বুধবার, ৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Russia's ruling party wary as nation votes (AP)

MOSCOW ? Russians cast their ballots with muted enthusiasm in parliamentary elections Sunday, a vote opinion polls suggest could reduce the strength of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's party. Rival parties and election monitors, which have suffered from government crackdowns, alleged significant violations at the polls.

Although Putin and his United Russia party have dominated Russian politics for more than a decade, popular discontent appears to be growing with Putin's strongman style, widespread official corruption and the gap between ordinary Russians and the country's floridly super-rich.

United Russia holds a two-thirds majority in the outgoing State Duma. But a survey last month by the independent Levada Center polling agency indicated the party could get only about 53 percent of the vote in this election, depriving it of the number of seats necessary to change the constitution unchallenged.

Putin wants United Russia ? which many critics now deride as the "party of crooks and thieves" ? to do well in the parliamentary election to help pave the way for his return to the presidency in a vote now three months away. He previously served as president in 2000-2008.

He has warned that a parliament with a wide array of parties would lead to political instability and claimed that Western governments want to undermine the election. A Western-funded election-monitoring group has come under strong official pressure and its Web site was incapacitated by hackers on Sunday.

Only seven parties have been allowed to field candidates for parliament this year, while the most vocal opposition groups have been denied registration and barred from campaigning.

Several parties complained Sunday of extensive election violations aimed at boosting United Russia's vote count, including party observers being hindered in their work.

Communist chief Gennady Zyuganov said his party monitors thwarted an attempt to stuff a ballot box at a Moscow polling station where they found 300 ballots already in the box before the start of the vote.

He said incidents of ballot-stuffing were reported at several other stations in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and other areas. In the southern city of Krasnodar, unidentified people posing as Communist monitors had shown up at polling stations and the real observers from the party weren't allowed in, Zyuganov said.

In Vladivostok, voters complained to police that United Russia was offering free food in exchange for promises to vote for the party. In St. Petersburg, an Associated Press photographer saw a United Russia emblem affixed to the curtains on a voting booth.

Golos, the country's only independent election-monitoring group, said that in the Volga River city of Samara observers and election commission members from opposition parties had been barred from verifying that the ballot boxes were properly sealed at all polling stations.

Many violations involve absentee ballots, Golos director Liliya Shibanova said. People with absentee certificates were being bused to cast ballots at multiple polling stations in so-called "cruise voting."

Mikhail Kasyanov, a former prime minister during Putin's first presidential term, said he and other opposition activists who voted Sunday are under no illusion that their votes will be counted fairly.

"It is absolutely clear there will be no real count," he said. "The authorities created an imitation of a very important institution whose name is free election, that is not free and is not elections."

An interim report from an elections-monitoring mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe noted that "most parties have expressed a lack of trust in the fairness of the electoral process."

United Russia's dominance of politics has induced a grudging sense of impotence among many in the country of 143 million. In Vladivostok, voter Artysh Munzuk noted the contrast between the desire to do one's civic duty and the feeling that it doesn't matter.

"It's very important to come to the polling stations and vote, but many say that it's useless," said the 20-year-old university student.

There are around 110 million eligible voters in Russia and turnout in many areas was lower Sunday compared to the previous election. In several far eastern regions and in Siberia turnout varied between 40 to 48 percent with two hours to go until the polls closed.

A few dozen activists of the Left Front opposition group tried to stage an unsanctioned protest just outside Moscow's Red Square on Sunday, but were quickly dispersed by police, who detained about a dozen of them. Later in the evening, police said they arrested more than 100 other opposition demonstrators in the capital and about 70 in St. Petersburg when they attempted to hold an unauthorized rally.

The websites of Golos and Ekho Moskvy, a prominent, independent-minded radio station were down on Sunday. Both claimed the failures were due to denial-of-service hacker attacks.

"The attack on the site on election day is obviously connected to attempts to interfere with publication of information about violations," Ekho Moskvy editor Alexey Venediktov said in a Twitter post.

Golos, which is funded by U.S. and European grants, has come under massive official pressure in the past week after Putin accused Western governments of trying to influence the election and likened recipients of Western aid to Judas.

Shibanova, the Golos leader, said its hotline was flooded Sunday with autonomically made calls that effectively blocked it. Prior to the vote, many of the group's activists were visited by secret police, while Shibanova was held for 12 hours at an airport and forced to hand over her laptop.

On Friday, the group was fined the equivalent of $1,000 by a Moscow court for violating a law that prohibits publication of election opinion research for five days before a vote.

U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle said in his blog that he called the Golos head Saturday "to express my support for the work they have been doing, and convey the concern of the White House about the pressure they have been experiencing over the last week."

The group has compiled some 5,300 complaints of election-law violations ahead of the vote, most of which are linked to United Russia. Roughly a third of the complainants ? mostly government employees and students ? say employers and professors are pressuring them to vote for the party.


Lynn Berry, Nataliya Vasilyeva and Vladimir Isachenkov contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/russia/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111204/ap_on_re_eu/eu_russia_election

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মঙ্গলবার, ৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

The Xbox Companion App for Windows Phone Drops Tomorrow, Giving You Mythical Remote Control Powers [Windows Phone Apps]

The new Xbox dashboard design isn't the only thing arriving tomorrow. Also scheduled for release is the Xbox Companion app for Windows Phone, which, among other things, will endow Xbox owners with remote control capabilities. More »

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NYC ban on after-school worship services stands (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Supreme Court has rejected an evangelical church's plea to overturn New York City's ban on after-hours religious worship services at public schools.

The justices on Monday left in place a federal appeals court ruling that upheld the city's policy.

The Bronx Household of Faith is an evangelical Christian church that has held Sunday services at P.S. 15 in the Bronx since 2002. The church services have been allowed to continue pending the outcome of the school's lawsuit against the city.

The church says the city allows many groups to use school buildings after hours. But the city says that it risks blurring church-state separation if it allows worship services in public schools.

The city says that roughly five dozen congregations used public schools for their religious services in 2009.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/religion/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111205/ap_on_re_us/us_supreme_court_church_school_space

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সোমবার, ৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Ultraconservative Islamists make gains in Egypt

Protesters chant slogans during a protest in Tahrir Square, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Islamists appear to have taken a strong majority of seats in the first round of Egypt's first parliamentary vote since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a trend that if confirmed would give religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Protesters chant slogans during a protest in Tahrir Square, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Islamists appear to have taken a strong majority of seats in the first round of Egypt's first parliamentary vote since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a trend that if confirmed would give religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

A wounded Egyptian protesters attends Friday prayers during a rally in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Islamists appear to have taken a strong majority of seats in the first round of Egypt's first parliamentary vote since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a trend that if confirmed would give religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A woman covers her face with Egyptian flag as she attends a protest in Tahrir Square, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Islamists appear to have taken a strong majority of seats in the first round of Egypt's first parliamentary vote since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a trend that if confirmed would give religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Protesters carry symbolic coffins honoring those killed in recent clashes with security forces during a rally in Tahrir Square, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Islamists appear to have taken a strong majority of seats in the first round of Egypt's first parliamentary vote since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a trend that if confirmed would give religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

An Egyptian stands in front of statue for Venezuelan statesman Simon Bolivar, leader of revolt of South American, as it wears an eye patch that symbolizes protesters wounded in clashes with security forces during the last weeks protests in Tahrir Square, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Dec. 2, 2011. Islamists appear to have taken a strong majority of seats in the first round of Egypt's first parliamentary vote since Hosni Mubarak's ouster, a trend that if confirmed would give religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

(AP) ? Egypt's ultraconservative Islamist party said Friday it plans to push for a stricter religious code in Egypt after claiming surprisingly strong gains in this week's initial round of voting for parliament, the first elections since Hosni Mubarak's ouster.

Egypt's election commission announced only a trickle of results Friday and said 62 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the highest turnout in Egypt's modern history. Abdel-Mooaez Ibrahim, the head of High Election Commission, jokingly described it as "the highest since the time of pharaohs."

Preliminary counts leaked by judges and individual political groups indicated that the Muslim Brotherhood's political arm took the largest share of votes. Following closely behind, was the ultraconservative Islamist Nour Party and a coalition of liberal parties called the Egyptian bloc, according to those unofficial counts.

That trend ? if confirmed and if extended over more rounds of voting ? would give the religious parties a popular mandate in the struggle to win control from the ruling military that took over from Mubarak and ultimately reshape a key U.S. ally.

The Islamist Nour Party expects to get 30 percent of the vote, party spokesman Yousseri Hamad told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

A strong showing would put them in a position to influence policy, although it's unclear how much power the new parliament will have with the ruling generals still in overall control. For example, the military, which is not keen to see Egypt delivered to radical Islamists, maintains that it ? not the largest bloc in parliament ? will choose the prime minister and Cabinet once all parliamentary voting rounds are completed. It is also poised to closely oversee the drafting of a new constitution.

The Nour Party's purist pursuit of strict Shariah, or Islamic law, would also face tough opposition from a diverse array of youth activists in the streets, Egypt's Coptic Christian minority, as well as liberal and secular political parties pushing for more social and political freedoms ? perhaps forcing it to veer less toward the large role that religion plays in Saudi Arabia.

The Nour Party is the main political arm of the hard-line Salafi movement, which was inspired by the Saudi-style Wahhabi school of thought.

Salafists are newcomers on Egypt's political scene. They long shunned the concept of democracy, saying it allows man's law to override God's. But they formed parties and entered politics after Mubarak's ouster to position themselves to try to make sure Shariah law is an integral part of Egypt's new constitution.

The more moderate and pragmatic Muslim Brotherhood, on the other hand, has been around since 1928 and has for decades been the largest and best organized opposition movement in Egypt, despite being officially outlawed until Mubarak's ouster.

Seeking to broaden its political appeal, the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party has described its election platform as civil but with an Islamic background, setting them up to be more rival than ally to the harder-line Islamists.

Hamad said his party is willing to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood as well as with secular and liberal forces "if it will serve the interest of the nation."

Still, Salafi groups speak confidently about their ambition to turn Egypt into a state where personal freedoms, including freedom of speech, women's dress and art are constrained by Islamic Shariah codes.

"In the land of Islam, I can't let people decide what is permissible or what is prohibited. It's God who gives the answers as to what is right and what is wrong," Hamad said. "If God tells me you can drink whatever you want except for alcohol, you don't leave the million things permitted and ask about the prohibited."

Their surprisingly strong showing worries many liberals and Coptic Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Egypt's population.

"We want democracy and what they want is anything but democratic," said Amir Fouad, a Coptic Christian who trained as an engineer but drives a taxi because he can't find another job. "They want Egypt to be like Saudi Arabia, all Islamic."

Fouad, 40, said he worries the Salafists will force Christian women to wear Islamic veils.

"I feel like it will be very hard for me to live in Egypt if they rule," he said. "They will take Egypt backward."

Even some religious Egyptians see the Salafists as too extreme.

"I am religious and don't want laws that go against my beliefs, but there shouldn't be religious law," said Ahmed Abdel-Rahman, a geography teacher. "I don't want anyone imposing his religious views on me."

The voting for Egypt's lower house of parliament is staggered over three stages. This week's vote, held in nine provinces, will determine about 30 percent of the 498 seats in the People's Assembly. Two more rounds, ending in January, will cover Egypt's other 18 provinces. Three more rounds before March will elect the less powerful upper house.

The ballots are a confusing mix of party lists that will gain seats according to proportions of votes and individual candidates.

Results announced Friday by the election commission showed only three of the individual candidates winning from the first round, while the rest must enter runoffs.

No other official results were announced Friday.

Ibrahim, of the election commission, described difficult conditions during the vote and the count, saying judges who oversaw the process labored in a cramped, dimly lit room where "it was impossible for anyone to do his job."

Calling the news conference to a close, Ibrahim said, "I'm out of gas," and told reporters pressing for more information that they should get the results themselves from material distributed by the election commission.

Hamad said the Nour Party appeared to lead the polls in the Nile Delta province of Kafr el-Sheik, in the rural area of Fayoum, which is known for high rates of illiteracy and poverty, and in parts of their longtime stronghold of Alexandria.

Hamad also said the party faced its toughest challenge in Cairo because of the small presence of Salafi supporters there.

Islamist victory in Egypt ? long considered a linchpin of regional stability ? would be the clearest signal yet that parties and candidates connected to political Islam will emerge as the main beneficiaries of this year's Arab Spring uprisings.

Tunisia and Morocco have both elected Islamist majorities to parliament, and while Libya has yet to announce dates for its first elections, Islamist groups have emerged as a strong force there since rebels overthrew Moammar Gadhafi in August. They also play a strong opposition role in Yemen.

Egypt's new parliament, in theory, is tasked with selecting a 100-member panel to draft Egypt's new constitution. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which took control of the country after Mubarak's fall in February, has suggested that it will choose 80 of those members.

Meanwhile, new interim Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri, who was recently appointed by the military, formed a temporary Cabinet of 32 ministers, including 10 from the previous government. El-Ganzouri also served as a prime minister under Mubarak in the mid-1990s.

Protesters had demanded a new premier in response to a security crackdown on demonstrations before the elections that killed more than 40 people.

Also Friday, more than 5,000 protesters demonstrated in Cairo's Tahrir Square to call for a speedier transition to civilian rule and trials for security officers accused of killing protesters.

Large crowds marched into the square carrying dozens of coffins wrapped in Egyptian flags to represent those killed in clashes with the police near the square in the week before the elections.

"People haven't given up on the square just because there were elections," said Ibrahim Hussein, who voted this week for the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party. "They all have the same demands and they haven't been met yet."


Associated Press writer Ben Hubbard contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2011-12-02-ML-Egypt/id-55723b951c8440ed94dd80cd8f5c1ecc

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Hack a Paperclip Onto a Clothespin to Mount it on Anything [Clever Uses]

Hack a Paperclip Onto a Clothespin to Mount it on AnythingClothespins are a handy tool for clipping and organizing a wide variety of things, but Instructables user timwikander wanted a little more out of his, so he created a simple way to mount the pin onto tabletops or car visors.

The clothespin gets mounted using a large paperclip held on by a small rubber band. From there, he shows how it can be used to better organize cables under your computer, or keep your glasses off the floor of your car by mounting it to the visor. It's a simple and clever idea to add a little more use to an already useful tool, you can find the full details on how to make it yourself and what you can use it for over on Instructables.

Clip Pin | Instructables

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/eC0teMXqyqY/hack-a-paperclip-onto-a-clothespin-to-mount-it-on-anything

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Italy PM Monti unveils sweeping austerity package (Reuters)

ROME (Reuters) ? Prime Minister Mario Monti will present a 30 billion euro package of austerity measures to parliament Monday designed to shore up Italy's strained public finances and help to stem a debt crisis threatening to overwhelm the euro zone.

Cabinet approved the mix of tax hikes, pension reforms and incentives to boost growth in a three-hour meeting Sunday, opening one of the most crucial weeks since the launch of the euro more than a decade ago.

The package, dubbed a "Save Italy" decree by Monti, aims to raise more than 10 billion euros from a new property tax, impose a new tax on luxury items like yachts, raise value added tax, crack down on tax evasion and bring forward measures to increase the pension age.

The measures come before one of the most crucial weeks since the creation of the single currency more than a decade ago, with European leaders due to meet Thursday and Friday in Brussels to try to agree a broader rescue plan for the bloc.

Italy, the euro zone's third-largest economy, has been at the center of the crisis since mid-year, when its borrowing costs began to approach the levels which forced Ireland, Greece and Portugal to seek an international bailout.

Packed into a single emergency decree, the measures take effect immediately, before formal parliamentary approval, but Monti will have to secure the backing of legislators within 60 days for them to remain in force.

Monti, appointed at the head of a technocrat government to replace former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi last month, had been under growing pressure to come up with concrete measures to address fears about Italy's towering debt mountain.

He has held to Berlusconi's pledge of a balanced budget by 2013, despite growing signs that Italy is heading into a recession that will make it extremely difficult to make inroads into a public debt of 120 percent of gross domestic product.

Deputy Economy Minister Vittorio Grilli said the measures outlined Sunday would allow the goal to be met despite a forecast that GDP would contract by 0.4-0.5 percent in 2012.


Monti, who brought forward cabinet approval of the measures by a day to Sunday, is due to give a briefing to the foreign press at 1100 GMT before presenting the measures to parliament in the afternoon.

The package is divided into 20 billion euros of budget tightening and an additional 10 billion euros that will be pumped back into the economy in the form of measures to help companies and boost growth.

European Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn welcomed the "timely and ambitious" measures and said the Commission would carry out a detailed assessment once it had received full details of the package.

Caught between the competing needs of boosting growth and ensuring that cuts do not further depress an already fragile economy, Monti's technocrat government risks growing opposition after an initial honeymoon period with a public fed up with the scandals of the Berlusconi era.

"A package to cry over," the daily Il Secolo XIX headlined its front page Monday, over a picture of Welfare Minister Elsa Fornero, who broke down in tears while presenting measures that will mean an effective cut in income for many pensioners.

Unions criticised the package and in an early sign of possible opposition to the Monti government, FIM-CISL, a union representing metal workers, said it would call a two-hour strike Wednesday.

"Yet again, the sacrifices demanded fall mainly on salaried workers and pensioners and on the weaker sections of society," the union said in a statement.

(Reporting By James Mackenzie; Editing by Ralph Gowling)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/eurobiz/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111205/bs_nm/us_italy

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রবিবার, ৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Romney attacks Gingrich as Washington insider (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stepped up attacks on rival Newt Gingrich Friday, labeling Gingrich as a Washington insider who is unlikely to win the Republican nomination.

In an interview on "Fox & Friends," Romney repeatedly pointed to Gingrich's decades of service in the House of Representatives and elsewhere in government.

"I must admit that Newt has had a very extensive, long record of working in Washington with various governmental and non-governmental agencies, and I just don't think that's the background that's ideally suited, one, to replace (President) Barack Obama, and number two, to lead the country," Romney said. "This is not a matter of that America needs better lobbyists, or better deal-makers, better insiders ? I think America needs a leader."

Romney also disputed Gingrich's claim that Gingrich would win the nomination.

"I'm going to be the nominee," Gingrich said Thursday in an interview with ABC.

When asked if he disagreed, Romney said: "I sure do."

"Let me tell you, over the last year, they've been a lot of people that have been real high in the polls that are not high in the polls anymore," Romney said. "So you know there's this funny thing in America, it's called the election, and to win the election, you've got to earn it."

Romney offered his own prediction. "I'm confident that this will be a successful campaign," he said. "Self-aggrandizing statements about polls are not going to win elections."

The comments represent Romney's most aggressive attacks yet on Gingrich, who has risen in national polls in recent weeks and is currently viewed as the chief conservative alternative to Romney. And while Romney has seen others conservative candidates rise, only to fall back, Gingrich is already a national figure with significant policy expertise ? and there is less than a month before voting begins in Iowa, leaving Romney less time to attack.

Romney's comments came a day after Gingrich said he wanted to stay above-board, telling The Associated Press while campaigning in Iowa, "I'm not going to focus on Romney or anybody else." He made the comment just days after saying in South Carolina that he was "a lot more conservative than Mitt Romney" and added: "It's wrong to go around and adopt radically different positions based on your need of any one election."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111202/ap_on_el_ge/us_romney_gingrich

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শনিবার, ৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Factbox: Amy Winehouse album released posthumously (omg!)

(Reuters) - "Lioness: Hidden Treasures" is a posthumous album of unreleased material by Amy Winehouse, who died in July aged 27. It hits the shelves Monday.

Here is a look at her life:


-- Amy Winehouse was born on September 14 1983 to a Jewish family with a history of jazz musicians.

-- She was discovered by soul singer Tyler James at the age of 16 and in 2003 her debut album "Frank" was released, to general acclaim.

-- Her second album "Back to Black" was released in October 2006 and reached the No.1 spot.


-- The album's hit single "Rehab," with the prescient line: "They tried to make me go to rehab. I said 'no, no, no'" has been called the anthem of celebrity trash culture.

-- In October 2007, she and her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil were arrested at a Norwegian hotel for marijuana possession, and soon afterward fans booed her on stage as she slurred her way through her gigs. They divorced in 2009.

-- Two months later she was photographed wandering barefoot on a London street, wearing only jeans and a bra and looking confused.

-- Despite being refused entrance to the United States, Winehouse won five Grammy awards in February 2008.

-- She was nominated three times for the Ivor Novello awards in May 2008 and joined the elite ranks of music millionaires in the Sunday Times rich list with an estimated fortune of 10 million pounds ($16 million).

-- In 2010, she pleaded guilty to common assault and public order charges. Winehouse had assaulted theater manager Richard Pound after disrupting a performance of "Cinderella" at the Milton Keynes Theater in central England on December 19. She was arrested four days later.

-- In 2011, it was announced the on-again, off-again follow-up to Winehouse's seminal "Back to Black" album of 2006 could be on again. Recent sightings of her looking healthier after a trip to Brazil in January 2011 raised hopes of a 2011 release.

-- Winehouse had not released much since Back to Black but did cover Lesley Gore's "It's My Party" for Quincy Jones' compilation "Q: Soul Bossa Nostra" in 2010.

-- She performed "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," a song from the 1934 film "Moulin Rouge" that has been covered most famously by singer Tony Bennett, at one of her Brazil tour dates in January 2011.


-- In June 2011, Winehouse cancelled all her scheduled concerts after she was jeered by fans in Serbia for a shambolic performance.

-- Winehouse, sporting her trademark beehive hairdo and figure-hugging dress, struggled to perform her songs and keep her balance at the gig in the Serbian capital Belgrade, and on some tunes the audience did most of the singing.

-- This was a major setback for her as she had just checked out of a rehab clinic and confidently looked forward to her upcoming tour.

-- High levels of alcohol were found in her blood after her death on July 23 at her north London home.


-- A charitable foundation was launched in Winehouse's memory on September 14, marking what would have been her 28th birthday. The Amy Winehouse Foundation aims to help young people in the Britain and abroad with problems including ill-health, disability and addiction.

-- The launch of the foundation coincided with the release of Winehouse's final recording, "Body and Soul," a duet with Tony Bennett. It has been nominated for a Grammy.

(Reporting by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/entertainment/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/omg_rss/rss_omg_en/news_factbox_amy_winehouse_album_released_posthumously141643182/43783847/*http%3A//omg.yahoo.com/news/factbox-amy-winehouse-album-released-posthumously-141643182.html

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House names congressional room after slain aide (cbsnews)

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ADATA S101 flash drive brings USB 3.0 speeds, shrugs off shocks and splashes

USB flash drives may not be the hottest tech hardware out there, but that doesn't mean they can't look good. ADATA's latest thumb drive refresh packs the same military-spec rough and tumble credentials of last year's S007, but this time it's guarding some USB 3.0 goodness. While the design of the S107 is nigh-on identical to its predecessor, it's now capable of read speeds of up to 100MB per second. The rubberized storage sticks, available in red and blue, will be available in 8GB, 16GB and 32GB sizes, although ADATA is still keeping schtum on pricing and release dates.

Continue reading ADATA S101 flash drive brings USB 3.0 speeds, shrugs off shocks and splashes

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Want Verizon's FiOS Service? There's an Xbox App for That (NewsFactor)

In a move that may get a new audience signed up for Verizon's FiOS Internet and TV services, the communications giant has announced a way for premium users of Microsoft's Xbox 360 to access 26 FiOS channels.

Beginning in December, there will be an app for that.

You're the Remote

Verizon says the deal will expand a "borderless lifestyle for consumers," allowing Xbox LIVE Gold members who also subscribe to both FiOS TV and Internet service to view "select live channels" via Xbox with no additional hardware. The app will be available for download next month, and the 26 channels depend on the level of TV service you select.

Xbox users can already watch streaming movies via Netflix.

Using the Kinect motion sensor, Xbox users will be able to use voice and gesture commands to select their channels and adjust volume.

"Joining forces with Microsoft and Xbox, we are breaking the boundaries between TV and gaming, and furthering the borderless lifestyle Verizon customers enjoy with our new offers and services," said Eric Bruno, vice president of consumer and mass business product management for Verizon. "We are putting the controls in our customers' hands, and giving them the ability to watch TV on another dynamic device that they can control with voice and gesture commands."

To sweeten the deal, new customers who sign up online through Jan. 21 will pay a special rate for triple-play TV, Internet and voice phone service, $89.99 a month, including a one-year Xbox Live Gold Membership and a free Xbox game, "Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary."

Xbox Live Gold membership starts at $5 per month, depending on options, or $8.33 per month for family membership.

To further gain the attention of the gaming community, Verizon is cosponsoring the Dec. 9 Gamers' Choice Awards with gaming network Machinima, with winners decided by the public via Facebook and Twitter.

Tapping New Markets

Technology consultant Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group sees the offer as a way for Verizon to explore new ways to deliver access.

"Set-top boxes are loss leaders for carriers, and this allows Verizon to get the benefits of a set-top box without incurring the cost of providing, servicing or installing one," Enderle said. "It mirrors what has been going on in Europe for some time with benefits to the user of a more advanced solution and less complexity, and lower costs to the cable provider."

But as the Internet continues to shake up the home entertainment landscape, Enderle said, Verizon likely will still focus its efforts on selling traditional FiOS access.

"Near term I think they will still prefer the inherent lock-in of a full cable solution if they have the choice," he said. "This would ideally be placed where that choice doesn't exist or as a hedge against what appears to be a growing de-bundling trend."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/videogames/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nf/20111130/bs_nf/81164

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সোমবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Violence, pepper spray mar Black Friday shopping (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Black Friday turned into a black mark against American shoppers as riotous crowds brawled over video games, waffle irons and towels, drawing international condemnation and even raising questions about the state of humanity.

One of the most outrageous incidents of the day was in the Los Angeles area, where up to 20 people were injured after a woman at a Walmart used pepper spray to get an edge on other shoppers in a rush for Xbox game consoles.

Walmart seemed to have a worse day than many other retailers as shoppers screamed, shoved and elbowed each other to save a few bucks.

Incidents across the country included a man shot by robbers in the parking lot outside the San Leandro, California store and shoppers pepper sprayed by security at a store in Kinston, North Carolina.

A fight for bath towels, purportedly recorded at a Michigan store, has become a YouTube sensation. Cheap towels also caused mayhem at a Walmart in Oregon, Ohio.

"They were fighting over bath towels on sale for $1.88, as ridiculous as that sounds," Police Sergeant Jason Druckenmiller said. "A woman tried to get her hands on some towels when she was pushed from behind, and that's when she came out swinging."

Company spokesman Greg Rossiter said violence at a handful of stores marred an otherwise safe start to the holiday shopping season at thousands of Walmart stores.


Videos of shopping pandemonium crowded YouTube by late Friday. One clip showed a crowd crushing and tearing apart boxes in a free-for-all for inexpensive cell phones. Another showed people flooding into a store as the gates were raised.

"This is what the human race has come to huh??" asked one person who commented online. Another said it "looked like a piranha feeding frenzy."

The instant classic of the day was a video of an Arkansas melee over a $2 waffle iron. The shaky, 48-second clip shows a mass of squealing and shouting men, women and children climbing over each other, grabbing and tossing boxes, with one woman seemingly unaware that her pants were sliding down her backside.

"Oh my God!" a woman screamed in the only sentence discernible among the high-pitched shrieks. One person commenting on the video wrote: "The pinnacle of Western Civilization has arrived."

A Walmart in Cave Creek, Arizona, was evacuated Thursday night after a suspicious package was found in an employee break room, Maricopa County Sheriff's Department spokesman Christopher Hegstrom said. A police robot retrieved the package, and bomb-sniffing dogs searched the store before it was reopened.

A video of a grandfather injured when he was knocked down by police at an Arizona Walmart went viral on YouTube. The video showed the man unconscious and bleeding from his face as police rolled him over and mopped up blood. Witnesses screamed at the police, accusing them of brutality and shouting for someone to call "911" for emergency medical assistance.

According to reports, the man was knocked down by police after putting a video game in his belt to free his hands so he could pick up his grandson as the crowd surged around them.

In the Manhattan borough of New York City, shoppers unhappy that Hollister's flagship store was not opening at midnight, as other locations were, broke into the store and stole clothing, police said.


Black Friday drew bad press and mockery outside the United States.

In Toronto, a headline on the website of the Globe and Mail proclaimed: "Pepper-spray, shootings and other Black Friday madness."

Dutch state television showed an overhead shot of hundreds of people camped outside a west coast store. "No tents from the Occupy movement here in California, but clients waiting hours until the stores open," the anchor said.

(Reporting by Barbara Goldberg in New York, Harriet McLeod in South Carolina, Joe Rauch in North Carolina, Jessica Wohl and Eric Johnson in Chicago, Aman Ali in Ohio, Mary Slosson in Colorado; Writing by Barbara Goldberg and Ben Berkowitz in New York; Editing by David Bailey and Paul Simao)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/videogames/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111126/bs_nm/us_usa_retail_violence

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রবিবার, ২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Meaghan Kirby: 'Tis The Season

I listened to music on October 18, 2011, and I liked it.There's only one reason for Halloween and Thanksgiving. I mean it's fun dressing up in a costume and getting candy and having dinner with family, but Christmas is my favorite time of year. The idea of people actually trying to be nice to each other and giving (and receiving) gifts just brings joy to my heart. The only thing I love more than Christmas and Nancy Drew books is Christmas music. Although Christmas is about two months away, I find myself listening to it. If Justin Bieber can record an album in July, I am entitled to listening to Christmas music in the privacy of my own room, since that is the agreement in my household. It's a harsh world!

Now I don't find anything wrong with listening to Christmas music, since it is a genre of music much like pop or heavy metal. If somebody wants to blare Metallica from their car, I can blast Michael Buble's Christmas CD if I choose. As long as I pay for gas, my choice in music should be up to me -- right, Katie?

I can't say what draws me to Christmas music but I distinctly remember listening to Jessica Simpson's Christmas album while driving through the winding hills of Ireland, during my second visit. In some cases, I can listen to songs that discuss the change in temperature such as "Winter Wonderland" or "Baby, It's Cold Outside." This works in my favor, especially due to the October storm that occurred right before Halloween. It almost felt right to dress up as Santa for Halloween, even though that idea fell flat among family members.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and as soon as Black Friday is upon us, I will be blasting Christmas music until I am told to stop. I look forward to the nights of listening to John Tesh giving me "Intelligence for Your Life" while driving around looking at Christmas lights. It's never to early or late to start listening.


Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/meaghan-kirby/tis-the-season_1_b_1080483.html

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Source: http://www.beststockmarketinvestment.com/2011/11/27/investing-the-stock-industry-techniques-for-everybody/

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শনিবার, ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

In Look?s iOS Geo-Tagging App, You Can Put A Bird (Or Pepper Spray Cop) On Something And Just Call It Art

photo (4)Banksy?fans, this one's for you. Imagine an iOS photo app that swaps out Instagram filters for stencils from your favorite meme or art piece, then add a little augmented reality, and you?ll get Look. Built by a couple of the developers behind Sports+ as a side project earlier this month, it?s the latest mobile app to use simple photo-editing and social features to make the world around you more interesting. After downloading Look for the first time, you log in with Facebook, then see a camera view with the ?Look? stencil overlayed on it. You can then switch to new stencils, available in the first folder at the bottom of the screen,?that include the Pepper Spraying Cop, Charlie Sheen?s ?Winning!? and a moustache for enhancing photos of your friends.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/eUimDaG7o4c/

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শুক্রবার, ২৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Rival Palestinian leaders hold Cairo meeting (AP)

CAIRO ? The long-estranged leaders of the two rival Palestinian political movements held rare talks Thursday in Cairo to try to rescue a power-sharing arrangement that has stalled over who should lead an interim unity government.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a Western-backed pragmatist, and Khaled Mashaal, chief of the Islamic militant Hamas, held their first working meeting since Hamas seized the Gaza Strip in 2007, leaving Abbas with only the West Bank. Abbas hopes to establish an independent state in both territories.

In May, the two reached an agreement in principle that called for setting up an interim unity government, holding parliamentary and presidential elections within a year and merging rival security forces.

However, talks on carrying out the agreement quickly deadlocked over who should serve as interim prime minister, with Hamas rejecting Abbas' candidate, West Bank-based Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas official, said all elements of the power-sharing agreement were on the table Thursday. After meeting one-on-one for about 90 minutes, the leaders were joined by their delegations, Barhoum said.

Some Abbas aides have suggested the Palestinian president is ready to sacrifice Fayyad, a political independent who is popular in the West, in order to move a unity deal forward. The interim government is to be made up of technocrats without clear political affiliation.

Even if progress is made Thursday towards forming a government, it appears unlikely the two sides can go through with all aspects of the agreement.

Abbas would face a Western backlash ? and possibly the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in international aid ? for merging his security forces with those of the widely shunned Hamas. Neither the Islamists nor Abbas' Fatah movement seem eager to risk their current positions of power in elections.

At the same time, the political split is deeply unpopular among Palestinians, and public pressure is a key reason why Abbas and Mashaal are trying to heal it. Regionwide changes over the past few months, including the failure to resume meaningful Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, have given an additional push toward reconciliation.


Associated Press writer Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City, Gaza contributed reporting.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mideast/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111124/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_palestinians_reconciliation

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EU court: Countries can't impose Internet filters

(AP) ? An EU court says Internet service providers cannot be required to install filters that would prevent the illegal downloading of files.

The ruling is a blow to artists who had sought to have their intellectual property rights protected that way.

SABAM, a Belgian company representing writers, composers and editors, established in 2004 that users of an Internet service provider called Scarlet Extended SA were illegally transferring files. A Belgian court ordered Scarlet to install at its own expense a system to make that impossible.

But the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled Thursday that this would require monitoring of all electronic communications of all of Scarlet's customers, infringing on their rights, and violated EU law.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2011-11-24-EU-Belgium-Internet-Filters/id-625ff1b154c945e38d500313483b9148

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বুধবার, ২৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Office holiday parties 2011: Tamer, less booze

Getty Images stock

For some workers, the office holiday party is a scaled-back affair.

By Martha C. White

The company holiday party is slowly returning, but its new incarnation reflects the lingering effects of the recession on corporate America: This year's parties will be smaller, more casual and less boozy.

"There used to be a lot more lavish alcohol displays ? things like martini luges where you would pour alcohol into the top of an elaborate ice carving and it would land in your glass," said Todd Fiscus, owner of Todd Events, which has produced events for clients ranging from Gatorade to Jay-Z. In a sign of the times, he says, companies today are more likely to?host a Western-themed "hoedown" instead of a black-tie blowout.?

According to outplacement consultancy?Challenger, Gray & Christmas, 68 percent of companies will hold a holiday party this year, roughly flat with last year and up six percentage points from 2009, when the economy and holiday party bookings were at a trough.

As 2011 winds down, companies have more reason to celebrate: Most have come through the worst of the economic downturn and are setting their sights on 2012. They're shifting their focus from survival to motivating and retaining their remaining employees.?

"Companies in the recession were fighting for survival, and they cut back on a lot of things," said Challenger CEO John Challenger. "That loosened the ties that people have to the company. Now they're in the process of carefully trying to win back some of that loyalty or at least commitment they lost when times were tough."

The financial crisis that began in September 2008 brought many companies' holiday party plans to a screeching halt. Many canceled because they couldn't afford a bash or because layoffs and other austerity measures made the prospect of a party look unseemly or irresponsible.

"It's?really hard to justify a holiday event in the aftermath of layoffs," said Richard Coughlan, associate professor of management at the University of Richmond. "The remaining employees will think, 'What are the priorities of the firm?'"

Even companies where lavish events were the norm bowed to the pressure. Investment bank Goldman Sachs, which canceled its holiday party in 2008, upped the ante in 2009 with an edict that employees were not allowed to gather in groups of a dozen or more for dinner on the company dime.

Coughlan said cost is still the main consideration that dictates the where, when and whether-or-not of a corporate holiday party. "We're seeing a lot more companies deciding to hold the parties not at some ritzy venue, but many of them are doing them at their headquarters," which can save a lot of money, he said.

Some businesses?are switching from nighttime to daytime events and forgoing a band or DJ in favor of a school band or choir performing Christmas carols. Fiscus said some companies are bringing back the holiday party ? but only for top executives. ?

Alcohol is another area targeted by still-frugal managers. According to a survey conducted by outplacement consulting firm?Amrop Battalia Winston, nearly a quarter of all holiday parties this year won't include anything stronger than soft drinks. That's down three percentage points from last year and is a far cry from 2000, when 90 percent of holiday parties featured booze. At parties where employees can still get their drink on, they may have to choose from only beer and wine or a limited selection of cocktails rather than a full bar.?

Some companies are spending as much as they were before the recession, but these expenditures are camouflaged.?Conspicuous consumption is still out of favor, which means jettisoning the champagne bar and crystal-studded decor, Fiscus said. The menu might be enchiladas and chicken-fried steak instead of filet mignon and shrimp,?but the company might make up for that by booking a terrific band.

"Instead of making it a winter fantasy party ? they might make it a party where everybody could wear jeans," he said. "It's not that they necessarily spent less, but the party feels different."?

"There's no flowing champagne and caviar," said?Dale Winston, Amrop's chairwoman and CEO.?"Even the companies that are doing well are sensitive to the period of austerity that's going on in the country. It's a sign of the times."

Is your employer throwing a holiday party this year?


Source: http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/18/8882286-ho-ho-ho-hum-companies-throwing-cheaper-tamer-holiday-parties

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মঙ্গলবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Overheard at the 39th annual American Music Awards

(AP) ? Overheard at the 39th annual American Music Awards, presented Sunday at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles:

? "We've never won an American Music Award, and it's wonderful to be acknowledged for our music. It's very sharp, though, so we'll have to be careful around the house." ? Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine backstage on the pyramid-shaped AMA trophy.

? "We just want to say thank you to the fans. It starts and ends with you and we just love you very, very much." ? Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum as she accepted the band's prize for favorite country band, duo or group.

? "Just chase your dreams. I never thought this could be possible. Shout out to all the female rappers, past present and future." ? Nicki Minaj, who beat out Lil Wayne, Kanye West and Jay-Z to win favorite hip-hop album for "Pink Friday."

"Heavy had a huge effect on all of us. He was inspiring and optimistic. He just always told us or gave us great advice. He always wanted us to do good. He was like a father figure for us." ? Mary J. Blige backstage on Heavy D, who died unexpectedly earlier this month and whom Blige honored on stage with her performance.

? "I just want to thank my family most of all, my beautiful babies, who just inspire me every day to be a better person." ? Jennifer Lopez accepting the award for favorite Latin music artist.

? "I think the two of us should just get on TV and let our hair fight each other." ? Pompadour-ed presenter Robin Thicke backstage on fellow fluffy-haired singer, Bruno Mars, who was named favorite male pop/rock artist.

? "This is like one of the craziest things that has ever happened to me." ? Taylor Swift accepting the award for artist of the year.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/4e67281c3f754d0696fbfdee0f3f1469/Article_2011-11-21-American%20Music%20Awards-Quotes/id-a47df4660bdb4b50a89260c71bcf8143

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সোমবার, ২১ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/newslatest/~3/h2HnTRwqI4I/6707.html

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Financier Theodore Forstmann dies (AP)

NEW YORK ? Theodore J. Forstmann, a longtime financier who counted the iconic baseball card company Topps and business jet company Gulfstream Aerospace among his buyouts, died Sunday at the age of 71.

The cause was brain cancer, according to a statement from sports agency IMG. Forstmann was the chairman and CEO of IMG and was the senior founding partner of the investment firm Forstmann Little & Co. Forstmann Little bought IMG in 2004.

Forstmann Little, which was founded in 1978, also completed leveraged buyouts of companies including the cable TV technology company General Instrument, Yankee Candle, beverage company Dr. Pepper and Community Health Systems. Overall, the investment firm said, Forstmann made 31 acquisitions and returned more than $15 billion to investors over the last 33 years.

Forstmann was also a philanthropist with a focus on helping disadvantaged children throughout the world. He co-founded the Children's Scholarship Fund.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111120/ap_on_sp_ot/us_obit_forstmann

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রবিবার, ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Money Moves You Should Make Now to Pay Less in Taxes (or Get a Bigger Refund) Next Year [Taxes]

Money Moves You Should Make Now to Pay Less in Taxes (or Get a Bigger Refund) Next YearFew people like thinking about taxes, especially when we can be thinking about holiday shopping sprees and feasts, but a few smart financial tactics now can pay big in a few months. The deadline's fast approaching, though. Before December 31, try these year-end tax-saving tricks.

The basic strategy for paying less taxes and maximizing your tax refund is twofold: 1) decrease your income and 2) increase your deductions. Here are some ways you do both so you'll get a lower tax bill come April 15:

First, Estimate Next Year's Tax Burden

Use a tax estimator, like TurboTax's free TaxCaster, to see you how much you can expect to owe or get back from Uncle Sam next year. The exercise of finding and adding up all the line items will show you whether itemizing your deductions will pay off more than the standard tax deduction, and also help you spot areas where you can spend more to save more.

For example, miscellaneous itemized deductions such as unreimbursed employee expenses are limited to 2% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). (Tax estimators can help you figure out your AGI or your can refer to the previous year's AGI on your tax return, if your income and financial situation hasn't changed much.) Tallying those possible deductions up now and estimating your taxes will help you see if you're close to meeting that 2% minimum?in which case, buy all the stuff that would qualify as miscellaneous deductions now (professional membership dues, tools or supplies used for work, work clothes, etc.)?or nowhere near that minimum?in which case, hold those expenses until next year.

Decrease Your Income for This Year

Don't worry, you won't be making less money, you'll just be shifting your income to next year or using your income more wisely.

  • Ask your employer to pay any bonuses next January instead of at the end of the year.
  • If you're a freelancer, similarly, defer billing your clients for work until the start of the next year.
  • If you're retired, postpone an IRA withdrawal, since that counts as taxable income.
  • Thinking about selling a stock or other investment? If the investment had taxable gains, wait to sell it until next year.
  • Increase your 401(k) or IRA contributions (deductible IRA, Simple IRA, or SEP). These tax-favored retirement vehicles lower your taxable income. You have until Dec. 31 for 401(k) contributions.

Increase Your Deductions for This Year

On the flip side, you'll want to spend towards all the things that decrease your taxes. If itemizing your deductions makes more sense than taking the standard deduction:

  • Make a cash donation or take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of clothes clutter or other items and donate them (get receipts for $250 or more).
  • Pay bills with deductible items early. For example, if you pay your January mortgage in December or first quarter property taxes now, you can deduct the interest and taxes on this year's tax bill.
  • Sell some stocks. Have a stock or fund you've been meaning to sell that's plummeting and will generate a loss? Sell it now so you can deduct the loss. Note, however, that this strategy should be taken with a grain of salt?don't just sell a security for one year's tax savings. There are many things to think about when it comes to investing and maximizing your taxes; check out Smart Money's article on year-end tax planning for some other considerations.
  • Buy more tax-deductible supplies or equipment. If you run your own business, e.g., as a freelancer, increase your deductions by buying more stuff this year (yay, office supply shopping and computer purchases!).
  • Enroll in?and pay for?that higher education class now, so you can take IRS's learning credits ($2,500 for the American Opportunity Credit or $2,000 for the Lifetime Learning Credit).

Also check your unreimbursed medical expenses. If they're close to or more than 7.5% of your AGI, now's the time to have that major dental work, buy several pairs of eyeglasses, or stock up on meds.

Finally, if you have an Flexible Savings Account (FSA) , make sure you drain it by the end of the year.

The IRS has a couple of other year-end tax-saving tips, including getting a tax credit for adopting a child, but a rush adoption before Jan. 1 isn't as much of a smart financial move as buying more office supplies or increasing your IRA contribution.

What are you doing now to prepare for next year's tax bill (if anything)?

Photo by iQoncept / Shuttertock .

You can follow or contact Melanie Pinola, the author of this post, on Twitter or Google+.

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/bc9mV_sI_ro/money-moves-you-should-make-now-to-pay-less-taxes-or-get-a-bigger-refund-next-year

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Rob Kardashian Celebrates with Tequila Don Julio 70

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শনিবার, ১৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Finance Watch announces new staff hires | Finance Watch

18 November 2011: Finance Watch today announces that Beno?t Lallemand and Fr?d?ric Hache have been appointed as Senior Research analysts, and Sylvie Delassus has been appointed Head of Operations.

Finance Watch is a non-profit public interest association dedicated to making finance work for the good of society.

Beno?t Lallemand has 10 years? experience in the clearing and settlement industry, most recently as a steering committee coordinator and senior internal consultant at Euroclear. He is an expert in market infrastructure and a specialist in asset servicing and data reporting.?? Beno?t also has roots in the NGO world as a founding-member of ATTAC-Bruxelles.

Fr?d?ric Hache has 12 years? investment and commercial banking experience and joins from the foreign exchange derivatives desk of BNP Paribas, where he was a specialist in structured transactions. He has also worked at Credit Suisse in London and KBC Bank in Paris, after training in corporate treasury.

Sylvie Delassus has more than 20 years? experience including 11 years in senior operations roles, with experience in start-up structures. She has applied her organisation skills in different environments, including the non-profit sector where she has been in charge of the fund-raising of Institut Pasteur in Paris.

?I am delighted to welcome our new joiners today, who bring the Finance Watch team to seven people. Fr?d?ric and Beno?t?s knowledge and experience from the world of finance and Sylvie?s expertise in operations and fund-raising will make Finance Watch more effective in its mission to bring the public interest into the debate over financial reform,? said Thierry Philipponnat, Finance Watch Secretary General.

Full press release

Source: http://www.finance-watch.org/2011/11/finance-watch-announces-new-staff-hires/

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