinese unemployment and spark a trade war that drags the global economy back into a deep recession.

These are the conflicting forces U.S. lawmakers must consider as they decide whether to pass a bill which would pressure Beijing into letting its currency rise more rapidly.

The debate over whether China's currency is undervalued is essentially closed. Beijing readily acknowledges that a gradual yuan appreciation is in its best interest, and it has allowed the currency to rise by about 6.5 percent since June 2010.

Where the disagreement lies is how far and how fast the yuan ought to appreciate.

"The Chinese will scream, but the only times they've let their currency rise is when they're under pressure from the outside, so we should go ahead and do it," said Fred Bergsten, director of the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics and a long-time critic of China's currency policy.

Bergsten is among the most vocal proponents of increasing the pressure on China, arguing that an undervalued yuan gives it an unfair trade advantage which harms the U.S. economy.

He estimates that a 20 percent rise in the yuan would reduce the U.S. current account deficit by $50 billion to $100 billion. A more extreme move, say 40 percent, would translate into as much as a $200 billion reduction.

About half of that would come from increased exports, mostly to China but also to other countries where China is now the dominant trade player. The other half would come from reduced imports from China.

The United States gains about 6,000 jobs for every $1 billion improvement in the trade balance, so $100 billion would work out to 600,000 jobs, he said. That is more than the anemic U.S. economy has generated in the past six months combined, and would be enough to shave about four-tenths of a point off the 9.1 percent jobless rate.

Bergsten's view is not universally shared.

Some economists argue that a stronger yuan would simply shift manufacturing to other low-cost producers such as Bangladesh or Vietnam, and the United States would still be uncompetitive.

"An appreciation of the yuan against the dollar would indeed reduce the U.S. trade deficit with China, but it is unlikely to have a major effect on U.S. job creation," said Eswar Prasad, a former International Monetary Fund official who now teaches international trade policy at Cornell University in New York.

China's state-owned Xinhua news agency was also dismissive of job creation claims.

"There has been no evidence to prove the link, claimed by the U.S. lawmakers, between China's exchange rate and the U.S. unemployment," Xinhua said in an English-language commentary published on Tuesday, adding that Washington "has to share a great part of the blame" for the trade imbalance.

The 2011 U.S. trade deficit was $428 billion through July, up from $367 billion over the same period in 2010, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.

China accounts for about 37 percent of the 2011 total.


For China's economy, a stronger yuan would reduce economic growth and increase unemployment, although there is a wide range of opinions among economists as to the magnitude.

Deutsche Bank economist Jun Ma examined this in June 2010, when China relaxed its grip on the yuan. His study showed that a 10 percent yuan appreciation would reduce real gross domestic product by 0.6 percent, a relatively modest hit in an economy growing at more than 9 percent annually.

Ma's figures suggest a stronger yuan would increase unemployment by 0.4 percent, which amounts to about 3 million jobs in a work force of 780 million. Real exports would likely fall by 2.5 percent while imports would increase 1 percent.

Xiaohe Zhang at the University of Newcastle in Australia wrote a paper in 2006 looking at the effects of yuan revaluation. His findings indicated a 20 percent yuan rise would trim about 12 percent off of China's annual GDP.

The yuan exchange rate is the clearest manifestation of a currency policy that is anything but simple. For Beijing, the yuan's value is not just about fiscal policy. It is critical to social stability as well.

China's exports totaled $1.58 trillion in 2010, according to the International Monetary Fund, or about one-third of its gross domestic product. That's nearly three times the share that exports comprise in the United States.

The factories that fill those shipping containers with shoes, laptops, furniture and food employ millions of rural workers who migrate to China's cities each year.

That is the primary reason why Beijing has no interest in speeding up the pace of the yuan's rise. Indeed, it pulled back on the rate of appreciation in September when fears intensified that the global economy could be heading toward a recession.

Yet China has a vested interest in a stronger yuan.

It would help to tamp down inflation, which stood at 6.2 percent year over year in August, far above Beijing's 4 percent annual target. It would also boost households' buying power, which is vital to achieving China's goal of developing a more consumer-driven economy.

But when the directive comes from Washington, China's response is typically prickly.

Part of the reason for that is a widely shared belief in China that the industrialized nations, threatened by China's swift rise, want to hobble its economic fortunes.

Many commentators point to the Plaza Accord of 1985, when the United States and other governments engineered a sharp depreciation of the dollar against the Japanese yen and German mark. China could become the next target of such a move, the thinking goes.

"The Plaza Accord was in essence an American conspiracy," said a recent commentary in the Legal Evening News, a Chinese tabloid, which was circulated on many Chinese news websites.

"Whenever a country's level of development and foreign exchange reserves reach a level that makes the United States feel uneasy, letting the dollar depreciate has been a consistent U.S. response. Now that pressure has shifted to the world's second biggest economy, China."


Beijing is well aware that Japan fared poorly after the Plaza Accord.

The stronger yen discouraged investment and "crushed the economy," said Ronald McKinnon, an economist at Stanford University in California.

"The only thing that didn't fall was their trade surplus," he said. "This could happen to China."

Tokyo's attempts to reinvigorate the economy after the Plaza Accord have since been blamed for inflating an asset price bubble that eventually burst, plunging Japan into a deflationary spiral that it is still struggling to break.

The lesson from Japan, McKinnon argues, is that a stronger yuan may not have the desired effect if it weakens China's economy so severely that demand for U.S. goods falls.

Researchers at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace drew a similar conclusion in a report released in December: a stronger yuan would widen the U.S.-China trade deficit because the rise in the price of imports from China would outweigh any gain in exports.

To be sure, some of China's neighbors would stand to benefit if the yuan rose significantly. Nations such as Vietnam which emulated the Chinese export model as a way to speed up economic development might see more business swing their way.

But China itself has become a vital trading partner for other Asian countries. It is the top export destination for economies including South Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia.

Even for the United States, China is becoming a bigger export market. In dollar terms, the United States imports almost four times as much as it ships to China, but exports are growing more rapidly than imports.

That is why some U.S. business groups have voiced strong opposition to the currency bill, echoing China's stern warning that Congress risked touching off a trade war.

"A trade war is all that is missing to complete the parallels between the U.S. economy of today and that of the early 1930s," said Tim Condon, an economist with ING in Singapore.

(Reporting by Emily Kaiser in Singapore; Additional reporting by David Lawder, Pedro Nicolaci da Costa and Jason Lange in Washington, Chris Buckley in Beijing; Editing by Dean Yates and Neil Fullick)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111005/ts_nm/us_china_yuan

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

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Author name: Sao C.S. Ramonez

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TV Ads Whet Kids' Appetite for Junk Food (HealthDay)

THURSDAY, Oct. 6 (HealthDay News) -- Food ads have a powerful influence on children's food choices but parents can lessen that effect, according to a new study.

It included 75 children aged 3 to 5 who watched two cartoons, with a commercial between each cartoon. Half the children saw a commercial for apple slices with dipping sauce and half saw a commercial for French fries.

After watching the cartoons and commercials, the children were allowed to select a coupon for one of the advertised food items, with input from their parents. Half of the parents were told to encourage their child to select the healthy food, while the other half were told to remain neutral.

Among the children who saw the commercial for French fries, 71 percent chose the coupon for French fries if their parents remained neutral, while only 55 percent opted for the French fries coupon if their parents encouraged them to choose the healthy food.

Of the children who saw the commercial for apple slices, 46 percent chose the coupon for French fries if their parents remained neutral, while only 33 percent picked the coupon for French fries if their parents encouraged them to make the healthy choice.

"Children were clearly influenced by the commercials they saw; however, parents are not powerless," noted study author Dr. Christopher Ferguson of Texas A&M International University, in a journal news release.

The study appears in The Journal of Pediatrics.

While the impact of food ads on children is considerable, Ferguson said that parents "have an advantage if they are consistent with their long-term message about healthy eating."

More information

The Nemours Foundation has more about children and healthy eating.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/parenting/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20111006/hl_hsn/tvadswhetkidsappetiteforjunkfood

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বুধবার, ৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

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Source: http://pocketchange.become.com/2011/10/finding-the-perfect-college-laptop.html

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Equestrian Competition Clothing ? Basic Components

Clothing for the equestrian competition is as much about functionality as it is for display purposes. And 'designed to comfortable, practical and safe. Clothing competitive basis for the equestrian events includes the right to a hat to protect your head, create a jacket and vest, to ensure the security for the upper body, and boots, riding breeches, to take care of the legs and feet. However, the garments may vary for different events. This may consist of a tweed hacking jacket rangea black, blue, green or red jacket to show, to show jumping, dressage and eventing, or top hats and tails for the dressage and eventing at the highest level. The jackets are worn on the level you need to reach for a sports event in which you want to participate, from.

Equestrian competition includes several events and requires different skills than the pilots.
EU Competition is also suitable clothing of various types for each event.

Riding hat orHelmet

A hat or helmet is the most important part of the costume contest. Protects the driver in the event of a fall. A hat with a horse is a strong shield, and a soft lining absorb shock in the fall. You should wear a hat not only ride, but also for the training of the horse. Hats must be at least every three or four years. This is due to its ability to protect the head reduced to the insert is worn with. Riding hats There are two types:

Classic Velvet Hattakes a tip that is traditional and is available in different colors like brown, black or blue.

Jockey cap obtuse, which is also known as a skull cap. This was worn by the jockeys in the sport of horse racing, but is becoming increasingly popular for recreation and equestrian competition.


Riding jackets horse shows must be installed and does not restrict the free movement of the arms. As you would expect, different jacketsThey are for men and women riders. Most of the jackets have helps a hole in the back, are the smooth and sit neatly behind the rear bench seat. In general, there are three different types of jackets:

Hacking jacket, tweed jacket, which is a style in various colors navy, brown and green hunting jacket, a tweed jacket and the style or plain black or navy could also be a red jacket for the master hunters could be meant.

Show jacket, the one-color jacketoften black or navy blue.


Riding Pants should fit tightly around the leg with a certain protection or reinforcement to the inner knee. Riding Pants are two types:

Pants in the mid-calf, which can be worn with long riding boots, jodhpurs fall only end at the ankles and are worn with short boots or long riding boots.


As part of the costume contest, a driver must possess a good pairOriginal gloves and a pair of gloves every day general:

Genuine leather gloves are worn during the ride for the competition.

Every day general riding gloves worn while hacking tasks, education, training and yard are usually made of cotton, crochet hook, artificial leather and breathable materials.

Riding Boots

Riding boots in equestrian competition are two types:

Jodhpur boots with lace or zipper design on the front of theand ankles are comfortable.

Long legs and boots that cover the various styles that are tailored for all riding disciplines.

Besides these, there is protection for the body, worn over clothing. They are made of shock absorbing material. The BETA Level 3 standard, so you will be able to compete in all competitions and in different levels is recommended. Safety vests will help reduce the effects, if left to fall, and if a horse steps.

We recommendtake care of their competition clothing, wear it daily or one provided for the show. Show your clothing must be clean, pressed and spotless. Your clothes should participate in this competition they want to participate in. In the initial phase is not necessary to have all the clothes horse racing, horse hat, vest and boots, the most important. But later, as you progress as an experienced rider or competitor, you have access to allCompetition dress is required. The clothes should always fit and feel.

It is important to know all kinds of clothes from the start, although it can not afford it, buy everything at once, because each entry is to provide safety when you need it most. Since clothing is riding competition specifically tailored for the safety and comfort of the driver, these garments are a necessary cost if you get serious about your drive off. But for yourdaily tasks and work on the ground, but you should always wear the clothes favorites durable and inexpensive. You should not look like I'm in competition all the time!

Source: http://sports-equestrian.chailit.com/equestrian-competition-clothing-basic-components.html

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সোমবার, ৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Syria opposition launches national council

In this citizen journalism image made on a mobile phone and provided by Shaam News Network, anti-Syrian President Bashar Assad protesters flash V-victory signs as a woman in the foreground displays her hands with the Arabic word reading: "leave", during a demonstration against the Syrian regime, in Edlib province, Syria, on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011. Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters Friday as thousands rallied across the country to call for the downfall of President Bashar Assad's regime, activists said. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO SALES, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

In this citizen journalism image made on a mobile phone and provided by Shaam News Network, anti-Syrian President Bashar Assad protesters flash V-victory signs as a woman in the foreground displays her hands with the Arabic word reading: "leave", during a demonstration against the Syrian regime, in Edlib province, Syria, on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011. Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters Friday as thousands rallied across the country to call for the downfall of President Bashar Assad's regime, activists said. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO SALES, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

In this citizen journalism image made on a mobile phone and provide by Homs Quarters Union, an anti-Syrian President Bashar Assad protester, holds up a red heart with Arabic word reading: "the freedom," during a demonstration against the Syrian regime, in Homs province, Syria, on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011. Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters Friday as thousands rallied across the country to call for the downfall of President Bashar Assad's regime, activists said. Troops also clashed with armed anti-regime forces in central regions. (AP Photo/Homs Quarters Union) EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO SALES, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

In this citizen journalism image made on a mobile phone and provided by Shaam News Network, anti-Syrian President Bashar Assad protesters, gather during a demonstration against the Syrian regime, at al-Hirak village, in Daraa province, Syria, on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011. Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters Friday as thousands rallied across the country to call for the downfall of President Bashar Assad's regime, activists said. Troops also clashed with armed anti-regime forces in central regions. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network) EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO SALES, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

In this citizen journalism image made on a mobile phone and provide by Homs Quarters Union, an anti-Syrian President Bashar Assad protester holds up a placard with a portrait of the Syrian blogger prisoner Tal al-Mallohi with Arabic words reading: "freedom to those who say the word of righteousness, freedom to prisoners," during a demonstration against the Syrian regime, in Homs province, Syria, on Friday Sept. 30, 2011. Tal al-Mallohi is a 19-year-old blogger who was sentenced in February to five years in prison on charges of spying for a foreign country. The United States and international human rights groups have called for the release of Tal al-Mallohi who has been held since December 2009. Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters Friday as thousands rallied across the country to call for the downfall of President Bashar Assad's regime, activists said. Troops also clashed with armed anti-regime forces in central regions. (AP Photo/Homs Quarters Union) EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO SALES, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO

A toy soldier for sale is set up by a street vendor outside his stall as Syrian citizens walk past, in the old city of Damascus, Syria, on Saturday Oct. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Muzaffar Salman)

(AP) ? Syrian dissidents on Sunday formally established a broad-based national council designed to overthrow President Bashar Assad's regime, which they accused of pushing the country to the brink of civil war. Syrians took to the streets in celebration, singing and dancing.

In a restive northern area, meanwhile, gunmen killed the 21-year-old son of Syria's top Sunni Muslim cleric in an ambush, the state-run news agency reported. The cleric, Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddine Hassoun, is considered a close supporter of Assad's regime and has echoed its claims that the unrest in Syria is the result of a foreign conspiracy.

The announcement of the Syrian National Council at a news conference in Istanbul appeared to be the most serious step yet to unify a deeply fragmented opposition. It follows five days of intense battles between the Syrian military and army defectors in the country's central region that raised the specter of all-out armed conflict.

Prominent Syrian opposition figure Bourhan Ghalioun, who read out the founding statement of the SNC at the news conference in Istanbul, accused the regime of fomenting sectarian strife in Syria to maintain its grip on power.

"I think that this (Assad) regime has completely lost the world's trust," he said. "The world is waiting for a united Syrian (opposition) that can provide the alternative to this regime, so that they can recognize it," he added.

"The council denounces the (regime's) policy of sectarian incitement ... which threatens national unity and is pushing the country to the brink of civil war," he said.

Syria's volatile sectarian divide means that an armed conflict could rapidly escalate in scale and brutality. The Assad regime is dominated by the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, but the country is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim.

The opposition movement has until now focused on peaceful demonstrations, although recently some protesters have been reported to have taken up arms to defend themselves against military attacks. Army defectors have also been fighting government troops.

Sunday's killing of the mufti's son took place in the Saraqeb region of the restive northern Idlib province as he left the university where he studied. He was shot in the chest and kidney and died later of his injuries. The news report gave no details on who might have been behind the killing.

In forming a national council, the Syrians are following in the footsteps of Libyan rebels, who formed a National Transitional Council during the uprising that ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The Libyan council won international recognition and has now become the main governing body that runs the country.

Groups of Syrians poured into the streets in southern and central regions of the country to celebrate the announcement.

Although the mass demonstrations in Syria have shaken one of the most authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, the opposition has made no major gains in recent months. It holds no territory and still has no clear leadership.

The Syrian opposition consists of a variety of groups with differing ideologies, including Islamists and secularists, and there have been many meetings of dissidents claiming to represent Syria's popular uprising since it erupted seven months ago. But the new council is the broadest umbrella movement of revolutionary forces formed so far.

A group of Syrian activists had declared the preliminary formation of the council last month, but its structure and goals, and a founding statement signed by major opposition factions, had not been announced until this conference.

The SNC announced in Istanbul appears to have received the recognition of the largest Syrian opposition factions.

Members said it includes representatives from the Damascus Declaration grouping, a pro-democracy network based in the capital; the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic political party banned in the country; various Kurdish factions; and the grass-roots Local Coordination Committees, which have led protests across the country; as well as other independent and tribal figures.

Istanbul conference spokesman Ghalioun said one major benefit of the council to the Syrian opposition would be to provide a single body with which other countries could coordinate. He urged Syrians everywhere to support it and said it would be a vehicle for democratic change.

The council's statement said it categorically rejects any foreign intervention or military operations to bring down Assad's regime but called on the international community to "protect the Syrian people" from "the declared war and massacres being committed against them by the regime."

It said that protesters should continue to use "peaceful means" to topple the Syrian leader.

The organizers have not named a leader for the national council, but appeared to give a leading role to Ghalioun, a respected and popular opposition figure who is also a scholar of contemporary oriental studies at the Sorbonne in Paris.

Syria's uprising began in mid-March amid a wave of anti-government protests in the Arab world that have so far toppled autocrats in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Assad has reacted with deadly force that the U.N. estimates has left some 2,700 people dead.

In other developments Sunday, a state-run Syrian newspaper warned U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford against meddling in Syrian affairs if he wants to avoid more "rotten egg" attacks in the future. The Al Baath newspaper, a mouthpiece of the Syrian regime, accused Ford of supporting armed anti-government groups in Syria and said he should expect further "unpleasant treatment" as long as his country meddles in Syrian affairs.

Supporters of Assad pelted Ford with eggs on Thursday as he visited Hassan Abdul-Azim, an opposition figure in Damascus.

The Obama administration summoned Syria's ambassador in Washington to hear formal U.S. condemnation of the assault.

The government said it retook control of the rebellious central town of Rastan Sunday after hunting down "armed terrorists" holed up inside. But the fighting there highlighted the increasingly militarized nature of an uprising started months ago by peaceful protesters.

Syrian activists say the fighting in Rastan had pitted the Syrian military against hundreds of army defectors who sided with anti-regime protesters. It was among the worst clashes in the uprising.


Zeina Karam can be reached on http://twitter.com/zkaram

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/apdefault/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2011-10-02-ML-Syria/id-57c04a4d676e45a7bce23d20a8db7273

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